The Mind Warp - Part 1: FBI's Most Wanted

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Caster and Ron walked into the school gym during Kim's cheerleading practice.

"She's gonna be livid..." - C

He commented. He lived with Kim, so he almost always knew what she was up to. Like the fact that she was pushing her team harder than usual because the regional competition was coming up.

"Yeah, but it's worth it." - R

He said as they walked up to the stereo that was blasting their choreography music and pushed the pause button, disrupting the entire thing.

"Hey! What's the big idea!" - K

She said as she stormed over in her cheerleading uniform.

"You can yell at us later. We've got a mission. And trust me, you wanna see this." - C

He gave her the Communicator. She accepted it and her eyes widened as she saw who was on the other line.

"Drakken?!" - K

She said in shock.

"Uh, actually, ma'am, I'm Private Cleotus Dobbs of the United States Armed Forces. Pleasure to meet ya." - Cleo

Drakken said in a southern accent. Kim looked at her two friends.

"Can't tell if it's a trick or not." - C

He shrugged.

"Look, this Drakken fella you're talkin' about? He used some big machine, switched my brain with his. And it wasn't natural!" - Cleo

"Wait, so if you're in Drakken's body-" - K

"Then Drakken's in his body..." - C

Drakken in the body of someone in a position of power? That could be a real problem.

"I gotta go! The mean lady with the glowing hands is coming." - Cleo

He said before quickly hanging up, and the screen switched to Wade.

"Wade, can you trace where the call was made from?" - C

"I'll get on it. Can't promise I'll get exact coordinates." - W

He said before hanging up.

"Ugh, regionals and now this extreme weirdness? I can't handle one more thing on my plate." - K

She said, feeling stressed as she told the girls to pack it up for the day.

"Come on, it can't be that bad." - R

"Do you think it's easy being a cheer captain and part time hero?" - K

She asked, not appreciating the fact Ron was undermining her work.

"I mean, yeah. You're smart, athletic, pretty and popular. What makes your life hard?" - R

"Leading a team is a lot of work. You have to have charisma, leadership, and constantly be ready for whatever gets thrown at you. She's a leader for the cheer leading team, us, and sometimes her own family. I don't usually understand some of her problems, but I know it's important to her and more complicated than it might seem. Try to be more understanding of Kim's problems." - C

"I'm glad someone has my back." - K

"Oh, so now I'm the bad guy!" - R

He said defensively.

"Yeah, kinda. You play video games, watch wrestling, and cook all day. If anyone has it easy, it's you." - K

"Excuse you! I'm raising Rufus as a single parent, not to mention the pressures of having to keep up my image!" - R

Both Caster and Kim just gave him a look before leaving. Kim went with the girls to the locker room to change and Caster just didn't care to listen to Ron's ranting about who had it harder.
The trio were at Kim's locker, getting an update from Wade.

"I couldn't trace the signal. Frequency's jammed. His background is classified and I can't get access to it without breaking a few laws." - Wade

He explained.

"Alright, let's think logically. Drakken must want something from this guy's body if he swapped their bodies." - C

"Which means he knows who and what Cleotus is and can do." - K

"Drakken's a mad scientist, he's probably after some top secret machine or something." - R

He suggested.

"That's...actually something that makes sense. If he's high up in the government, he'd have access to classified information, resources, weaponry, and technology. Drakken might be after it." - C

"What do you think it could be?" - K

"Aside from getting us put on the FBI's most wanted list? No idea." - C

The trio moved on to lunch in the cafeteria. Ron started up the argument again, determined to prove his point.

"You have no idea how hard it is to be me. I have tutoring, swim team, and the yearbook committee too." - K

"You should really slow down, Kim. Stress isn't good for your mind or body." - C

He advised.

"Whatever, that's just having a social life." - R

He rolled his eyes while getting served his food.

"Ron, why is it so hard to accept that Kim works harder than you? I've already accepted it." - C

Ron ignored him. He sighed as they sat down at a table together. It felt like the friend group had a new argument or problem every week. Wade called back.

"I got it! I traced the call to the bottom of the Grand Canyon." - Wade

Kim and Ron looked at Caster.

"...oh, come on. Atleast let me finish my sandwich." - C

"Sorry, you'll have to take it to go." - K

Caster sighed as he wrapped up his lunch and then grabbed his two friends.

"Return to the Grand Canyon." - C

The trio were teleported to the ledge of the giant tourist attraction. With a lot of effort and whining from Ron, they used Kim's grappling hook to climb their way down.

'I should really talk to Aster about getting these two better gear and mobility...' - C

He thought as they reached the bottom and found a rusty old cottage. When they entered, they found it had literal holes in it as well as scorpions. Ron got so scared he jumped on a pipe, which turned out to be a lever. He accidentally caused an elevator to be revealed.

"And that's why we let you come on these missions." - C

Ron shrugged, not minding the comment as they got in the elevator. When it reached the bottom, they found a large lab with a large machine set up in the middle of the room.

"Shego's definitely lurking around here somewhere. I'll get their attention while you two go find Cleotus." - C

Kim and Ron nodded as they ran towards a bunch of crates and Caster took a deep breath before shouting.


It only took a few seconds before he was faced with a group of Drakken's guards and Shego herself.

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