Tales of the Demon Realm

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Shendu's siblings had been trapped in the Demon Realm for hundreds of years at this point. All stuck together, powerless to escape. They'd had hope that their brother, Shendu, would be able to free them. But he too faces failure at the hands of a single mage.

Not only that, but his body had been destroyed and he was now just a spirit. A raging one at that. His siblings didn't even have the satisfaction of bullying him anymore because their attacks just phased right through them.

However, not longer after Shendu's body was destroyed, something new happened...

Po Kong, a gigantic green woman with a hideous face and grey hair tied in a bun, was talking with her siblings. Each of them was on one of the many floating islands of the abyss they were in, when Hsi Wu came flying at them.

Hsi Wu resembled a gargoyle or perhaps a grey demon, with glowing red eyes and a bit of hair on his chin. He seemed panicked.

"What's gotten into you?" - Bai Tza

Bai Tza said. Unlike Po Kong, she was a beautiful woman with pale blue skin and the lower body of a serpent. Though her hair was made up of many long tentacles.

"Run, you fools!!" - Hsi Wu

He said as he flew right past his siblings. They all looked confused before turning to see what he was running from, and were confused and a little shocked to see Aster in his butterfly form.

"I knew the boy was foolish, but not this foolish." - Tchang Zu

Said Tchang Zu. He was twice the size of a normal man, and covered in muscles. He even had armor, and his skin was covered in hardened blue scales, which prevented him from going any hair. He was close to being a dragon, though he lacked the wings and tail.

"No...something is wrong..." - Tso Lan

Said the most perceptive of the bunch. Tso Land looked the most human. He had dark red robes and long black hair, but grey skin and mandibles like an insect.

His words were proven right as Po Kong got blasted with a massive magic blast to the face, knocking her off her little island and sent her crashing through several others.

"He would dare attack the Demon Sorcerers?! Even without our Chi, he can't possibly think he can win alone!" - Dai Gui

Said Dai Gui. He had tan fur covering his body and large jade green horns, as well as golden armor. He jumped off the island he was on, using his incredible strength.

He then used himself as a weapon, as he began to dive straight towards Aster, horns first. Aster looked at Dai Gui with glowing golden eyes as he unleashed a powerful barrage of lightning at Dai Gui.

Dai Gui, just like Po Kong, got blasted right through several islands. And without their Chi, their regenerative abilities were weakened.

"Together! Attack all at once!" - Xiao Fung

Said the giant white and black frog. He inhaled and released a massive gust of wind at Aster, followed by Aster getting some of the islands thrown at him by Tchang Zu and Po Kong once she recovered.

His entire body glowed as he released a massive burst of magic in all directions, blowing apart the islands. He then casted Levitato on all the debris and sent it hurling right back at all of them.

The Demon Sorcerers weren't entirely helpless however. Their Chi contained most of their power, but they did still have a small portion of their original power. Tso Lan began to use gravity to slow down the barrage as much as he could while Xiao Fung and Bai Tza used their combined water and wind attacks to destroy as many of them as they could.

While they did that, Aster flew right at Dai Gui, who was still trying to crawl his way out of the crater he created when he crashed. He formed a few dozen magic swords and sent them all flying at Dai Gui. They wouldn't be able to kill him, but they'd certainly hold him down.

He then noticed Hsi Wu trying to sneak up on him. So he used Levitato to grab him and hold him in place before launching him into Xiao Fung's open mouth, causing him to choke.

He then quickly flew right at Bai Tza, grabbed her tail and began to use her as a whip to fight against Tchang Zu and Tso Lan. Tso Lan was the first of the two to run.

"Coward!!" - Tchang Zu

He shouted as he repeatedly dodged or blocked the attacks.

"It's called self preservation, brother. If you live, I'll make it up to you." - Tso Lan

He said as he continued to run. But Aster raised Bai Tza's unconcious body and threw her like a bolo whip, causing her to get tangled up with Tso Lan and restrain him.

"What kind of monster are you?!" - Tchang Zu

He shouted as he picked up a piece of debris to use as a shield as Aster prepared another energy blast. He only smiled before unleashing the attack on him, finally forcing the mighty warrior to pass out as he got sent flying a few hundred miles away.

He noticed Xiao Fung finally spat out Hsi Wu and Po Kong was joining up with the two. He used Levitato on two islands and proceeded to smash them on the left and right sides of Po Kong repeatedly like some kind of sandwich before turning to Xiao Fung and Hsi Wu.

Aster picked up Xiao Fung with Levitato and tossed him away into the endless abyss around them before picking up Hsi Wu by the tail. He started to spin him around like a yo-yo before letting go, sending him flying off. Though he did accidentally take a piece of Hsi Wu's tail.

He shrugged before opening up a golden portal back to his bedroom and leaving the Demon Realm. He went through and dropped the tail on the bed before crawling under the sheets and closing his eyes.

The butterfly form faded and Aster began to wake up, completely unaware of his 'sleep walking'. He yawned as he saw the morning light coming in through his windows.

'Man, what a nice dream...' - A

He thought to himself, getting out of bed to get ready for the day. Glossaryck jumped on the bed and noticed the tail.

"Globgor?" - G

He picked up the tail and ran off with it, using it as a new toy to hit Eternity with.

Reincarnated in Star Vs The Forces of EvilWhere stories live. Discover now