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Marco navigated the desert. Sweat formed on his forehead as he dragged his body along the hot sand, his stomach growling with hunger.

"Stop being dramatic." - A

He said as he and Pony walked right by him.

"But this is the twelfth dimension we've looked through! We're never gonna find it! And I'm hungry..." - M

"I promised you that GoblinDog. And I'm gonna get you to it." - A

"Is it even that good?" - M

"Yeah, Pony told me it blew her mind." - A

"Uh-huh! It was amazing! Way better than anything on earth." - P

She said as they kept moving until they reached a cliff. At the bottom was a massive amount of people, all waiting in lines for...the Goblin Dog Truck!

"Finally!" - M

"My friend Kelly is saving us a spot." - P

She said as she used magic to pull out her mini-mirror phone and call Kelly. It took an hour but they finally found her among the various long lines full of all sorts of people. Aster saw humanoid animals, stone golems,  wizards, etc.

When they reached Kelly, Marco was a bit...confused. She looked like a bunch of blue hair with human legs and eyes.

"Thanks, girl." - P

She said as they joined her in the line, which upset some of the other people. Especially people behind them.

"Hi, I'm Marco." - M

He tried introducing himself to Kelly, who just...stared.

"...okay, um..." - M

He went to talk to Aster.

"Are these hotdogs really that good?" - M

"They're not just hotdogs, Marco. They're Goblin Dogs. They're so good, that it's how my dad made my mom fall in love with him. I've got to try one." - A

"Hm...seems like a long line though..." - M

He said while looking around for a faster route. Nearby was a VIIBP line, which he dragged them to. The goblin there agreed to sneak them in, only for them to find out it stood for 'Very Interested In Buying Products.'

They had to return to their original line, at the very back. But Aster had enough. He would get Marco that Goblin Dog...

He raised his wand, releasing a bright light to get the attention of everyone near them.

"I am Aster! I am one of you. I also sought the legendary Goblin Dog. But I don't think any of us is going to get it! These goblins have us all waiting in endless lines! But there's no way in hell they can feed this many people with one food truck! If we unite, we could take the truck and ensure everyone gets a Goblin Dog! To battle!" - A

He said as people began to see the logic in his speech. There was silence for a moment before a small koala girl with a battle axe raised her weapon.

"To battle!" - Koala

She said before charging towards the nearest staff member. It was a matter of minutes before the small army of various creatures in the lines began to turn into a raging mob.

Aster, Marco, and Kelly began riding on Pony to avoid getting trampled.

"Head for the Taco Truck!" - A

He said to Pony as she nodded, maneuvering around all the goblin staff trying to catch them.

"You ungrateful beasts!!" - Goblin

An employee in the truck said as he signaled for all the goblin staff around the truck to begin to open fire. All their T-Shirt cannons began going off, bringing down various noble warriors. Even Kelly got hit, causing her to fall off Pony and disappear into the raging mob.

"Kellyyyyyy!" - P

"She'd want us to keep going!" - A

Pony nodded as they got closer and closer to the truck until they got close enough to see the employees getting into the truck as they pushed a button. It sprouted mechanical wings and small magic fueled jets on the bottom activated as it flew into the air and then landed on top of the cliff, leaving the raging mob with no way to get to it in time.

"You're not escaping so easily. Nubes summonitionem!" - A

He said as he summoned a cloud under Pony that began to float them up to the top of the cliff. Pony then jumped off once she was close enough, and charged right at the cashier, her horn aimed at his neck.

"Hand over the Dogs." - A

He aimed his wand as well. Marco put up his fists.

"Haha! You've done it! You passed!" - Goblin

"...passes what?" - M

"The test!" - Goblin

He said as he hopped out of the truck. Pony backed up as the employee grabbed the kitchen and mustard and began to draw some kind of large glyph circle on the ground.

While he did that, Kelly showed up again.

"Kelly! You're alive!" - P

"What? Why would you think she's dead?" - A

Pony shrugged. The circle was finally completed and glowed as it teleported them all to some kind of secret dimension. They were in the temple, with a plate of hot dogs in front of them.

"Finally-!" - M

He reached for the hot dogs, only for the goblin employee to slap his hand away.

"Not yet!" - Goblin

He picked up the plate and put it into a microwave installed into the wall. He set it to 3 minutes and they just kinda...waited. It was a little awkward since they'd started a whole revolution against these guys just a minute ago.

But once it was done, they were finally able to have them. All of them took a bite at the same time.

"...this just tastes like a normal hot dog-" - M

He said before his eyes widened. Marco, Pony, Aster, and Kelly all began to experience a euphoric feeling that transcended space and time.

If there was a heaven, it existed in the Goblin Dogs. The experience lasted for about twenty minutes before ending. The goblin employee then gave them a coupon for their next Goblin Dog and sent them back.

Once back in the desert dimension, Aster used his magic to recreate the Goblin Dogs (just this once) and give them out to all the people who'd waited days, possible even years, to get them. Sure, they might not have passed the test of worthiness, but their patience was truly admirable.

Marco and Aster then returned home, with Aster ready to write down a new spell in his chapter of the Book of Spells and Marco ready to try and make something similar to a Goblin Dog. His cooking would not stop until he achieved that level of culinary skill!

And so began Marco's journey into the world of magical cooking...

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