Heinous - Part 1: Rules

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Aster and Marco were walking back o Marco's place while having a debate about which talisman was the most powerful.

"I think it would probably be the...Rooster Talisman? It's got defensive and offensive if you use it right." - M

"Eh, I'm more partial to the Rabbit Talisman. Evasive and offensive. Not as fast as The Flash, but still." - A

"Didn't it help Jade run back in time?" - M

"Well, yeah, but that was because it got blasted by a time laser thingy. The talisman is fine now-...wait...now that I think about it, I don't think we ever fixed it." - A

He said with a look of realization. As they reached the front of the house, they found Marco's parent's car crushed by another car, which was somehow parked on top of it.

"Okay...that wasn't like that when we left..." - M

He looked at Aster.

"Wasn't me." - A

He said honestly. They then looked at the front door and saw someone had clearly cut their way through it for some reason to get inside.

"ShadowKhan?" - A

"Or Dark Hand." - M

"Mm, maybe. Don't know if they're smart enough to find your place though. They've never seen me with you. But anyways, I'll go in through the back in case someone ambushes you." - A

He said while walking to the back.

"Wha-? But you're the one with magic, shouldn't you risk the ambush?" - M

"It's because I have the magic that I shouldn't be ambushed!" - A

He said as he jumped over the fence and came in through the back door. He snuck through the kitchen and sat in wait as Marco kicked in the remains of the door, ready for a fight.

Atleast until he saw his parents peacefully sitting on the couch, talking to Miss Heinous and her little henchman, Gemini.

"Marco?" - Angela

"You!" - Heinous

"You!" - M

They said to each other as Marco prepared to attack. Aster jumped out from his hiding spot.

"Raspberry Ribbon Lasso!" - A

He said as his wand unleashed multiple red glowing ribbons which tied up the pair.

"What did you do to my parents?!" - M

He demanded while Gemini and Heinous began to squirm in their restraints.

"Untie me, you little-!" - Heinous

"Stop! Aster, let them go! And Marco, don't yell at that poor old woman!" - Rafael

"Wait, what?" - M

"They're...not attacking?" - A

He said in confusion as he lowered the wand.

"We let her in." - Rafael

"It looks like they cut down the door with a chainsaw. Doesn't exactly scream 'friendly'." - A

"Well, that was very actually rude...but still! We were having a very civilized conversation. Let her go!" - Rafael

He ordered. Aster stared at Heinous with suspicion, but in comparison to the villains he'd faced up to now...she wasn't a big threat. He released her.

"These are the princesses that ruined my life! I'd recognize the mysterious Earth Princess anywhere! Isn't that right, Marco? Even with your super cute new haircut, I was able to see through your disguise!" - Heinous

"...thank you?" - M

He said in confusion.

"What is she talking about Marco?" - Rafael

"This lady tied me to a chair, and tried to brainwash me!" - M

"And she did it successfully to thousands of others." - A

He chimed in.

"That is a horrible exaggeration! And it was only a few hundred during my time as head mistress. Your child have terribly wronged me! And I'm not going anywhere until Justice is served!" - Heinous

' That's like if Valmont's goons sued me for assault...' - A

Both Angela and Rafael seemed eager to get her out because they had a dinner date prepared for the night.

"You're gonna resolve whatever issue you have with Miss Heinous right now, young man!" - Angela

Miss Heinous held in a sinister laugh. Angela had everyone sit in the living room and Aster served tea to atleast try and get Heinous off their backs. He really didn't want to risk her showing up halfway through a battle against the Dark Hand and getting a talisman by accident...

'Now that I think about it...could I imbue an android with a talisman's power?' - A

He wondered to himself while serving Miss Heinous some tea.

"Thank you, your highness." - Heinous

She said respectfully. The two didn't like each other, but he was still royalty. Heinous was petting Rasticore the Septarian Bounty Hunter's severed arm like it was a cat.

"So, what exactly is your issue with our son?" - Angela

"Gemini." - Heinous

She ordered, and he pulled out a hand mirror. She used it to show an image of St Olga's.

"Once, I was a head mistress of St Olga's. The most esteemed royalty reform school in the multiverse. It was a wonderful place where delinquent heirs were taught manners and respect! Until one day, an insolent princess and her friend showed up and inspired all the students to rebel against their elders! And while he may have left, the school was never the same. They made her the face of the Revolution! They even have merchandise, which is influencing the next generation of young royals with her devious ways!" - Heinous

"You have merch? I'm so jealous!" - A

"Yeah, I get a 6,500 royalty check every month." - M

He shrugged.

"As I was saying, my students lost all respect for authority. Soon, they were cutting classes to party! Even inviting the boys from the neighboring dorms! They threw me out! And now, I live in a car..." - Heinous

Both Angela and Rafael looked sympathetic. And on some level, Aster did too.

"They just wanted to have some freedom. You took it all away. Now there's no balance between their responsibilities and their freedom. If you'd had a good balance and been better than Olga, you'd never have been thrown out." - A

'I should probably try to fix the school. I don't want the next generation of royals to end up being party animals like my dad...' - A

"I raised them to uphold tradition! This is all your fault!" - Heinous

She pointed to Marco and Aster.

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