Ron UnStoppable

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Caster, Ron, Monique, and Kim were sitting in class, waiting for the lesson to start. But instead of Ms. Jenkins walking through the door, it was Barkin.

"Attention, students! It seems Ms. Jenkins made a mistake many first year teachers make." - Barkin

'Oh my stars...she fucked a student?' - C

"She ate the cafeteria meat loaf." - Barkin

He said, making literally everyone gasp. Even Caster didn't dare go within five feet of that abomination while in Jackal form.

"Now, until she's out of intensive care, I'll be covering her classes. Let's begin with a pop quiz." - Barkin

He was about to start writing on the board until Kim raised her hand.

"Yes, Ms. Possible?" - Barkin

"We were supposed to show our Personal History Projects today." - K

"Personal what now?" - Barkin

"We each did a project that explores who we are! It was really fun." - Monique

"And there was only one rule! Have fun!" - R

They explained. Though Caster looked like he was about to shit bricks since he hadn't even started his project yet. He didn't have any personal history! Well, he did, but that was Aster's history. And he couldn't exactly tell the class about missions, monsters, or magic. And he didn't exactly have a lot of hobbies...

"Alright, alright...bring on the projects." - Barkin

He took a seat. Ron went first.

"We all know Ron Stoppable is 'the man', but can we prove it? I believe we can! It's all here! From my birth to my bar mitzvah!" - Rob

He said, showing a collage of all his achievements. Though Barkin pointed out that his certificate wasn't signed, so he didn't accept it. He gave Ron and Caster an extension on their projects.

Ron, however, was moping around. Apparently he was having an existential crisis over his masculinity, and being upset over the fact he wasn't as muscular as Caster or as heroic as Kim. But his moping session was interrupted by a call from Wade in Kim's locker.

"What's the sitch?" - Kim

"We got a hit from a Jack Hench. He's a total mystery! I can't figure out what he actually does, but whatever it is, he's making some serious cash. He said he wants to meet at his company's headquarters." - Wade

"Alright, we'll be there after school." - C

"Shouldn't you work on your project?" - K

"Eh...I'll be fine...I can afford to fail this project." - C

He shrugged.
Caster, Kim, and Ron arrived at Hench Co, Jack Hench's company. They were brought to the reception room, which was large and very...purple.

"This guy definitely sells henchmen..." - C

"What do you mean?" - R

"Plenty of villains have a small army of henchmen who are trained and loyal. They have to come from somewhere." - C

He said as they entered the room. A receptionist was sitting at his desk and smiled when he saw them. He looked like a more feminine Ron.

"Why, you must be the legendary Kim Possible, Caster Butterfly, and Ron Stoppable! Mr. Hench will be with you in a second. Have a seat."

He said, to which the trio nodded and sat down.

"I'm gonna see if your theory is right." - K

She said, going up to the receptionist and getting him to leave for a moment so she could look through the computer files on his desk. When she returned, she nodded.

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