Adventures in Space-Time - Part 2

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It was the same city, just...different. Plus, everybody was dressed strangely. Well...technically they were the odd man out here.

"Where do we even start looking for her?" - JC

"Tracking spell." - A

He said as he briefly chanted, and his wand summoned an arrow that pointed them in a specific direction.

"Let's hope the Dark Hand isn't here." - JC

He said as they began to follow its directions. It took them straight to Uncle's shop, but it seemed Jade had already left just a minute ago.

Aster wanted to chase after her but had to stop for a moment to inspect the shop. Clearly a fight had broken out here and it was very badly wrecked. Plus, instead of antiques, it was a vinyl shop.

"The Dark Hand have Uncle!" - JC

He said while showing Aster a poorly written letter that said exactly that, and gave them a location to be at.

'Who wrote this? A five year old?' - A

"What are they even doing here?" - JC

"They have a way to track talismans. They followed Jade. Now they're in the past like us." - A

He said while picking up some of the vinyl and wondering if he should try to make some profit by taking stuff from here and selling it in the present, or vice versa. But he decided against it. He didn't want to risk changing the future.

They arrived at the location after a few taxi rides, which brought them to a mansion. Aster turned them both invisible as they snuck in and reached the backyard, where a super speeding Jade was trying to fight off the Dark Hand goons.

Uncle was tied down to a beach chair next to the pool, and a little kid with white hair was hiding in the bushes.

'What's a kid doing here?' - A

He said as he noticed the Dark Hand goons seemed to be very protective over some kind of crystal ball thing, and even dove straight into concrete to make sure it didn't break.

While he and Jackie observed, a young Jackie came running into the backyard.

"I'm coming, Uncle!" - Young JC

"No!" - Jade

Young Jackie got grabbed by Finn, who also had the crystal.

"Ready to rewrite history, kid?" - Finn

Aster used magic to pull the crystal ball away while Jackie used a leg sweep to throw Finn off balance, giving Young Jackie a chance to escape his grasp but he ended up falling into water.

Tohru began trying to grab the two, leading. Aster would've handed Tohru his own ass with joy but got distracted as he saw Young Jackie drowning in the pool, and normal Jackie starting to fade out of existence.

"Hand over the crystal ball and the talisman!" - Tohru

"Eat shit!" - A

He said as he blasted them with a quick gummy spell, causing them to focus on that while he dove into the pool and pulled out Young Jackie.

"Let's hope Eclipsa didn't make any spelling errors..." - A

He said as he began to chant and use her Resuscitation Spell. It took a few seconds but he managed to get Young Jackie to breath again, and saved normal Jackie from fading. Young Jackie jolted up once he was breathing again.

"Take deep breathes." - A

He instructed as Jade watched the whole thing, feeling pretty damn guilty. Tohru managed to use this as a chance to snatch the talisman from Jade and use it to leave with the other goons in an instant. The little white haired kid tried to chase them.

"You can't leave me! I'm your boss!" - ???

'Their boss?' - A

"...hey, kid! What's your name?" - A

"Valmont!" - V

'Hm...I could prevent this entire thing from happening if I were to stop him from turning evil now...but then we'd never find the talismans...ugh, time stuff is annoying.' - A

He thought to himself while Jade freed Uncle from the ropes.

"Help me out here, Jackie!" - Jade

Both of the Jackies went to help only to notice each other and gasp.

The two then examined each other, poking and prodding before finally accepting it.

"You're me!" - JC

"And you're me!" - YJ

"Hate to break it up, but the bad guys have the talisman!" - A

"Well, they don't have this." - JC

He said while revealing the crystal ball.

"When the hell did you have time to take that?" - A

"When they were busy I stole it." - JC

"Huh...well, anyways. Let's get that talisman back." - A

He said as he used a tracking spell to lead them to the Rabbit Talisman's location, which happened to be the yard of a highschool. Once there, Aster, Jade, young Uncle, and Jackie got into a full brawl.

They ended up taking the fight into the gym, where a prom was happening.

"Sorry!" - A

He said while blasting explosive cupcakes at Chow, sending him flying into the bleachers. Jackie and Jade were surprisingly great fighters when paired up.

Tohru, however, was a problem. He just kept pushing through whatever spell Aster tossed at him. Especially with his new speed. So he came up with a risky plan and blasted the crystal ball with magic, causing it open up a TemPortal back to the present.

'So that's why they were so obsessed with this thing.' - A

He said as Tohru quickly tried to jump through the portal, giving Aster time to snatch the talisman from him. Chow, Ratso, Finn, and the rest of the goons followed soon after.

"What about us?" - Jade

"We have our own way home. And when we get there, you are so grounded." - A

Jade sighed.

"Yeah, that's fair..." - Jade

After finding the portal, they made their way back to the present, leaving behind a slightly altered past where Uncle discovered magic even sooner and Jackie became more motivated to learn martial arts.

When they landed back in the present, Kepler and a bunch of Section Thirteen agents were waiting.

"Time continuum is back to normal!" - Kepler

He said as the TemPortal disconnected from Aster's dimensional scissors and finally closed.

"Still can't figure out how you managed to open a portal though..." - Kepler

"I went super Sonic! Jackie, gimme the talisman so I can show him!" - Jade

Aster and Jackie both looked at her with firm and angry looks.

"Heh, nevermind..." - Jade

She said, not wanting to extend her punishment by being greedy.

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