The Sixth Talisman: Not War

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Aster and Jackie were back at Section Thirteen, in the medical wing where Black was unconscious and hooked up to various machines to help him breath and monitor his vitals.

Aster would use magic in a heart beat to help out Black, but it was too risky right now. Black was on a tightrope of life and death. One mistake in a chant and he could accidentally make it worse. He'd just have to have faith...

A nurse brought in a large vase full of flowers. Aster checked who it was from and clenched his fists.

"Who's it from?" - JC

Asked the worried Jackie.

"Valmont." - A

"..." - JC

For once, the usually calm and peace loving Jackie looked furious and like he genuinely wanted revenge. Aster couldn't blame him, but at the same time, it wasn't entirely Valmont's fault. Jackie let out a shout of pure anger as he punched the wall, cracking it a bit. He didn't care about the pain, he just wanted justice.

"Settle down. He'll get what he deserves. Right now, we need to be supportive." - A

Jackie was trying to practice in his dojo with Jade. Aster was supervising.

"Is Captain Black gonna be okay?" - J

She asked while they practiced their punches. Jackie clenched his teeth and punched straight through the chest of a dummy.

"He'll be fine. But Valmont won't be." - JC

Aster watched with concern before both of them got a notification that they'd found Valmont's next target.

"Hey, Jackie? Maybe you should sit this one out, your arm could be hurt." - A

"I'm fine. We need to get the talisman back before Valmont hurts anyone else." - JC

He walked out. Uncle entered the room, having heard the entire thing.

"Anger clouds his judgement." - Uncle

"I noticed..." - Jade

"I'll keep him safe." - Aster

He reassured before leaving.

"It's not him I'm worried about..." - Uncle

A bunch of Section Thirteen trucks arrived at Fort Knox. Valmont's new target was the US Gold Reserve. Aster turned himself and Jackie invisible, allowing them to sneak inside while the agents tried to get in the normal way.

They managed to sneak deeper inside and find Valmont already using his army of goons to transport the gold into a truck. Aster and Jackie were watching the whole thing from above.

"Such a shame Captain Black won't be joining. It seems he had a doctor's appointment." - Valmont

He joked, which infuriated Jackie. He immediately jumped down and tackled Valmont from behind. Valmont panicked and began to blast the Dragon Talisman's power in multiple directions.

Aster sighed as he jumped down and began blasting Tohru and the goons with whatever spells he could think of.

"Hallucination Mist! Warnicorn Stampede!" - A

He cast the two spells together to not only distract the goons, but also knock down Tohru and keep him busy. He joined Jackie as the two wrestled with Valmont, and barely managed to pull the Dragon Talisman out of his hand.

Jackie held it in his hand before immediately aiming it at Valmont's face, which quickly showed fear.

"Jackie, stop. He's a criminal, but he doesn't deserve to die. Kill him now and you'll regret it for the rest of your life." - A

He said, as Jackie stared at Valmont before eventually looking away and handing the talisman to Aster. Aster let out a sigh of relief as he put the talisman away and then used magic to restrain Valmont.

He figured that Valmont would probably escape their prisons the way they usually did. But for now, it would do...

It had been a few days now. The Dragon Talisman was safely stored in the vault, and Black was on track to make a full recovery. Aster and Jackie were both visiting him in the medical wing.

Black tried to get up but Jackie gently pushed him back down.

"Take it easy, the doctor says you need a few more days of rest before you can walk again." - JC

"Can't you just fix me with magic?" - Black

"Yeah, and I will. When you're better. Your body needs to heal the majority of the damage on its own before I can try to accelerate the process." - A

He said while patting Black's bald head. Black pushed his hand away.

"Fine. But either way, there's work to be done. I can't stay in a bed while you guys have all the fun." - Black

"There'll be plenty of fun later. Just rest." - A

Aster was relieved that Black was safe. He was just worried. Collecting these talismans was getting more dangerous. And they still didn't know how the Dark Hand was finding them, or where these talismans came from...

"I'm gonna need some answers..." - A

On Mewni, Aster had spent the last few hours preparing various ingredients. He was planning on combining various spells to try to uncover the secret origins of the talismans.

This mainly consisted of combining magic from three queens. Eclipsa, Queen of Darkness. Skywin, Queen of Hours. And Celena, Queen of Secrets.

The spell began with him arranging a ritual the way Celena did, followed by casting the All Seeing Eye, and finally, combining it with SkyWin's time spells.

The purple flames of the All Seeing Eye changed to become green, as the candles set up around him began to burn even brighter. They were meant to stabilize the spell and keep him safe.

He began trying to see into the past of the talismans. The All Seeing Eye first started by showing him the Vault, which had various talismans, but eventually began to follow the journey of the Rooster Talisman in reverse.

They placed it in the vault, fought with Viper for it, found it in the Snake Temple, and then hundreds of years of just waiting, before finally, something.

A man had placed the talisman in the Snake Temple. And before that, he'd been the guardian to all the talismans.

And before that, he'd been part of a group of magic users that helped create the talismans. No...wait, these talismans, they were from something, something bigger.

He witnessed a battle between these magic users and a dragon-like humanoid, which they won. They used their magic to split his power up into twelve pieces, and forcing him to become nothing but a statue with twelve empty slots.

As he saw this, the eyes of the statue began to glow before looking right at him, as if it could see him. Aster quickly collapsed the spell, and felt...fear.

If all twelve talismans were gathered by the Dark Hand and brought together, they could free him...

They could free Shendu.

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