King of the ShadowKhan - Part 1: A New Quest?

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Aster was currently in Hong Kong, specifically on the little island that was home to Shendu's palace. He wanted to perform a few tests, just to see if it was possible to force the structure to appear for him, and possibly even access whatever dimension Shendu kept his dragons in.

But he found nothing but regular old dirt, with not a single trace of the palace. He could bring Shendu's statue here, but that was risky. Who knows what tricks that old lizard has up his sleeve...

However, the area was not devoid of magic. It was like there was a very faint trace of magic in the ground. So he started to focus on his magic sense, slowly following the magic to one spot in the ground.

He used his super strength to punch the ground hard enough to crack it before pulling apart the large chunks of dirt, and eventually found a chest. And when he opened it, he found the strangest looking mask he'd ever seen...
Aster had brought the mask back to HEROES island where he and Uncle were studying the mask in Uncle's magic research room. None of Uncle's books mentioned anything about a mask like this, or how it was connected to Shendu. But when Tohru, who was running late, came into the room, he immediately screamed.

"Oni!" - Tohru

He said, looking fearful.

"You...recognize this thing?" - A

"Of course! My mother used to tell me stories about the wicked Oni generals." - Tohru

He said, hiding behind the door while watching the mask like a hawk.

"Okay, calm down and explain everything." - A

He said, turning the mask invisible with the Snake so Tohru would be less frightened.

Apparently, long ago, before even the age of Shendu, Tarakudo ruled Japan with his nine generals and their nine clans of ShadowKhan, with each clan having their own unique trait.

Tarakudo and his generals were eventually defeated, with the nine generals having their power sealed within nine masks, and Tarakudo entering a long slumber. He may only return if all nine of his masks are gathered, or if someone awakens him.

"Okay, so to get this knew all along what the ShadowKhan were, and just never said anything?" - A

"I thought you knew." - Tohru

He shrugged. Aster sighed. This was the talismán hunt all over again...

"Okay, but is there any way for us to track the masks? Because we can't just have them potentially be sitting in a costume shop or something." - A

Tohru thought for a moment, thinking of the old legends his mom used to tell him.

"Well...there are the Hana Fuda Cards. They were said to be able to find the masks." - Tohru

"Okay, Uncle, I'm gonna cast a quick spell on you so you can read Japanese. We are not leaving this room till we figure out what happened to those cards." - A

He said, creating a portal to a library in Japan and borrowing a few books on mythology really quick. They spent the whole night studying until they found a lead.

Apparently the cards in a holy shrine in the Japanese city of Matsue. But when Aster visited the location, it had been replaced with a car factory. Rather than giving up, Aster put on some magic makeup and phased through the ground.

He spent about thirty minutes wandering through the ground until he reached the old temple, which was now fully buried. The cards were still safely stored behind a glass case.

He grabbed them and returned to Uncle's magic research room before calling a meeting to present his friends with their first official mission.

He was going to split the heroes into teams of three to find and contain a mask, with the Hana Fuda Cards providing the locations. Each mask would be delivered to Aster, who would then place them in separate but secure locations across the world and beyond. As for the teams themselves.

Alpha Team: Jackie, Uncle, Tohru. They'd be going to Tokyo, Japan.

Bravo Team: Xu Lin, Cade, Viper. They'd be going to San Fransokyo, California.

Charlie Team: Caster, Kim, Ron. Cascade Range, Pacific NorthWest.

Delta Team: Gill, Will Du, Hak Foo. They'd be heading to the Pacific Ocean.

Echo Team: Alpha, Beta, Charlie (formerly the Bebes). They would be heading to a rock tower in Mexico.

FoxTrot Team: C Team (minus Cade). They'd be going to an antique dealership in New Jersey.

Golf Team: Aster. He'd be going to a a bayou somewhere in South America.

Hotel Team: Gantu, Stitch, Lilo. They would be going to the bottom of the ocean to retrieve the mask off a ship with special scuba suits made by Jumba.

Note: King was forbidden was going on the mission because Aster was convinced he'd wear a mask as a joke and be possessed or something.
After using his portals to send everyone on their way, minus Caster and his team, he focused on the mask he currently had.

He was able to identify it as Rairakku's mask, master of the NinjaKhan he was so familiar with. If the books were accurate, and so far they were, Shendu should've been possessed by the spirit Rairakku the moment he put the mask on to use its power.

But instead, Shendu was somehow connected to the mask and able to summon the NinjaKhan freely while avoiding possession. Aster was both fascinated and puzzled.

He considered questioning Shendu, but he'd only try to bargain for his freedom or lie. Asmodeus also apparently knew the masks existed, but didn't know how Shendu did it.

So Aster was stuck with just trying to experiment with the mask, trying to figure out how to access its power.

If he could control all the clans, he would be able to send them all over the world and reduce crime significantly. Of course, he would need an absurd amount of magic to do such a thing. So that was off the menu for now.

But even so, being able to summon shadow minions to fight on his behalf was helpful...

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