Butterfly Castle

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Aster quickly went back to talk to his mother, and told her everything.

"We have to go back, dad is still there! Everyone is there!" - A

He said, thinking about Ruberiot, Ivory, Emerald, Thunder & Lightning, and all his other people. Moon thought about it before answering.

"No." - Moon

Aster stared in shock, but that shock quickly turned to anger.

"He is your husband. And father of your child! You can't just abandon him!" - A

"I've made my decision! We stay here." - Moon

She said before storming off in search of a bathroom. There was a tiny chance she'd meet the Snake Guardian...

"Hey, Buff Frog? Can you do me a favor?" - A

"Of course." - BF

"I want you to distract my mom while I go try and save my kingdom. And if I cant, hopefully I'll atleast be able to get some refugees to the other kingdoms or Earth." - A

"This is very dangerous, Butterfly. Do you have plan?" - BF

He asked cautiously, to which he nodded.

"Very well. I will distract her." - BF

"Distract me from what?" - Moon

She returned after having failed to find the bathroom.

"Uhh, this!" - BF

He lifted his left man boob to reveal a Ludo tattoo.

"I didn't want you to see it. Bad choices from my past..." - BF

"Ah, well, thank you. What do monsters do for entertainment around here?" - Moon

"We could...play board games?" - BF

"Great! You two do that, I'll be tadpole sitting! Elsewhere!" - A

He grabbed all the tadpoles in a big bear hug and carried them into another room. Aster waited for them to be sat down and start playing for him to make his escape, leaving the two parents alone to play Swamp Defender.

"Oh! You land in mud puddle. You get nothing, tough break." - BF

He said as he rolled the dice.

"This game seems a tad biased..." - Moon

She said, noticing how the Queen in the game was villainized, and her objective was to get across the board and eat monster babies.

"Really? I don't think so. Yay! I get more corn." - BF

He said after rolling the dice.

"You know, it's actually monsters that eat Mewman babies." - Moon

She said, trying to correct him, but instead, she only managed to upset him.

"Oh, really? Can you name a time when a monster has ever done such a thing?" - BF

He asked, which startled her as she struggled to think of evidence.

"Well, no? But when I was a child, we played a game called Castle Defender, where we'd protect our children and home from ravenous monsters. That idea had to have come from somewhere." - Moon

"Because it was in a children's board game?" - BF

He said with a slight laugh, poking holes in her logic.

"I just think monsters wouldn't be so villainized if they weren't so hostile and blood thirsty all the time!" - Moon

She raised her voice.

"Monsters only act that way to protect their families and homes from Mewmans!" - BF

He raised his voice in return. The entire time they argued, they continued to play the game.

"You may not understand! But monsters will do anything for their children! We would sacrifice everything for them!" - BF

He said with absolute seriousness.

"Don't talk to me about sacrifice! Why do you think I'm here? To protect my son from Toffee? You don't think I'm worried to death about my husband? I have to put my child above my needs! Always! Something you could never understand! Because you are a monster!!" - Moon

She shouted, enraging Buff Frog enough to make him flip the board in anger.

"You insult me, Queen Moon! My babies, they are my life. They are everything to me." - BF

The tadpoles came in, hugging their dad. They got scared because of the shouting. Moon watched and saw, instead of monsters, an actual family...

"I...I'm sorry. You're a parent too. I should've seen that." - Moon

She said, having a deeper understanding of the monsters she'd feared her whole life. And all it took was an actual conversation. She kneeled down and began to actually play with the tadpoles, now seeing them for what they really were.

Sure, she'd still need to make amends and remove all her prejudices, but atleast she was changing for the better.

When Aster reached the outer towns of the Butterfly Kingdom, he found them to be mostly fine. It seemed like Ludo had skipped right past them and went straight for the capital.

He opened portals for all of them, giving them all a chance to escape to another kingdom until order was restored. Reinforcements from other kingdoms might not arrive until it was too late, so he'd have to carry out this mission himself. When he reached the actual capital, he found it mostly wrecked, with flags with the corrupted half of his wand drawn on them.

It seemed that Ludo had used the pure destructive power to destroy the cores of the androids. Or perhaps it was Toffee? He wasn't sure...

Though he was pretty sure it was Toffee. Ludo was, respectfully, too stupid to cause this much strategic damage. As for the people, they seemed to be living mostly in fear of Ludo's army of rats and rogue monsters.

His time with Jackie taught him enough to help him sneak around, and eventually to get his hands on a 'King Ludo' costume. While he found it hideous, he put it on, allowing him to freely walk around and sneak into the castle. He'd have to find a way to sneak attack Ludo, when he was least prepared...

Unknown to Aster, a rebellion had formed. It was lead by The Queen and and the last of her Androids. Among the members were Aster's servants, Ruberiot and his entertainer friends, some royal guards that survived the initial attack, and a small group of civilians that wanted to fight.

The Queen had sent Ruberiot and his two friends, a clown and a mime, into the castle to gather information while she did her best to gather more recruits, leaving Ivory in charge. When they returned to their headquarters in the sewers, they had someone with them. Marco.

"Marco?! How did you get on Mewni?" - Ivory

She asked, being shocked to see him.

"King River brought me here before the attack. Ludo locked me in the dungeon up until these three set me free." - M

He gestured to Ruberiot's crew.

"I'm glad you're here...what do we do now?" - Ivory

Marco looked around at the rebels.

"We fight." - M

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