Jackie Chan - Part 3: Ninja Demons

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Jackie took a phone call once he was done talking with Jade. At first it seemed to be going well and he mentioned something about 'incantations', but then something happened and someone else seemed to be talking.

"I need a favor. Watch my niece." - JC

"Where are you going?" - Black

"Please, don't ask questions!" - JC

He said as he got in the elevator and left.

"Alright, young lady, let's-" - Black

He looked down and saw that Jade was already gone.

"I told you. Potential. Anyways, I think I know where they're heading." - A

He said as he pulled out his dimensional scissors. He opened a portal to Uncle's Shop.

"...can I buy those off of you? Or atleast the method of manufacturing?" - Black

"It's a magic thing. And no." - A

He said as they both walked through. Black pulled out his gun just in case. They began to look around until they eventually found the Bavarian Shield. Aster picked it up and could feel Magic coming from it. Except it was different from his own magic...

Jackie eventually showed up, followed by Jade. Both were surprised to see Black and Aster already there.

"How did you get here so fast?" - JC

"I can make portals." - A

"Cool! Can I try?" - Jade

"Someday. If you behave yourself and get Jackie's permission." - A

He pet Jade's head.

"Aww, but he's never gonna let me go!" - Jade

"Then you'll have to prove to him that you can handle it." - A

Aster then talked to Jackie to figure out what was going on, and eventually got the truth out of him. Apparently the Dark Hand had kidnapped Uncle and told Jackie to meet them at a specific location to trade Uncle for the shield.

Aster came up with a plan to disguise himself and Black so they could follow Jackie without the Dark Hand knowing. Jade wanted to come too, but Aster made her promise to stay and created a few spells to keep her entertained.

The trio went up to the roof of a tall building and found Uncle being held there with his hands tied with rope by a Japanese man that looked like he could be a Sumo Wrestler.

"The shield." - Tohru

"Why does your employer want it?" - Jackie

He said while holding the shield close to his chest.

"That is not your concern." - Tohru

"Fine. You want the shield? Take it!" - JC

He said as Aster revealed himself and opened a portal. Jackie threw the shield inside while Black grabbed Uncle and carried him away from Tohru.

"Fools!" - Tohru

He said as the entire roof became surrounded by shadowy ninjas. They radiated magical energy, but it felt...corrupted. Darker. Demonic.

Jackie and Aster pressed their backs together. They were surrounded and there was only one way out of this.

Aster's wand glowed and Jackie clenched his fists as the ninjas began to charge at them. An all out brawl began with both of them fighting for their lives.

Aster was casting spell after spell. But he'd occasionally get hit or cut by the ShadowKhan's ninja stars. He retaliated with light spells which seemed to only weaken them.

This was enough to buy him and Jackie time to start running down the roof of the building. But there were too many ninjas and they were cornered.

"Jump!" - A

"What?!" - JC

"Trust me!" - A

Jackie stared at him before nodding. They both jumped and Aster created another cloud, which carried them down to the ground safely. The ShadowKhan kept chasing them until a military helicopter showed up and flashed its light on Jackie, Jade, Aster, Uncle, and Black. This prevented the ShadowKhan from coming too close.

And since the shield was now gone, they decided to retreat. Aster let out a sigh of relief before wincing slightly as his cuts kept bleeding.

Aster took everyone back to Uncle's shop. Uncle was ranting about the shield not being important.

"The shield not important! The talisman in the center is! That is where the magic lies!" - Uncle

"Hm..." - A

He opened a portal and retrieved the shield. He grabbed the talisman with the image of a rooster on the center and began to pull. The shield started to crack and crack and broke when he finally pulled it out. Uncle quickly took it and examined it.

"See the markings? These are the markings of the Rooster, from the Chinese zodiac. There are eleven more talisman where that came from!" - Uncle

"Then the Dark Hand must be after them too..." - A

"And if each of them holds a unique type of magic, we have no idea what power they could unleash in their hands." - A

"Then we just have to take them first!" - Jade

"Jade, this is dangerous." - JC

"Come on, Jackie. She'll be in danger regardless. The Dark Hand knows about her. The best we can do is prepare. Maybe letting her learn martial arts and go on a few safe missions won't be so bad." - A

"No, too dangerous! She is a child." - JC

"You saw what she could do at Section 13. She's sneaky, and if anything too dangerous happens, I can send her right back here." - A

"...fine. But if anything happens to her, it's on you!" - JC

Aster nodded, accepting the responsibility.

"Really?! Does this mean I get to learn the art of Butt-Whoop?!" - Jade

Aster laughed a little as he nodded.

"Yes, you do. But Jackie is right. You need wisdom and courage. You have to know when to fight, and when to make peace. You must have discipline, and respect." - A

"But those are so boring!" - Jade

"You want to help us find the talismans, right?" - A

"Yeah..." - Jade

"Then its training or homework. Your choice." - A

"Fiiine!" - Jade

He grumbled. After a bit more talk with the group, especially Uncle who wanted to learn about Aster's magic and Mewni, he left. He returned to Marco's house with some bandages that Black and Jackie had helped him put on.

He sat on the couch with a tired expression as Marco got back home with a smile and a piece of paper.

He couldn't wait to tell him about all his new discoveries.

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