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Aster didn't know what to get Sensei as a birthday present. So he got him a bunch of random stuff from Mewni. One of them was bound to make him happy. They had just been dropped off outside Sensei's house by Marco's parents.

"Come on! I don't wanna miss the cake!" - M

"Okay, okay." - A

He said while using Levitato to carry the gifts to the backyard. He then looked around to see the entire backyard had been transformed into a kid's perfect birthday party. There was a small skate ramp, a bouncy castle, a stage, people grilling food, etc.

"Man, I'm kinda jealous. I never got this stuff when I was a kid." - A

"But you're a prince?" - M

"Yeah, but Mewni isn't as advanced as Earth. So I never got any of this stuff." - A

He said as they began to walk around in search of Sensei. They found him riding a bike on the skate ramp.

"Wow, you're really... Sensei-tional." - A

Aster just...stared in disappointment. Marco awkwardly coughed.

"Thanks, guys. But you ain't seen nothing yet! The great Presto Chango is performing at my party!" - SB

"...who?" - A

"You've never heard of Presto Chango?" - M

"If I had, why would I be asking?" - A

"Oh...well, he's a magician." - M

"A literal one or...?" - A

"He's not actually magic. He's just an entertainer." - M

"Okay, good." - A

He said. He wasn't sure just how many magic users existed on Earth so he had to check. Everybody began to gather around the grill as a sausage started to float and shake.

"Gasp He has arrived..." - SB

"" - A

Aster was a bit skeptical about whether or not that was real magic...but maybe they set it up beforehand?...

The grill released a burst of flames as Presto appeared. He was a little finger man with a top hat. He threw glitter on the guests

"Presto Chango!" - PC

Everybody cheered happily, and even Marco clapped. They watched as Presto performed a small party trick on Sensei that made him happy.

And for a split second, Aster could've sworn he saw a golden orb get sucked out of Sensei and into Presto's mouth, causing Sensei to cry a little.

"Let's go get a closer look!" - M

"Are you sure...he's not actually magic?" - A

He asked cautiously as they approached. Presto kept performing magic tricks on a whole new level, such as pulling out a massive coin from a kid's ear. He then sucked out the golden balls out of the kid, his sibling, his mom, and even Marco. All four of them teared up.

'I'm not seeing things!' - A

He was certain about it. The light only appeared for a brief second, but he was sure he saw it. He kept watching Presto perform tricks and seemingly make people sad. And everytime he did, his hat got bigger. Aster confronted him.

"Hi! I'm Aster, I work with the Magical High Commission. I just wanted to kindly ask, what the fuck are you doing to these guests?" - A

"I'm sorry? I'm a magician. And please, there are children around." - PC

He said before walking off to do more party tricks. Aster went up to Marco and began to explain how Presto Chango was a magic user.

Marco didn't believe him and went up to Presto for a trick. Presto impressed him and proceeded to do it again, making Marco sad for a moment. Aster got between Presto and Marco.

"That's it, you little gremlin. You're coming with me!" - A

Before he could grab Presto, Sensei got in the way.

"What's going on?" - SB

"He's some kind of soul sucker!" - A

"Aster, he's just doing his job. Please let the poor man do his job." - SB

He said while taking Presto elsewhere. Aster was fuming as he turned to Marco.

"Marco, have I ever lied to you about magic?" - A

"No, but-" - M

"Why would I start now? If you trust me, then believe me when I say that man isn't normal." - A

He said with absolute certainty. Marco stared at him before sighing.

"Okay, I believe you. But if your hunch is wrong..." - M

"You can rub it in my face all you want. Come on." - A

He and Marco followed after Presto and Sensei. They found Presto feeding on Sensei's joy, repeatedly sucking the golden light out of him and leaving Sensei in tears.

"Wind Blast." - A

He pointed his wand at Presto. It shot a concentrated blast of wind at him, knocking him away from Sensei and into a wall. Marco ran up to Sensei.

"Are you okay?" - M

"N-no more magic?" - SB

Aster came up to Presto and put his foot on Presto's chest.

"What the hell did you do to him?" - A

"Okay! Okay! Look, I'm a JoySucker. I can't feel joy, so I suck it from others after I perform a few tricks for them! It's harmless!" - PC

"Yeah, on the outside. But it's not yours to steal! Ask first, you creep! Did you even see how much you stole from Sensei?" - A

"Come on! He had plenty to spare!" - PC

"Whatever. You're coming with me." - A

"B-but I have to do the grand finale! This kid's been waiting for years for me to finally do his party! Atleast let me make it up to him?" - PC

Aster considered it before sighing.

"Alright. Presto Chango will do his grand finale. But you won't." - A

He knocked out Presto with his wand and then threw him into Mewni prison. He used a couple of spells to disguise himself as Presto and went on stage.

He used his wandless magic to put on quite a show. Sure, it wasn't any of the usual magic tricks, but it was still better than Presto's. He was happy to see Sensei happy. And after the party, he undid the disguise.

He stayed for the cake and the presents before leaving early. He wanted to check on Presto. He was trying to escape.

Aster thought about what to do with him. He could keep him locked up forever, or try to reform him, or throw him into the Forest of Certain Death and see what happens...

'Eh, I'll just put him in an indefinite hold until I have a plan for him.' - A

He said as he left, leaving behind a very angry, and hungry, Presto Chango...

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now