The Lost City - Part 2: Cave of Truth

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While Jackie went through the trials within the Cave of Truth, Aster was allowed to speak with the chief. Aster began by introducing himself as Aster Butterfly, a prince from another world (dimension).

When asked why they were here, Aster explained that their employer simply sought answers about their people. When asked how they found the Muntabs, Aster explained that Smith had a map, though he wasn't sure who he bought it from. When asked if Aster had bad intentions, Aster denied it. He only sought peace with the Muntabs. He even offered a sort of alliance.

Should the Muntabs be disturbed or attacked, Aster wouldn't hesitate to aid them. In exchange, the and they could teach him how the Mirage worked, so he could replicate it for his own purposes.

Of course, the chief asked why Aster wanted to know about the Mirage. They couldn't simply hand over ancient knowledge to someone with bad intentions. Aster explained that, with the barrier, he could better protect his people. It's not like he could use the Mirage Barrier offensively.

Aster even offered to sweeten the deal. He'd dispatch a few android teachers to help them get caught up with the modern world, as well as providing anything they might (within reason) need. He wouldn't ask that they start attending balls and galas on Mewni. But he wanted to give them the option to atleast know what was out there, in case more people discovered their existence.

The chief decided he'd need time to decided whether or not to accept his offer. Aster understood and accepted it.

Eventually, Jackie emerged from the Cave of Truth and was brought back to the group, looking tired as hell.

The group were then allowed to join the chief in a banquet, where they were served various fresh fruits. The chief encouraged them all to eat.

"Thank you, you are very generous." - JC

He said as he took a pear and ate it.

"Generosity not given. Earned." - MC

"Yes, yes. Once could say that such a wise chief would be an old man. But you don't look a day over thirty! Not a grey hair, or even a wrinkle. I could say the same for all your people!" - Smith

Aster eyed Smith suspiciously, hoping he wouldn't ruin this and try to betray the generous Muntabs.

"It is a blessing to have wisdom of mind, and youth of body." - MC

"I couldn't agree more! So how do you do it? Diet? Exercise?" - Smith

"Our ways are Muntab ways." - MC

"C'mon chief, I'm prepared to pay anything! Just say a number!" - Smith

The chief just eyed Smith.

"...we have no need for your paper. We prefer cloth." - MC

Smith looked disappointed before walking off, mumbling insults about the 'backwards people'.

As for Jade, she seemed to be getting along excellently with one of the Muntab children. As for Aster, he was examining some of the murals on the wall.

They depicted an old Muntab man drinking from a golden chalice, which they had displayed on a pedestal, and returning to his prime. It seemed the Muntabs had the one and only Chalice of Life. Though Aster noticed that Smith was eyeing the Chalice too. He began to talk to the chief.

"I apologize, but I believe our employer doesn't have a pure heart like my friend Jackie. I think he plans to try to buy, steal, or use your artifact." - A

"Mm...I will have guards take care of it. For now, entertainment!" - MC

He said as performers entered the banquet hall and began to perform a fire dance, which included throwing flaming torches back and forth.

Amidst the fun, Smith tried to steal the chalice with Lawson acting as a distraction. But the Chief's personal guard, a very tall woman, managed to scare them off.

Though Aster was worried now. He trusted Jackie and Jade to keep the Muntab's secret. But Smith...he might just leave only to return with armed forces.

'...oh, well, ain't that an idea...' - A
When they were ready to leave, Aster made sure to use a spell to wipe both Lawson's and Smith's memories, to make sure the Muntabs would be safe.

As far as they were concerned, they found nothing and the expedition was a failure. Aster took Jackie and Jade home via a portal, and stayed behind, choosing to stay with the Muntabs for a few days.

He helped them with whatever problems they'd been having. While they were wise, they lacked modern knowledge. So Aster helped them not only with repairing their slowly crumbling city, but fortified their defenses in case they were ever attacked. And he even passed through the Cave of Truth to further prove his loyalty.

He also brought over a few dozen boxes full of various seeds, foods, and items that could help them, as well as cloth, fur, and fabrics. He wasn't going to give them modern clothing. They enjoyed their culture. So he'd give them the materials to make their own clothing more comfortable.

The Muntab Chief eventually agreed to share the secrets of the Mirage with Aster. Half because the Muntab Chief was very trusting of someone who passed the Cave of Truth, and half because he liked Aster.

Between his lessons on how the massive illusion barrier worked and studying Muntab culture, Aster researched the Chalice of Life. He couldn't determine it's origins, but he could see it's effects.

The magic seemed to reside within the chalice itself. No matter what water or liquid was put inside, it was given rejuvenating properties. As long as the Muntabs drank it regularly, they'd be effectively immortal. Not only that, but their immunity to disease was thrice as strong as the average human.

But other than that, the Muntabs seemed perfectly human. No super strength or intelligence. The combat skills of their warriors were purely out of their own hard work, which Aster admired.

But eventually, the time game for him to depart. It was a little hard for him to say goodbye to the little ones he'd befriended, but he promised to visit. The Muntab Chief offered to let him drink from the Chalice of Life before he left, but he turned him down.

Immortality sounded nice and all, but Aster wasn't even in his prime yet. So he'd hold off, at least for now.

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