The Farm - Part 1: Taco Teusday

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When he woke up, he let out a nice yawn. He then remembered a certain spell from Crescenta's chapter. He picked up his wand and pointed it at his own face.

"Industria Capulus."

Magic blasted his face, fully restoring his mental energy. It was like taking a cup of coffee. On magic steroids.

He jumped out of bed, changed his outfit, and paid a quick visit to Earth. He came back with a bunch of bags from Britta's Tacos. He wanted to blow the minds of the Mewmans with some delicious fast food. After all, according to both Festivia and Comet, food and fun was a great way to get people on your side.

This started with getting a little help. He opened up a few tacos, set them up on a plate, and waited. It didn't take long for Ivory to enter the tent, cautiously looking around, and then approaching the plate.

She picked up a taco, trying to figure out what it was before hesitantly taking a bite. She paused for a moment, taking in the flavors before taking another bite. It was different! Unique! And it didn't taste at all like corn! Aster then jumped out.

"Aha!" - A

"Eep!" - Ivory

She dropped the taco and put her hands up.

"I-I can explain! I just smelled the delicious food, a-and I couldn't resist! Please forgive me!" - Ivory

"Pfft, calm down. I'm not mad. In fact, I'll give you more.~" - A

He said, dangling a taco in front of her, which she began to reach for before pulling it away.

"If you do something for me." - A

She then looked curious before covering her chest.

"I-I didn't think master would be so perverted..." - Ivory

"What? No! I want you to gather up all the farmers and set up a couple of tables for them near the tents. Think you can manage?" - A

"Mm...yes! I can!" - Ivory

"Perfect. Here. Now run along and deliver the message! This shall be the beginning of a new holiday! Taco Tuesday!" - A

He grinned as Ivory did a soldier salute and accepted her tacos before leaving. Aster then spent the next couple of hours working on a spell to speed things up. When it was ready, he cut down a couple of trees, moved them near a field close to the tents, and chanted a spell.

"Vertere lignum in tabulis et cathedris."

His wand shot a blast of green magic which levitated all the logs into the air before carving them down into a bunch of tables and chairs. He then used Levitato to move them all into position.

He also didn't let the two royal guards stand by and do nothing but watch. He bribed them with tacos to help set up the chairs and clear away any extra wood. When Ivory returned, he helped her set up table cloths and plates.

By the time they were done, a small army of farmers had gathered around and looked confused. Aster cast a quick spell to make his voice loud enough for all to hear.

"Please! Take a seat! Today, we all eat together! Royal, guard, and farmer! To enjoy the delicious food that it, the taco!" - A

He used Levitato to present them all with a bunch of tacos, their delicious scent hitting their noses. Some of them began to drool. It didn't take long for all of them to begin sitting down and eating the tacos.

Once they got a taste, they couldn't have enough. Aster ended up making multiple trips to Britta's Tacos just to keep them all satisfied. And when they were, he cast another spell.

"Facere speciem."

An illusion appeared behind Avery. As he began to explain the crop rotation method, composting, and fertilizer, the illusion provided images that helped them understand. After all, the farmers of Mewni weren't exactly scholars.

He even had Ivory help explain to people who had a harder time understanding. He then laid out a plan he came up with for them to plant various types of vegetables and make a composting and fertilizer system to aid its growth.

By the time he finished, a few hours had passed. He then sent out the farmers to get to work. They'd harvest the corn, and anything rotted or unsellable would be used for compost for the barren fields.

This plan would take months to see any type of developments. And during those months, he would do a few things.

For one, he began trying to use his magic on a smaller or more controlled scale. Such as controlling multiple objects at once with Levitato, or creating various non-combat spells.

He began to teach Ivory English. Which she was picking up pretty quickly. He managed to get her a few books on English, too. Once she could read, he would consider teaching her even more. For now, he'd have to wait for her to prove her loyalty.

The guards, Thunder & Lightning, weren't ignored either. He gave them a bunch of new training methods for them to do whenever he was busy. It mostly consisted of three things. Stamina training, muscle building, and combat training.

For combat, he'd cast a quick spell on a few scarecrows to bring them to life. Then he'd make them a few swords to use against the guards. He'd have them simulate group battles or fighting against their own styles so they could improve.

As for the farmers, he was...getting used to them. They lacked the manners, etiquette, and proper way of speaking he'd grown up with. And yet, they were closer than most nobles he'd ever met. They were always so political, and could never be fully trusted, even if they were family. But for these farmers, family was everything. He was...almost envious...

He had a wand that could do anything. And yet, he couldn't make something as simple as a loving family. Well, he could, but that probably wouldn't end very well.

In regards to things in Echo Creek, he'd only buy from Britta's Tacos whenever the farmers had made another achievement. He didn't want them to fatten up or get too used to it.

Before he knew it, three months had passed.

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