Spring Heeled Jack

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Aster, Jackie, and Viper were suiting up for a mission when Jade came in, wearing a cape and a top hat.

"What's with the get up?" - A

Jade immediately looked upset.

"Im playing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at the school play? I told you about it a week ago?" - J

Aster paused and remembered that it was scheduled for tonight.

"I totally forgot. Im so sorry, Jade. But something just came up." - A

"But it's my big debut! You three have to be there!" - J

She pleaded. Both Viper and Jackie felt bad. But this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. A recent tremor in San Fransokyo opened up a tunnel that got buried during the Great Catastrophe. It could collapse at any moment, giving them a limited amount of time to save whatever they could get.

"You promised you'd be there!" - J

She insisted.

"We're sorry, Jade. But it's not like we can be in two places at once." - JC

"...we don't have to! We just gotta turn back time and get the mission done earlier so we have time attend the play." - A

"Oh, boy..." - Viper

She said with a worried look.

"Is that even safe?" - JC

"Probably? I've done a day repetition spell once before. So it should be fine." - A

He shrugged before casting the spell. Aster woke back up in his bedroom on Mewni.

"Yeah, i did not miss feeling this groggy in the mornings." - A

He blasted his own face to boost his mental energy before going to Section Thirteen. It only took twenty minutes to convince Viper and Jackie he wasn't insane and convince them to suit up.

The trio then headed off to the cave. When they arrived, they found it almost perfectly preserved, aside from water leaking from the ceiling. It looked like some kind of ancient museum or city, made up of several buildings. Jackie dusted off one of the pillars with writing on it and used his MewBerty eyes.

"The Bizarre-Itorium." - A

"I've read about this place." - JC

He said as they entered one of the main rooms to find it filled with exhibits on cryptids and creatures.

"It's a museum for strange creatures from all around the world." - JC

He said as they explored. Aster was fascinated by all these creatures and wanted to see if he could find any research papers on them anywhere. Viper was mostly examining the exhibits in search of anything valuable or cool to show the girls.

As for Jackie, well...he set off a chain reaction that caused part of the ceiling to collapse and soak one of the statues in water. And water caused its stone body to start reverting into its true state. It was some kind of humanoid goblin man with red hair, a cape, and springs on his heels.

"Oh, no." - A

He said, already knowing this would be a problem.

"I'm free! To be me!" - Spring Heeled Jack

He laughed as he jumped out of his podium and left the room. Viper transformed into an origami falcon to chase after him while Aster and Jackie looked for answers on the strange man's identity.

"Here!" - A

He said as he found something. It was a plaqué that explained his past.

"Throughout history, tales tell us about a ravenous troll that could leap great distances. The founder of this museum, Simon Magus, captured it and put an end to its reign of terror and rhyme." - A

"And we just set it loose again..." - JC

"Correction, you did. And I wouldn't worry too much. It's the modern world. People have guns now, and we're in America. He'll either go viral or get shot." - A

He said as the two went to follow Viper. They found her in gorilla form, trying to throw large objects at Jack, who would jump out of the way while laughing.

"Simon Magus tried to stop me! He gave me quite a run! Now I shall dine on his descendants! One by one by one!" - Jack

He rhymed. Viper turned into a giant praying mantis and began trying to damage his boots, but Jack was one quick troll.

He managed to get right past her and get behind Aster and Jackie.

"Are you helping Magus? A relative of Magus, perhaps? No, I suppose not. You're just a pair of sad saps." - Jack

He said before jumping away. Jackie flew into the air and began to blast energy bolts at him.

"That rhyming is getting annoying!" - A

He said as he summoned his cloud and went after Jack. Viper had changed into a Falcon to follow from above.

"Fe fi fo fum! Can you two really be this dumb?" - Jack

He laughed as he jumped off of Viper's head while she was in gorilla form.

"We have to coordinate our attacks!" - A

He shouted to the other two. Jack laughed as he stood on a building. Jackie used his energy blasts to take out the pillars, causing Jackie to lose his balance.

He jumped towards the ground, only to get smacked into a wall by a giant snake version of Viper's tail.

"Oh, it's unfortunate to see, this might be the end of me!" - Jack

He said before Aster blasted him with ice, trapping him before he could cause anymore havoc.

"Finally. He was starting to get on my nerves." - Viper

She said as she returned to her normal form.

"What do we do with him?" - JC

"I think I have an idea..." - A

Jade enjoyed her debut in the school play with all her friends and family there. Tohru, Black, Lo Pei (he didn't understand most of it), Xu Lin, Viper, Aster, and Jackie. Gnome Cop was her personal security guard between performances.

And for that night, she was the happiest girl in the world...
Aster briefly considered using the Tiger Talisman to turn Spring Heeled Jack from one into two, and recruit his lighter side. But should he ever be free, his beef would be with them, not the Magus family.

So he settled for full time imprisonment and experimentation in the sub basement of the Laboratory on Mewni, where they could be contained. The chances of anyone freeing them were slim unless they had dimensional scissors and access to them.

But for now, Presto Chango got a new, but very annoying, cellmate.

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