The Second Talisman - Part 3: Battle of the Plaza

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Jackie and Aster looked at Tohru, who was completely passed out on top of a car.

"I'm sure the Dark Hand will send more." - JC

"Oh, yeah." - A

"Really?! Who's the Dark Hand? Who are they gonna send? Is El Toro gonna be a superhero now? What was that portal? Are you magic?" - Pako

He said while following the trio down an alleyway, following El Toro to a water fountain.

"You ask a lot of questions." - A

"Mhm!" - Pako

"I'll answer them all eventually. But right now, we're here on business. Here, play with this." - A

He said as he opened up a portal to QuestBuy, grabbed a random game console off the shelf, left some money behind, and then gave it to the kids as the portal closed.

While Jade and Pako dealt with that, Aster and Jackie went to talk to El Toro.

"El Toro!" - JC

"Hm? Ah, Poyo pequeño. I hope you had a pleasant siesta?" - Toro

He said with a slightly teasing tone.

"Oh, yeah. He slept for hours." - A

"Look, those men back there, they want the talisman! They know about it's magic! They won't stop until they have it!" - JC

"Which is why it would probably be safer in our hands. We work with the government to

"I don't know what talisman you are talking about." - Toro

He stated flatly.

"The one on your mask-!" - JC

He reached for the talisman on El Toro's mask only for El Toro to slap his hand away.

"Never. Touch. The mask." - El Toro

"Look, we're only trying to help. If we don't get that talisman, everyone around you will be put in danger." - A

He then paused as he looked around.

"It seems we already are in danger..." - A

"What do you mean?" - JC

"The ShadowKhan." - A

He said, being able to feel the dark magic they emitted.

"Only one way out of this." - A

"Unfortunately..." - JC

He said, being the reluctant fighter.

"Hmph. El Toro is undefeated. That will not change!" - Toro

He said as the ninjas charged at them with various weapons. The trio began to fight in their own little areas of the plaza they were in.

Jackie's fighting was more nimble and based on the resources around him. El Toro's fighting style was based on his strength and defense. And Aster's fighting style was a blend between resourcefulness and chaotic magic blasts going in every direction.

"Warnicorn Stampede!" - A

He said as he performed the necessary dance steps to summon a thick fog behind him. And from it, a small army of warnicorns charged forward and trampled all the ShadowKhan around Aster back into shadows.

Once they were done, they vanished. But the ShadowKhan were relentless and just kept attacking endlessly. They would never get tired and their numbers were only replenishing over time.

Jackie was stuck fighting in a corner, breathing pretty heavily since he was running out of stamina. He still hasn't fully recovered from his fight with El Toro, and now he was up against an army of ShadowKhan with actual weapons.

Aster was trying to take out as many ShadowKhan out at once without causing too much damage, which also meant he was forced to limit himself to spells like 'Bath Water Tsunami' and 'Chain Lightning', which mostly just poofed a few dozen ShadowKhan at a time. And even then, these spells drained his magic like crazy with how often he was casting them.

'I really need to work more on protection against dark magic...' - A

He thought to himself while blasting holes through the hordes of ShadowKhan, having a couple cuts and bruises across his body.

El Toro had his clothes torn, but his will was seemingly unbreakable. He was tearing ShadowKhan apart with his bare hands and completely ignoring his injuries.

But as he fought, the ShadowKhan began to throw chains at him, which would wrap around his toro or limbs. As more and more chains weighed him down, the ShadowKhan grouped up to hold down the raging bull. And while he thrashed, a single ShadowKhan pulled off his mask, bringing an end to El Toro's legacy as an undefeated champion.

"Nooo!" - Toro

He said as he lowered his face in shame. The ShadowKhan finally vanished back into the shadows after handing over the talisman (removed from the mask) to Tohru, who'd been watching this entire time.

"Give that back!" - JC

He charged at Tohru, who now had supercharged magic strength. With one arm swipe, he sent Jackie flying into a wall, knocking him out. He then picked him up and took Jackie with him.

Aster quickly went over to try and give chase, but Toro had gotten into a car and got away. And Aster didn't have the magic reserves left to go after him and win. Jade and Pako finally emerged from the alleyway they'd been hiding in.

El Toro on his knees as he felt nothing but pure shame. Pako came over to him, tears in his eyes.

"Jade was right! You are a fake!" - Pako

"Pako! Wait! I can explain! I...!" - Toro

He said as Pako ran off, leaving El Toro with...nothing. He'd fought countless matches, and faced a horde of ShadowKhan. But what broke his will in the end was Pako, and how he had failed him...

Jade watched with a conflicted expression. She'd proven she was right...but at the same time, she'd crushed Pako's hopes and dreams...was it even worth it?

She clenched her fists as she approached El Toro.

"Come on! We have to get the talisman back!" - Jade

"You heard a fake...when I had the power of the ox, I thought I was undefeatable! And now...I see I was wrong...I cant save anyone..." - Toro

Aster came up to him.

"Stop throwing yourself a pity party. The ox only ever gave you strength! You were the one that turned it into a symbol for hope, and it was your skill that made you what you are today. It was never the magic that made you El Toro." - A

He then knelt down to Toro's level.

"It's not too late to be Pako's hero." - A

He offered Toro his mask, to which he stared at.

Maybe it really wasn't too late...

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