Studying the Book of Spells

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He walked through the halls, observing the many suits of armor and paintings that decorated the walls.

When he reached his room, he opened the doors and entered, the maid waiting just outside in case he needed anything. He stretched a bit, finally able to relax in the privacy of his own room.

He'd shrunk the wand down to be about the size of a pen, and brought it out, returning it to its full size as he placed it next to his bed. He then grabbed the Book of Spells and began to eagerly read.

He was pretty well aware of Glossaryck. He was...well, Aster wasn't quite sure. He definitely wasn't mewman, or monster. And he wasn't like the rest of the Magical High Commission. But what he did know was that Glossaryck had acted as a sort of aid to each of the Queens of the past.

As he read, he decided to ignore the strange writings Glossaryck had left in the introduction. The first chapter was on something called 'Dipping Down', a method MewMans used to connect with their inner magic.

It all starts with MewBerty. Like magic puberty, which turns them into butterfly-human hybrids for a few hours. As he read through this book, he learned the risks and abilities that came with MewBerty. Such as having eyes that can see multiple dimensions, and drive him mad if he's not careful. And having multiple arms that only appear when he's in his 'Butterfly Form'.

Apparently the best way to 'Dip Down' was through strong emotions. Such as Envy, Rage, Betrayal, Love, and Protection. Almost all of them were ways that Aster would rather feel while going through MewBerty. Love seemed like the most reasonable one, since it would probably only occur when he has a major crush.

The following page was...weird. It was some kind of bucket list? It had the strangest things. Such as 'learn how to belly dance' and 'say nothing but GlobGor for a whole year'. He figured it either belonged to a past Queen, or to Glossaryck himself.

After that was the 27th Queen's chapter.

Skywin, Queen of Hours.

'TickTock, the GrandClock talks, but secrets are its power. The only one to break its spell is Skywin, Queen of Hours.'

I read. It was a nice little introduction to one of my oldest known relatives. As I read, I learned much about her. I gained a nice set of spells from her.

From what I read, she was definitely someone with ambition, but she could be...reckless. She'd apparently destroyed a dimension, and the original Butterfly Castle and Book of Spells were destroyed during her coronation. But she was powerful. She had the power to destroy planets, and loop a day. Her affinity for time magic was impressive

Jushtin, the Boy Queen

'He was just a boy, but he could dream. So goes the tale, of Jushtin the Boy Queen.'

Jushtin was the only previous male heir. Though he was the only the heir for a short time before his younger sister, Solaria, took over. His chapter was surprisingly short, and information about him It mostly focused on his flamboyant life style and love for fashion. However, he was a math genius.

Solaria, the Monster Carver

'A castle stormed is a hero born with might and strong as steel. Kneel the void before her and the crushing force she wields.'

Solaria was...impressive. He understood the need to defend his people, but she was so much more than that, to say the least. All her spells were entirely offensive. And she'd used magic to mutate humans into Solarian Warriors, leaving not even a single trace of who they used to be. She loved her daughter dearly, and deeply cared about her comrades. She was his role model, though he wasn't entirely sure about whether he'd be willing to use magic to mutate people.

Eclipsa's chapter was locked by chains and skulls for some reason. He didn't know much about her, except that she was the black sheep of their family. A stain on a long line of honorable queens. He decided to ignore her chapter for now. If it was locked, there must be a reason for it.

Festivia the Fun.

'When the threat of monsters is at the gate has darkened out the sun, let the kingdom have some peace and joy in Festivia the Fun.'

Festivia was...irresponsible. It was hard to believe she was Eclipsa's daughter. A mass majority of her reign came down to 2 events. The choice to start a 2nd Mewman-Monster war, and her 5 year party. All her spells were party themed, too.

Dirhhennia the Heaped

'For some the trouble comes in doubles, I'm sadness greatly steeped. And drawing balls upon the walls is Dirhhennia the Heaped.'

Dirhhenia was even worse than her mom. She was obsessed with balls for some reason, and was a massive edge lord. She thought she was some kind of lone wolf, and had a huge crush on a gardener who couldn't even understand her 'poems.'

Crescenta the Eager

'When the one before her proved unfit, Crescenta the Eager took the role. And along with her gal pal Emily, she kept the monsters under Mewman control.'

Crescenta was...better than the last two. She definitely had a childish personality, but she got the job done. Not to mention she created the over 5,000 spells. Not all of which were useful, but he could definitely try to dismantle and recombine them to make them more useful. Such as separating the 'make light but also make everyone around you itchy' spell into two different spells

Rhina the Riddled

'Seven came before Rhina (if you subtract the boy), add four more reigns to her domain and then what gets destroyed?'

Rhina's chapter was more tolerable. But it was still filled with riddles and such. Apparently she was the reason a member of the Magical High Commission had retired...

Celena the Shy

'What lies behind the golden fan, the hand does sweetly own? A trove of cosmic secrets, that never will be told.'

Celena's chapter surprisingly didn't have as many secrets as I expected. But regardless, there was some decently useful stuff. She seemed to be more into witchy magic, and used rituals and tarot cards.

Estrella the Drafted

'She cannot write, she cannot sing. But she can draw, her only thing. Sketching late into the night, but will she ever draw it right?'

Estrella's chapter really didn't hold much. It was almost entirely art. It seemed Estrella didn't have much interest in magic. But she was a nice artist, and discovered quite a few herbs and materials.

Comet the Chef

'No magic was stronger than Comet and her kitchen creations. But she was defeated by Toffee, prince of the Dark Monster Nations.'

Her chapter was full of recipes and only a few spells. She was much more peace loving than some of the past queens. But it was abruptly cut short, with tears on the last page of her chapter. Presumably from either Moon or Glossaryck after she...well, passed...

Moon the Undaunted

'The immortal monster will long be haunted by the darkest spell of Moon the Undaunted.'

Her chapter was both interesting and cringe. I mean, seriously, there was all kinds of lovey-dovey letters from River to Moon and Vice versa. But on the good side, her chapter included some combat spells he could actually use.

The rest of the pages were all blank. Presumably for him and future generations to fill. He closed to book and laid on the bed, slowly closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.

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