The Mind Warp - Part 2: Wicked Bitch of the West

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It only took a few seconds before he was faced with a group of Drakken's guards and Shego herself.

"Well, if it isn't the wicked bitch of the west." - C

He said while getting in a fighting stance, though Shego seemed perfectly relaxed.

"Where's little Miss Priss and her little sidekick?" - Shego

She said, looking around for the two.

"I'm flying solo this time around." - C

"I doubt that. I'm sure they're around here somewhere. Let's make this quick, I have an appointment at a spa later." - Shego

She said as he hands glowed with the usual green aura.

"Stay out of this one, boys. I'll handle it." - Shego

She charged at Caster and he began using Chi Blast against her. She rolled to the side and reached for his face, which he narrowly dodged, though he did get slightly burned on his neck.

He side stepped to get away before she could touch him again and raised his fist, combined with Chi Enhancement, to punch her down into the ground. She grunted a little but she wouldn't go down easy. She managed to grab Caster's leg, and burned right through the clothes.

He held in any shouts of pain as he used Chi Blast, hitting her right in the face and sending her rolling a few feet away. The attack wouldn't injure her, but it sure as well would stun her for a couple seconds.

"We got him!" - R

Ron shouted as he, Kim, and Cleotus in Drakken's body ran towards the elevator. Though his voice sounded weird...

"I'll meet you there! Return to Grand Canyon!" - C

He teleported out of the way just in time before Drakken's guards could reach him.
When they returned home, Caster discovered that Kim and Ron had an...unfortunate accident, and somehow swapped bodies.

Though Kim's family did seem uncomfortable with seeing Kim eating like a slob, Ron eating like a gentleman, and Drakken being so overly friendly. Especially James. He went to college with Drakken back when he was just Drew Lipsky. So seeing his old friend in his new, more villainous form, was...not great.

Cleotus didn't seem to notice the stares though.

"This sure is mighty tasty chow, ma'am." - Cleotus

He complimented.

"Ah, thank you..." - Anne

She said awkwardly. James finally snapped. Caster sat back and watched the show with a smile.

"Okay! I can't do this! Are we just going to act like everything is normal?" - James

"I told you, that's not Drakken. It's just his body." - K

"I hear you, but as a board certified neuro surgeon, I've got to say that it's just not possible to swap brains." - Anne

"And yet, here we are." - R

"It could be a magic thing. When I was exploring a vampire's castle-" - C

He then turned to Jim and Tim.

"I'll tel you about it another time." - C

He then continued.

"He drained the life force of a few of my friends and we had to swap their Chi to save them. Their personalities got swapped temporarily as a side effect. This could be something similar. Rather than a literal brain swap, they swapped consciousnesses." - C

He explained, though nobody seemed to understand. Anne came closest to understanding, but even she was a little lost.

"Same computers, just swapped mother boards." - C

"Ohhhh!" - James

"Now I get it." - Anne

"You know, back in my day, we weren't doing any of this mind switcharoo nonsense. Guess high school really has changed, hasn't it honey?" - James

He and Anne began to flirt a little as they recalled fond memories. Caster didn't mind, Ron gagged, and Kim rolled her eyes. But Wade did call again.

"There's been a security breach at Private Dobbs' post. Something top secret got stolen! The government is going crazy over it." - W

"Jumping catfish, it must be the Neutronalizer!" - Cleotus

"...which is?" - C

"...Ya'll don't have clearance to know what it is." - Cleotus

Caster rolled his eyes

"Where are we at with the brain switcher?" - C

"Shego must've cleared out the lab. Everything's gone." - Wade

"So I'm stuck like this?!" - K

"All right, I'm finally gonna be popular!" - R

He seemed thrilled, but Kim seemed ready to have a panic attack.

"Look, if we can't retrieve the device in the next few days, I'll talk to Aster and some of my magic friends about using other methods to fix...this." - C

He gestured to the two of them. Kim nodded, though she still seemed worried.

"Don't worry, I'm not in a rush." - R

He said while putting his feet up on the table.

"...I'm so screwed." - K

"Don't sweat it, I'll kick the scanners into over drive. If Drakken gets so much as a parking ticket as Dobbs, we'll know about it." - W

"In the meantime, Dobbs can stay here." - K

"You sure? I have no problem getting him set up at Section Thirteen." - C

"I can handle a house guest." - K

She reassured.

"Oh, it's not you im worried about." - C

He said while looking at James.

"But if you're sure, then alright. But you two should talk and set some ground rules for tomorrow. Y'know, so Ron doesn't ruin your life." - C

"Hey! What about her?" - R

"Ron, she's probably just gonna make you more popular. Not much of a reputation to ruin." - C

He said as he got up and volunteered to wash the plates with Anne. He wanted to chat with her about the science of the brain swap. The two had a very long conversation about it and how it could be applied in the medical field.

Such as people on death row or in prison being used as new bodies for people on the verge of death, a transgender people to swap bodies with another transgender person of the opposite gender so they're in the properly gendered bodies, or people in comas. Though something like that could be considered problematic, and would require years before it could ever be considered as an option for doctors to use on patients, even if it was a last resort.

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