Project Rescue - Part 1: What You Want

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Marco was sitting on his bed as he watched Aster conduct a small team of people with different tasks on how to prepare for their upcoming mission.

This team consisted of the Chans (Uncle, Jackie, and Jade) as well as Captain Black and some of his agents. Aster had convinced them to help him recover the Book of Spells.

Not only would this help Aster, but they'd finally get to see Mewni first hand. And of course, Marco was included.

"Where should I put the rifles?" - Black

"Over there with the missile launcher." - A

He directed him. Marco finally had enough and was concerned with the amount of explosives in the house.

"Aster, I know you wanna get Glossaryck back. I do too! But maybe we should reevaluate the lethality of your team? This is supposed to be a rescue mission." - M

"And it still is! But Ludo has his own small army, plus his own wand, and the Book of Spells. We're gonna need atleast this much if we want to take him down for good." - A

"And by that you mean...?" - M

"Prison, Marco." - A

He sighed, still feeling guilty over his murder attempt against Ludo. Sure, he believed some villains deserved death. But people like Tohru and Ludo didn't deserve that. They could still be helped, or atleast appropriately punished.
On Mewni...

BuffFrog was happily and peacefully reading a bedtime story to his children about corn inside the newly rebuilt Castle Avarius. Atleast, until a portal opened up.

A small horde of fully armed human soldiers came charging out, guns at the ready as they secured the room.

"Is this really necessary?" - JC

Asked Jackie as he and the main squad came through the portal after the agents.

"Aster Butterfly! What is meaning of this! I thought we were friends now!" - BF

He said in outraged as he held his tadpole babies.

"We are! We just needed to make sure none of Ludo's rats was spying on you." - A

"Awww, these are so cute! Are they your kids?" - Jade

Buff Frog nodded as Jade began to play with Katrina.

"What exactly are you?" - Black

"He is demon spirit!" - Uncle

"No, he's one of the monsters I told you guys about. He's like a human, just...a little different." - A

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jackie." - JC

He offered Buff Frog a handshake, which he accepted. Black did the same, but Uncle was more interested in the wasteland outside the castle. And the agents were securing the rest of the castle.

"We're here because we think Ludo is up to something serious." - A

"Yes, I know. Did you not get my letters?" - BF

Everybody looked at Aster.

"You mean your scribbles?" - A

He said in confusion.

"Oh, so I not go to school for learn fancy handwriting! Sorry!" - BF

"Aiya! Give me that!" - Uncle

He took one of Buff Frog's letters and took a look at them. He almost immediately gave up because they really did look like scribbles.

Jackie, Aster, Marco, Buff Frog, Uncle, and Black all gathered around Buff Frog's dining table to strategize.

"I make this map when I infiltrate Ludo's lair.  I mark secret entrance here." - BF

He pointed it out on a map he made.

"Hm...we could cause a distraction somewhere near the front to make it easier for the rest of you to sneak in and grab what we need." - Black

"But we shouldn't use the guns! Not unless they attack first." - JC

He insisted.

"Guns will not help! Magic must defeat magic. Uncle will make spells!" - Uncle

"It's okay, Uncle. You, Jade, and Jackie are here as back up in case things go wrong. If you're gonna make spells, make sure they're all ready for Ludo. He's the big bad." - A

Uncle huffed but agreed.

"You do not need all these earthlings. You only need wand." - BF

"It couldn't hurt to try, Buff Frog. And besides, humans are stronger than you think." - A

He said as they got everything ready.
At the corn fields...

Two monsters were standing guard to Ludo's lair. When they heard strange sounds, they figured something must be attacking. The larger of the two went to help, while the squirrel girl looked around before running away into the corn fields.

Aster and his small team of Jackie, Marco, and Black used this to ride Warnicorns right into the lair uninterrupted. They managed to get pretty deep inside before finally encountering some monsters in the deeper floors.

"Surrender or face the consequences." - A

He said as he aimed his want at the monsters. He wanted to give them a chance to avoid the conflict. And luckily so, as an elephant monster entered the room.

"Hey guys, we gotta make a chore chart or something. The shower is gross! Huh? Who are you guys?" - ???

"Uh...are you sure these are the evil monsters? They just seem like nice people." - JC

"Yeah, We're not fighting monsters. We're alternative monsters" - ???

Said a bird girl monster. Aster and Black lowered their respective weapons.

"Then what's up with all the weapons?" - Marco

"Yeah, there's a suspiciously large amount." - Black

"We found them when we moved in. They're perfect for customizing our clothes." - ???

Said a mole monster.

"Okay...well, we don't wanna fight you guys. So we'll just keep moving down and try to find Ludo. I hope you guys are happy here!" - A

He said as he waved and the group began to move further down. But the deeper they went, the more they found proof that this lair was just abandoned.

"Are we sure Ludo is even still here?" - JC

"He might not be, but maybe there's some clues?" - A

He shrugged.

"What exactly was in that spell book, anyway?" - Black

"You know, the usual. Summoning spells, fighting spells, spying spells...wait! I know how to find Ludo!" - A

He said as he told them about the All Seeing Eye. Jackie and Marco were pretty uncomfortable with it. But Black could see its potential for spying on enemies.

"Let's do it." - Black

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