Heinous - Part 2: Regulation

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"Marco? Is this all true?" - Angela

She asked, wanting both sides of the story.

"Well...yeah! But she's leaving out huge details! Those royals were being oppressed! They're way happier now!" - M

"And with nobody to monitor them. What happens when someone gets hurt? Or if any of them are suddenly forced to take the throne? There's no way in hell they'll be ready." - A

"Look at what these savages did to my Rasticore! They blew him up! This is just his arm, but he's a Septarian. He'll grow back soon~ and then you'll be a big boy, won't you, sweetie?" - Heinous

She said while petting and kissing the arm, to the disgust of Aster and the Diaz family. Gemini looked jealous.

"What do you suggest as punishment, Miss Heinous?" - Angela

"I suggest a punishment befitting of the crime! We annihilate him and display his skeleton in front of everyone, warning them all against any further insurrections!" - Heinous

"...yeah, not happening, crazy lady. You lost your job. It happens all the time on Earth. If you were willing to try and listen to your students for once, then maybe you could get your job back. But because you refuse to change, you'll forever be stuck living in the back of your car!" - A

Heinous glared.

"Rasticore, attack!" - Heinous

She threw the severed arm at Aster, which latched onto his face.

"Fuck! Get it off! Get it off!" - A

He said while falling back as Marco tried to help, only to get tackled by Gemini as Heinous let out maniacal laughter.

During the fighting, a cop finally showed up.

"Everybody! Freeze!" - Cop

He said as he looked around in confusion. Everybody stopped as the cop brought everyone involved outside.

"Look, you can get back to ya family dispute later. I don't get paid enough to care. I got a call about a car being double parked, so that's what I'm here to deal with." - Cop

He said as he gestured to Heinous' car being parked on top of the Diaz' car.

'Is that a dimensional chainsaw taped to the front...? What the hell was Hekapoo thinking?' - A

He thought to himself.

"Why don't you just tow it? Or leave a ticket?" - Marco

"It's wheels ain't on the ground, so it's not really my jurisdiction. So all I can really do is ask that you get it off the street because it's a safety hazard. Everybody okay with that?" - Cop

"Fine..." - Heinous

"Good." - Cop

He finally left. Aster had to help Miss Heinous properly park her car. They then went back inside.

"Alright. Let the bargaining begin! I'll leave if you let me rip out Princess Marco's spine and wear it as a fancy scarf." - Heinous

"You leave if I don't send you to prison." - A

"O-or, we ground Marco?" - Rafael

"Or I ground him into a pulp." - Heinous

Angela, Rafael, and Aster kept trying to get Heinous to back down from any kind of harm or mutilation. But she was very adamant.

"Look! What if I just apologize?" - M

He offered.

"...an apology..." - Heinous

She seemed to genuinely consider.

"Yes, and apology will suffice...under certain conditions..." - Heinous

She said while sinisterly rubbing her hands together.

'That's concerning.' - A
An hour later...

Marco was sitting on the couch in front of Miss Heinous's hand mirror, which was set to record. He was dressed up the same way he was when they first went to St Olga's, and was holding a sign that said 'It IS criminal to be an INDIVIDUAL'.

"Hahaha!!! Finally! Let's see what those princesses think of their idol now!" - Heinous

Aster didn't like this, since it really wouldn't change anything. The princesses wouldn't care very much, and Miss Heinous would still be fired. But Marco would be safe. That's what mattered.

"Aaand, action!" - Gemini

He said as he touched the mirror, causing it to record.

"Hey, royalty of the multiverse! It's ya girl, Marco! Look, last time I was at St Olga's, I may have said and done some stuff that I shouldn't have...and that was wrong. And I wanted to say..."

He changed his tone from sincere to sarcastic.

"I'm sorry I told you guys to resist your oppressors and stuff. As royals, we should never think for ourselves and Y'know, give up on our dreams! And our individuality! I mean this from the bottom of my heart. And I'm not just saying that because Miss Heinous is threatening me and my family." - M

They finished recording.

"M'lady, I have notes..." - Gemini

"It's perfect!!! Perfect!!" - Heinous

She said with an evil grin. She was finally ready to leave.

"I hope this can be a fresh start for all of us." - Angela

She said as Heinous walked out the door.

"Yes, we shall see..." - Heinous

She said while holding the mirror.

"Hopefully this will inspire you to take a more active role in your child's life." - Heinous

She said before finally leaving in her car and driving through the portal. Rafael and Angela did talk to Marco, and asked to be told whenever something like this happens again.

Angela was both thrilled to know her son lead a whole revolution, and disappointed to find out it happened months ago. Marco promised to fill them in from now on, while Aster watched from the sidelines.

'Well, I guess something really did change...' - A

He thought to himself. He eventually returned to Mewni to get to work on a new project. The full reformation of St Olga's. From a prison to a party to a school.

First he'd want to have Pixtopia prepare some teaching bots like Olga, programmed to be less strict than the original Olga so they aren't suffocating the students with rules.

He'd also need to arrange a meeting with whoever was now ruling the school, so he could try to convince them to establish a sense of order among the chaos...

He wasn't sure if they'd be willing to give up their party life style. But if they had any loyalty to their kingdoms, they'd have to see reason and hopefully listen.

'I've got a lot of work on my hands...' - A

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