United - Part 1: Boss Awesome

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Vanessa Barone had been working tirelessly to build the spy organization her boss had tasked her with making. Everytime they encountered an obstacle, her flame whip helped handle it. Though it wasn't always the best answer to the problem...

As for her progress, it wasn't a full organization yet. But it was starting to gain some traction. Vanessa had contacts and had employed various small groups to monitor things on her behalf while she recruited and trained people.

And with the allowance she was getting from Aster, she was able to pay for whatever she needed and have enough left over for enjoy the life of luxury she'd longed for. But while she was enjoying a face mask in her bedroom, at Golden Circle's first headquarters in Paris, a portal opened up. Aster came through and looked at her.

"...am I intruding?" - A

"Kind of." - Vanessa

She sighed as she opened her eyes and peeled off the face mask. She was only wearing a robe, though that didn't bother Aster.

"What can i do for you?" - Vanessa

"I need heroes." - A

"You'll need to be more specific." - Vanessa

She said, standing up to get changed in her walk-in closet. Aster turned around so she's have some level of privacy.

"People with powers, or are regarded as heroes. Hell, I'll even settle for human mercenaries." - A

He said, feeling pretty desperate. It was less about building HEROES, and more about preventing the futures he saw.

"Hm, well, if you tuned into the news every now and then, you'd have your answers." - Vanessa

She came out of her closet, wearing black silk pants, black boots, a white shirt, and a large brown coat. As usual, her long blonde hair had been tied into a pony tail. She walked over to her computer, which was on her bed, and projected the information he wanted onto a nearby TV. It displayed three files.

The United Heroez of New York City, Team GO of Go City, and Boss Awesome of San Fransokyo.

The United Heroez were a group similar to HEROES, except they operated almost entirely out of New York, though they had their share of powerful heroes. Like Majestia, this world's equivalent of SuperMan.

Team GO was a team of siblings that had powers and had been operating since they were young, though a dispute in the past caused one of their members to quit.

Boss Awesome was like if you put SpiderMan's personality in Batman's body and power set. He had no powers, but he was a good fighter and had all kinds of gear. Though Aster was unsure of how they'd never run into each other before.

"You might remember him from this incident." - Vanessa

She opened up a news report about a villain called 'Baron Von Steamer' who apparently used a giant drill to force Boss Awesome into a fight in the middle of the city.

"Ohhhh! I remember that. He was the reason I couldn't get Tohru's favorite grape soda for a couple of weeks. He destroyed the shop." - A

"Aren't you magic?" - Vanessa

She questioned.

"Yeah, but Tohru prefers the real thing. He can 'taste the difference'. Anyways, this has been very helpful. Thank you. I'll increase your budget by 5%." - A

He said before leaving. Vanessa smiled at the thought of more money as she put on another face mask and went back into relaxation mode.
"Face my wrath, Boss Awesome!" - BVS (Baron Von Steamer)

Shouted the middle aged man who was operating a giant steam punk spider robot from a little compartment in the spider's abdomen with a control panel. Though it wasn't actually giant, it was just giant in comparison to the size of a real spider. It was more like the size of a small house.

The spider repeatedly tried to use its legs to stab a man in a super suit, who kept dodging before eventually getting a hold of one of the legs and climbing his way up the robot. He raised his fist when Baron was within range.

"Face my fist!" - Boss Awesome

He punched his nemesis hard enough to knock him unconscious. He then used the controls to deactivate the robot. The day had been saved once again, but before he could leave to deliver Baron to the police station, he heard someone clapping as they approached him.

"Wow, truly a performance. Mind if I offer a helping hand?" - A

He opened a portal to the station for him. Boss Awesome eyed up Aster curiously.

"Magic, huh? That's rare these days." - BA

He said, having encountered it before. He'd been a superhero for a long time, after all. He pushed Baron Von Steamer through the portal after tying him up, and the portal closed.

"Boss Awesome. What can I do for you?" - BA

He introduced himself.

"Aster Butterfly. I'm here because you're a hero. And while I'm sure you're doing just fine on your own, you might need back up someday. I want to help unite every hero against our common enemies. We can't protect the entire planet on our own, after all." - A

"What exactly are you proposing, kid?" - Boss

"I'm sure you think I'm here to recruit you. And while the offer is on the table, I doubt you'll accept. So, I'd like to offer you something better. A partnership. We provide you access to our tech, info, and help you out when you need it. And in return, you help us when we need it. And maybe teach a few of our new heroes. We'd also appreciate it if you told us about your villains, so we can expand our database." - A

"...is that it?" - BA

He said, having expected Aster to ask for more.

"Yup. Even if you keep your distance from us, that's fine. But during an emergency, we need to be able to coordinate with each other." - A

"What kind of emergency?" - BA

He asked.

"Well, there's aliens, monsters, demons. Just about any comic book scenario you could imagine, it could happen." - A

"It could. How do we know it will?" - BA

"It's already happened." - A

He explained to Boss Awesome what happened in Hawaii. They got lucky. Had it not been for Stitch's capability to change and Aster's interference, there was a decent chance that the Galactic Federation might've turned against them. All it would take is one panicked human to shoot one of their important members.

"...and you trust these guys?" - BA

He asked, talking about the Galactic Federation and the aliens currently living in Hawaii.

"I do. But I'm not stupid. Not all aliens will be so kind hearted. We need to be ready." - A

He offered his hand, which Boss Awesome eventually grabbed, shaking it.

"Alright. I'm in." - BA

Aster smiled. He took Boss Awesome to HEROES island for a while, to give him a little tour and flesh out the details of their partnership. Boss Awesome agreed to compile a list of all his villains, though it would take a week or two. He had a lot of enemies...

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