The Sanctuary - Part 1

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Aster was riding in the back of a carriage. He and his mom had been traveling through the Forest of Certain Death for quite a whole under the moonlight.

As they rode, Aster thought about his friends on Earth and how they'd do without him around. Marco would probably take it the hardest, but he was a tough guy.

Jackie was a lot stronger than he gave himself credit for, and had leadership material. If anyone could keep Uncle, Jade, and now Tohru in line, it was him. Plus, he'd have Black and Lo Pei for back up.

But regardless, he couldn't help but worry. Earth was his second home. He couldn't just leave it behind...

"Hey, mom, how long are we going to be gone?" - A

He asked, to which she shushed him.

"We need to be quiet. We don't know who could be listening." - Moon

She whispered.

"But I'm sure you'll be able to return as soon as Toffee is dealt with. Speaking of, how are the Commission?" - Moon

She asked.

Apparently Moon and the Magical High Commission, minus a few members, had attacked Ludo. During the fight, Ludo somehow absorbed their souls, leaving them as empty husks. Strangely enough, their bodies were now as light as balloons, so all of them had to get tied to the back of the carriage to make sure they wouldn't float away.

"Uhh, they aren't getting any worse." - A

He said as he glanced back at Hekapoo, Rhombulus, and Omni. Omni was now just a regular sized skull with sword antlers instead of his usual cosmic self.

"You know how to heal them, right?" - A

He asked.

"Once we're at The Sanctuary, the Well of Magic should be able to rejuvenate all of them." - Moon

The Well of Magic. It was what connected Mewni to the Realm of Magic. Every dimension had its own Well, and those Wells could take on various forms. But regardless, if it had magic, it was connected to it.

"Right...and what about Chancellor Lekhmet? Rhombulus is his guard, right?" - A

" no longer with us..." - Moon

She said with a somber tone as Aster's concern became sadness, and he looked back at Rhombulus.

'He's gonna be devastated...' - A

The entire point of Lekhmet's existence as a healer was to serve as living proof of the consequences of magic. Everytime he healed someone, he'd be giving his own life force to do it. And it seemed he used the last of it to save Moon...

'Thank you, Lekhmet...' - A

He thought to himself as he looked out of the window of the carriage to look up at the stars, wondering if his soul was out there somewhere. But along the way, the Warnicorn they had summoned began to weaken and eventually collapsed into dust.

"Mom? What happened?" - A

He asked in confusion as he stepped out of the carriage.

"It's the fritz, it's weakening all magic, even looks like we'll have to set up camp for the night." - Moon

"Here?" - A

He asked, gesturing to the forest around them.

"We don't have a lot of other options. We need to get to the Sanctuary." - Moon

She said as she gathered some dried sticks and began trying to light them ablaze with some magic, but couldn't even summon a spark.

"It's okay, I got it." - A

He aimed his wand, but she quickly stopped him.

"No. The wand, it's tainted." - Moon

She warned with a completely serious expression.

"What? But Glossaryck said it was fine." - A

He said, thinking back to when Glossaryck initially inspected the wand after it was damaged during the fight at Ludo's Castle.

"Glossaryck...isn't the best person advisor. And Toffee has him now." - Moon

" he safe?" - A

He asked, and Moon sighed as she explained everything while Aster lit the fire manually with a trick Marco taught him. He would've use a lighter, but he didn't have one on him when they left.

Apparently, when his wand initially exploded, it broke into two halves. Aster only had one half, Ludo had the other. Ludo stole Glossaryck to learn how to use it, and in a rage, destroyed the original Book of Spells, and Glossaryck along with it.

Aster was mostly just quiet at this point. He considered Glossaryck a friend. But he wasn't sure if Glossaryck felt the same. He'd always been so cryptic, and was never surprised about anything. Was this all apart of some larger plan? Did Aster even matter to Glossaryck? He wasn't sure.

"I know Glossaryck was...difficult, at times. But he's always been loyal to our family." - Moon

She said, noticing Aster's doubt.

"Yeah, because we had the Book of Spells." - A

He said with slight anger. Moon looked at him with sympathy but then the two quickly shut up as they heard rustling from nearby. They put out the fire with dirt and then slowly moved towards the sound, finding a bunch of Ludo's rats.

"Scouts. We should let them keep moving to avoid attracting any attention." - Moon

Aster nodded as they sat back and watched the rats sniff around before leaving, not finding anything suspicious.

Once the rats moved on, they decided to keep moving rather than camp. And within another hour or so, they reached a large lake.

"This is it. The Sanctuary." - Moon

She said with complete confidence. Though Aster looked around and saw nothing special other than a blue crocodile.

"This is the gatekeeper." - Moon

She kneeled down to the crocodile and Aster watched as the two began to communicate in weird animal sounds.

'...maybe Dad isn't so crazy after all.' - A

He thought to himself. The animal sounds mostly consisted of variations of 'bwah' and 'bwuh'. Aster briefly questioned his mother's sanity.

Eventually the crocodile returned to the water. And as if on cue, a large temple with a crystal roof emerged from the water. A series of rock pedestals also emerged; acting as a passageway to the entrance.

"Woah..." - A

He said in amazement as they began to approach the Sanctuary.

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