The Fourth Talisman

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Jackie and the Chans were currently at Section Thirtreen. Jackie was in the replica of his house that Section 13 had built for him. He took a deep breath

"Breathe deeply. The breath flows to the finger tips, then down to the toes..." - JC

He said softly while leading Aster and Jade through a breathing exercise. It was also Jade's intro to martial arts.

"Then the toes goes up...The bad guys's nose! Hyah!" - J

She kicked the mannequin in front of them. Aster sighed as his concentration was interrupted.

"What? He was asking for it." - J

"Discipline, Jade." - JC

"And patience, and responsibility, and wisdom. Would you say it was wise to attack the mannequin?" - A

"No...But I want to be a lean, mean Jackie Chan machine!" - J

"Don't be in such of a hurry! Slow and steady wins the race." - JC

'Is that even true?' - A

He thought to himself while picking up the mannequin.

"Chinese proverbs, right?" - Jade

"Greek, actually. The story of "The Tortoise and the Hare". Shall I tell you about it?" - JC

"I don't think she has the patience." - A

He said challengingly.

"I totally do!" - J

"Then prove it. Jackie, go ahead." - A

Jackie cleared his throat before reciting the story from heart. Jade was stubborn and sat through the whole thing, which was honestly just like two minutes of talking.

"That's totally unfair. The hare totally could've won!" - J

"But he didn't. Because he let his arrogance get to him, and he underestimated his opponent. Had he taken the tortoise seriously, not been lazy, and been more careful, he could've won." - A

"Ughhh, whatever." - J

She got up and began leaving.

"And where are you going?" - JC

"Breakfast. Race ya!" - J

Jackie sighed as he and Aster both left the room to follow after her.

"JACKIE!!!" - Jade

She screamed from the cafeteria. Aster and Jackie ran in, thinking something was wrong. But she seemed...perfectly fine?

"What? What happened?" - JC

"That! On the TV!" - Jade

She pointed to the Tv in the corner of the cafeteria, where an ad about a dog shelter was playing. Aster sighed

"We are not getting a dog." - JC

"It's too much responsibility for a girl your age." - A

"Ugh, not that! There was a talisman! It was in a tortoise shell, at the Bay Aquarium! It had a bunny on it!" - Jade

"There is a rabbit in the Chinese zodiac..." - JC

"Then let's go!" - Jade

She stood up from the seat she was sitting in but Aster gently pushed her back down.

"You have school. We'll handle this one. On our own." - A

"Aww, but that's not fair!" - Jade

"There will be other missions, Jade. And besides, you can't neglect your normal life in favor of this. You need a balance." - A

He said as he and Jackie left to talk to Black.

"If Jade saw it, the Dark Hand must've seen it too." - JC

"We could send an extraction team to take Aesop." - Black

"That would raise questions about what's so important about the talisman embedded into Aesop. And if they connect the dots between this and what happened in New York, then we could accidentally start a nation wide man hunt for the talismans." - A

"Isn't that a good thing? People would be finding them for us." - JC

"We'd have people running around with magic powers they don't know how to control. It's better to keep this under wraps." - Black

"Then only me and Jackie will go. Hopefully we'll be able to keep a low profile. Atleast until the Dark Hand shows up..." - A
At the Bay Aquarium...

Jackie and Aster were at the Bay Aquarium, inside of Aesop the Tortoise's exhibit. Two scientists were with them while the pair examined Aesop's shell, which had the talisman embedded into it.

"How we remove it?" - JC

"I doubt it'll seriously injure Aesop, and even if it does, I can heal it." - A

He said as he tried using magic without his wand.

"Levitato." - A

Magic covered the talisman as he began trying to pull it out of the shell. Aster had to be careful so he wouldn't accidentally activate the talisman.

"Jade! What are you doing here!" - JC

He scolded Jade, who was apparently here on an assignment to study Aesop. While they argued, the wall exploded, leaving a hole just big enough for Tohru, the three goons, and their small army of henchmen to get in.

"Buy me some time! I'm almost done here!" - A

Jackie nodded as he told Jade to hide, but she refused. They didn't have time to argue right now so they both started doing whatever they could to distract the Dark Hand goons.

But when it came to Tohru, he was unstoppable. Aster looked around for anything that could help.

"Levitato!" - A

He used magic to pick up an octopus that was in the water and threw it at Tohru's face, causing him to stagger a bit as he tried to pull it off.

Aster focused entirely on the talisman and finally managed to pull it out. He grabbed it in his hands and tried using its power.

Within seconds, he had managed to run from Aesop to Jackie's location.

'Super speed, that's useful.' - A

He said as he began using his magic in combination with the talisman to punch or freeze all the goons. As for Tohru, he enlarged the octopus temporarily to keep him occupied.

He grabbed Jade and Jackie before running out through the hole in the side of the building that the Dark Hand goons had created. He ran to a park before stopping.

And once he did, both Chans immediately started vomiting.

"'d we even get here?" - Jade

She said while wiping her mouth with her sleeve and groaning slightly, she and Jackie were both bent over a trash can.

Jackie held up the talisman.

"Super speed." - A

"Cool!" - Jade

"We need to get this back to Section Thirteen." - Jackie

Aster nodded as they walked somewhere a bit more discreet before opening a portal into The Vault and placing the Rabbit Talisman with the others.

"That's four down. Eight to go." - A

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