Androids - Part 2: Purpose

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Aster was thrilled that the first batches of androids were completed. But now, he'd have to get approval from his mother to convince her to let him implement them into the kingdom.

Getting a meeting with his mom wasn't hard since she was almost always willing to make time for him.

So, during the evening, he entered the throne room and used Levitato to pull a bunch of androids into the room, all of which were covered with a sheet. Moon looked curious.

"What is this about, Aster?" - Moon

"Ahem. I have successfully created the future of our kingdom. I present to you, androids!" - A

He pulled the sheets off. Underneath was a completed Android of each variation. Moon, her advisors, and the royal guards in the room observed with curious expressions.

"Are those the guards from St Olga's?" - Moon

"Yes! But I've repurposed them, and even enhanced them to be better. Each of them serves a unique purpose." - A

He went on to explain each of the androids. Moon expressed her concerns. Such as how the Ravens might invade the privacy of their people, or that the Tanks might accidentally hurt someone. And most of all, she was concerned about The Queen rebelling.

Aster assured her that the Ravens could always be improved as time went on to ensure that they wouldn't invade people's privacy. And if they did invade someone's privacy and record them unnecessarily, they'd delete the recording.

The Tanks were programmed to only get aggressive towards those committing illegal acts, and only attack towards violent criminals.

As for The Queen, he told her about the numerous loyalty programs he'd installed. As well as all the back up plans, which included, but not limited to, being able to shut down The Queen with voice commands, and putting a self destruct command in her code.

This eased Moon's worries, for the most part. But as a leader, she still needed to be cautious for the sake of her people. She reluctantly gave permission to begin implementing them in a village as a test, which Aster happily agreed to.

He used magic in combination with his Dimensional Scissors to return to the same village that he implemented the new farming techniques. The village was much different than before.

It had blossomed from a village to a town, with nearly triple the amount of people than before. They had a whole market dedicated to selling and transporting the crops that Aster had brought over from Earth. He was happy to see his investment here had paid off.

He had a brief meeting with the mayor to inform him about the new changes. He was initially hesitant to accept it, but Aster's ideas had proven beneficial before. So he agreed.

Aster opened up a portal right to Pixtopia, allowing The Queen and a bunch of androids to come through. The Queen looked like a Mewman young girl, for now, atleast. Aster couldn't exactly be seen walking around with a significantly older woman for no reason. But if they saw him with a younger girl, they might assume they're engaged, or that she's a princess from another kingdom.

 But if they saw him with a younger girl, they might assume they're engaged, or that she's a princess from another kingdom

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The Queen put up her hand, allowing a Raven to perch on it. She then looked around the mayor's office curiously, analyzing everything around her. She then saw Aster and respectfully kneeled.

Aster smiled, seeing that his loyalty program had worked. He then decided to see just how intelligent she really was.

"You can stand. And please, have a seat." - A

Queen nodded as she sat across from Aster and the mayor.

"This is Mayor Vanheim. He rules over this town. I'd like you to try to ease his concerns about you and the other androids." - A

"What is there to be concerned about?" - Q

"Well, for one, I'm unsure if your subordinates would be able to properly differentiate between normal and criminal behavior." - Vanheim

"Each of them have been allowed to absorb data crystals filled with knowledge on Mewman law and proper punishments. Should any of them step out of line, I can handle it myself." - Q

"Hm...what about the people? What if they antagonize the androids? They won't be as accepting as me." - Vanheim

"Once they see how helpful they can be, they'll learn to atleast tolerate them." - Q

"What if they fear you'll rebel, and try to take Mewni for yourselves?" - Vanheim

"None of them are as capable as I am when it comes to personal thoughts and desires. But I assure you, I have no intent on disobeying my creator's commands. As long as he does not order me to,  I will not harm a single innocent Mewman." - Q

She said, making the subtle suggestion that she does not serve Mewni, only Aster.

"And if he did turn traitor?" - Vanheim

He said with a hint of anxiousness.

"Then i'd aid him in his quest. But the chances of him rebelling would be incredibly low. He's already the heir, and the public has started to see him more positively because of his past accomplishments. The throne is almost entirely secured. It's just a matter of patience." - Q

"Mm..." - Vanheim

Aster sat quietly this whole time. He felt very proud of Queen. Her intelligence really did meet his standards and he was curious what she'd be capable of in the future...
With the mayor's approval, they held a small meeting to inform the townspeople of what the new androids would be doing. Many were wary, while a few were straight up outraged and feared that these androids would take their jobs.

But Aster reassured them that Mewman guards would always have a place here, as well as in the capital. The androids were superior physically, yes. But only a Mewman guard could truly connect and help the civilians.

Aster then strategized with Queen for a while. They were trying to figure out the best place to station each android. The Ravens would fly around in a rotation, observing the entire town and only stopping if they noticed anything strange.

The guards would be stationed around the important areas, such as the Mayor's house/office, the market, farms, etc.

The few tanks would be placed around every entrance/exit to the village.

The wolves would stay hidden and lay dormant in areas around the village and only activate once Queen decided they were needed.

As for Queen, she'd be staying with Aster in the mayor's house.

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