Monster Hunt - Part 3: The Hydra

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As they began to enter, he had Ivory label the location as 'Hydra's Lair' on the map. And while she did that, he used a spell to inform Moon that they might be close to finding the Hydra.

The cave was dark with very little sound aside from their footsteps. Aster used magic to create multiple glowing orbs that followed the group, allowing them to see what was ahead and around them.

He didn't want his three allies of the group (excluding Lightning & Thunder) to get hurt during the fight in case they got too close to the hydra. So he gave Marco some of the lightest armor that the soldiers could spare, as well as a some gauntlets that he enchanted (with the wand) to be able to produce electricity.

He gave Janna a pair of daggers. And he gave Ivory a pair of healing gloves. Enchanting magic was something that was very rarely ever used on Mewni. The only other queens that used it were probably Celena the Shy and Solaria the Monster Carver.

But Aster's enchantments weren't meant to effect emotions or turn people into super soldiers, it was to temporarily strengthen them. Permanent enchantments weren't something he'd mastered yet. And creating this many enchanted items was close to his limit as it is.

The cave seemed to only grow larger as they went deeper. When they first entered, they could touch the ceiling. But now, it was like they'd been shrunken down to the size of ants.

The cave was huge, with massive stalactites and stalagmites everywhere. Aster would occasionally have to use magic to clear the way until they found what they were looking for.

The hydra.

It had three heads and was sleeping. Aster signaled to the men to prepare for battle. They began to pull their swords out while the few archers they had prepared their bows and arrows.

Aster raised his wand.

"Vastitas inspiratione." - A

His wand fired a green blast of energy as the archers fired their arrows. The energy blast managed to destroy one of the hydra's heads as well as destroying one of its legs. It roared as it woke up in a fury, before being bombarded with arrows.

One of its heads began to breath flames at them. Aster used magic to redirect the flames away from them and towards a wall, which left scorch marks on the stones

The destroyed hydra head was already growing back and had now split in two, giving it four heads. The soldiers with swords were targeting focused on keeping the hydra's attention on them.

When the hydra opened one of its mouths for another fire blast, Marco managed to get close enough to punch the hydra's leg, giving it an electric shock to disrupt the attack.

The fire blast was redirected towards the ceiling instead. Aster was trying to use various spells to keep the hydra's mouth shut, but it wasn't working out super well.

Ivory was healing anyone that got hurt and Janna was telling people to either target the chest or ass. But they just couldn't get close enough.

"I have an idea! Everybody back up!" - A

The soldiers started to back away from the Hydra. Aster then waited for it to unleash another fire breath before raising an earth wall to trap it inside.

They could hear the hydra thrashing around inside and using more fire breath. Marco was confused.

"Aren't we supposed to kill it?" - M

"I read about this strategy in the book of spells. If we lock it in there while it's using it's fire attack, it'll eat up all the oxygen and pass out." - A

He could still hear it thrashing.

"We just have to wait it out..." - A

They had a quick meal while they waited. And after about an hour, there was silence. Water finally lowered the walls and they could see the Hydra laying on the ground, all of its heads passed out. Though it could now breath because they'd lowered the walls.

"Alright, let's get ready to cut this thing apart!" - A

The soldiers began to prepare weapons and tools. But while they did that, Janna began to examine the Hydra. She took a few selfies with it before noticing something behind it.

When she investigated, she found a nest with a bunch No...eggs. Like the one she got from the monsters from earlier. Things clicked into place for her.

"Wait! Stop!" - J

She said as they were right about to start cutting into the hydra's chest.

"What?" - A

"She's just protecting her eggs! Those monsters took one of them to make her attack people! She thought we were coming to take more!" - J

"How do you know?" - M

"Because look!" - J

She showed them the nest as well as the eggs. Aster was hesitant, but...kind of instead of having his men kill the hydra, he ordered them to only tie it down for now.

He then waited for it to wake up. And when it did, it was pissed. It roared in fury and prepared fire blasts from all its mouths until Aster used magic to levitate the egg up in front of its face.

The hydra slowly closed its mouth. Now that they had its attention, Aster slowly moved the egg to the nest and put it back where it belonged. The hydra looked at them and one of her heads moved closer to Aster, staring at him for a moment before licking him, covering him in spit.

"Gross..." - A

He said as the hydra began to curl itself around the nest. It seemed she never wanted to fight them. She just wanted to protect her family.

"What do we tell your mom?" - M

"Well, we already have one of the hydra heads. If we tell her that we killed the hydra, we get both the glory and they'll leave her alone. Atleast for a while." - A

He watched the Hydra. Were all monsters like this? Misunderstood? LobsterClaw had been turned into a soldier for a battle he didn't want, and the Hydra just wanted to raise its babies in peace...

He had a dark thought for a moment. That maybe his family and kingdom were the real monsters...

No, he can't think like that. His ancestors wouldn't wage war without a good reason. They weren't the bad guys...
The ride back wasn't as chaotic as before. The hydra head was surprisingly light, so they had no difficulty transporting it.

Aster also took some blood from it and stored it in his wand. Who knows? It could be useful someday.

His mother believed their story and put the hydra head up for display, to ease the worries of the common people and merchants.

Though Aster's worries were only growing...

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