Hawaii Adventures - Part 1: Little Beast

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Aster had been...feeling pretty lost. His entire life was a lie. His history, his family, his culture...

He felt like a fraud. He wasn't sure what was true anymore. The last few weeks, he'd just been hiding away in his office at Section Thirteen. His friends were the only things that helped him feel better...

However, something odd happened while he was playing a game, he heard the agents outside his office running around and panicking about something. He went out to check what was going on.

"Black! What the hell is happening?" - A

He asked as he saw agents using every computer and running around while delivering paperwork and making phone calls la

"One of our agents saw a green asteroid land in the Hawaiian islands. The energy signals that came off it are unlike anything we've ever seen. It could be-" - Black

"An alien? At this point, I wouldn't be surprised...look, keep the government busy. I'll personally go handle it. We don't want to start an intergalactic war." - A

He said jokingly, but Black was taking it deathly seriously.

"I'll do what I can. But it's only a matter of time before the less peace friendly members of the government try to destroy whatever landed there. Find it as quick as you can, and either prove it isn't a threat, or do what you have to do. Civilian lives have to be protected." - Black

"Aye, aye, Captain." - A

He said while opening a portal to Hawaii.
He'd already been here to retrieve the Dragon Talisman. So he was vaguely familiar with the area. It was honestly a very beautiful island though.

'Maybe I should buy a home here...' - A

He considered while exploring and buying an ice cream to help him cool down after using some magic to change his clothes.

'If I was an alien, where would I go...' - A

He considered three possibilities.

Intelligent and benevolent/neutral.

Could be here on some kind of mission or crashed here, probably won't harm any locals as long as they don't get in the way. Could possess deeply valuable intel.

Intelligent and malevolent/neutral.

Could be here because it escaped from space prison or is some kind of intergalactic criminal. Could be actively hunting the locals like a Predator. If that was true, he could check the police station for reports on anything worth checking out, such as missing people.

Non or semi intelligent.

Similar to an animal. Would rely purely on instincts to survive here, like a xenomorph. If it was anything like a xenomorph, it would be incredibly deadly. Though he had no reason to believe that. It could just be hiding from something. But if it was hiding, it meant there was something that scared it into hiding.

'Regardless, the local cops usually have some idea of what's going on in the movies.' - A

He paid a visit to the local police station and used his extra bit of authority as an agent of Section Thirteen to get access to their computer files.

The cops were surprisingly nice, kind even. Though they were curious about what a big shot agent was doing there.

Aster only looked through the reports on anything that happened during the last few hours since the possible alien arrived. And while there were a few strange things, one stuck out.

Last night, a bunch of truckers hit some kind of blue dog thing and ran it over a few times before finally realizing what was happening. Instead of finding roadkill, the creature was perfectly intact with not a single injury, but it was unconscious.

'Okay, a lead. Good, good. And where are you now...' - C

He scrolled through the boring parts of the report and found it.

The local dog kennel.
Aster was able to reach the dog kennel within a few minutes with a bit of magic and, after a bit of chat with the clerk lady, got to go in the back and look at the dogs.

The dogs ranged from big and small to young and old. Though the only one he was interested in was just waking up.

"Well, hello there." - A

He said in curiosity as the blue alien dog thing began to wake up. He had four arms, quills on his back, and big black eyes. He growled at Aster while examining his surroundings.

"Now, what exactly are you..." - A

He tried to touch the creature only for him to try and bite Aster. He barely had time to pull his hand away.

"Feisty...well, let's get you somewhere more secure." - A

He was about to try and wrangle the little beast into a portal but noticed that he was listening for something. When the creature noticed a poster on the wall of a human and a dog hugging, he retracted his extra set of arms and his quills to seem more dog like. He then fake barked.

"...am I supposed to act like I didn't see that?" - A

He said before reaching his hand in. The creature let Aster pet his head this time, not because he wanted to, but because Aster was unknowingly acting as a shield.

Aster used this as a chance to try and read the little beast's mind. He quickly frowned as he realized that his mind was just...way too complex. It was like trying to read the code of a super computer, while it was rapidly moving across the screen before you could even read a letter. Which, by the way, was in an alien language.

However, he could get a general sense of what the little beast wanted. He was hiding from something...no, someone?...

Whoever it was, Aster wanted to meet them.

"Hm...okay, let's get you somewhere more comfortable." - A

He said while looking at the dogs in the same cage as the little beast. They were cowering in fear. Whatever the small creature was, they could tell it was something they had no chance of fighting.

He opened up the cage and the little beast almost immediately latched onto his torso, hugging it tight.

'What's got this little guy so scared...' - A

He wondered, completely unaware of the two aliens watching the entire situation unfold...

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