Hawaii Adventures - Part 2: Jumba & Pleakley

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Aster was walking around with the little beast. He was using him as a sort of compass. He would pull Aster towards shops that were further away from whatever was tracking them.  So Aster would go in the opposite direction to get closer to them.

The little beast would bite his shorts to try and pull him away but Aster just kept going. Eventually he realized the aliens were hiding behind a bunch of bushes and trees. He could even hear them arguing in English.

"We have to go! He's going to see us!" - ???

"I almost have clear shot!" - ???

"No! You could hurt the human!" - ???

Aster could hear them thrashing around before falling out of the bushes and landing right in front of him.

"Uhh..." - A

He stared in confusion and curiosity at the two. One of them was a yellow skinned alien with a single eye and two tongues that looked pretty similar to a human. The other was large and round with purple skin, three little hairs on his head, four eyes, and elephant-like feet. The yellow alien laughed nervously as he stood up quickly.

"Hi! We are two totally normal humans. Nothing to see here! And I see you found our dog, we'll just be taking him home. Thank you and goodbye forever!"

He said as he tried to grab the little beast, who growled and tried to bite him when he was close enough. Just like Aster, he hand to pull his hand away.

"I handle this!"

The rounder one said as he aimed what looked like a gun at the little beast. But this time, Aster got in the way.

"Sorry, but I can't let you do that." - A

He said as he grabbed the gun and used magic to turn it into chocolate. The round alien looked at the gun curiously.

"Ah, mission failed. Time to go home."

He said, giving up pretty easily. He turned to walk away but the yellow alien stopped him.

"No! We have to grab the experiment that you created and bring him back to the ship!"

"He is protected. What can I do?"

He said, gesturing to the chocolate gun which he then took a bite of.

"Excuse me. Hi, Aster here. I'm willing to try and have a civilized conversation about this if you promise not to hurt my little buddy." - A

He said, ignoring the little beast that was viciously biting his leg. He kept having to use Chi Enhancement to prevent his teeth was breaking through the skin.

"You aren't scared of us?"

The yellow one asked in surprise.

"Not really. I've faced worse. And I'm pretty certain I can take you both if it came down to it." - A

He said as he opened up a portal to the Lab on Mewni.

"Portal technology? I didn't know humans had access to that kind of technology..."

The yellow one said as they followed Aster and the little beast through the portal. Jumba looked around, as if he was figuring out how everything worked.

"They don't. Im not human and this isn't technology." - A

"Then what are you?"

Asked the rounder one.

"Im Mewman. Im from another dimension." - A

He said as he opened up another portal to give the two aliens a view of Butterfly Castle.

"Interdimensional travel!"

The rounder one said as he inspected the portal, trying to figure it out while rambling about the science behind it.

"Where exactly are we?..."

Asked the yellow one with a look of concern.

"Mewni, my home planet." - A

He said as he created a table, chairs, and some food for the three aliens. He made extra for the little beast, who seemed hungry.

"So, what are your names?" - A

He asked as he sat down. The yellow one did the same, though Jumba was now walking around the lab and inspecting everything.

"I'm Pleakley, and that's Jumba. He's a mad scientist that created this little abomination. Our job is to retrieve him for the Galactic Federation without disturbing Earth's dominant species, the mosquito." - Pleakley

Said the yellow one. Aster paused as he processed this.

"...the mosquito? As in, like, the insect?" - A

"Precisely. Humans serve as their main source of food which is why we didn't want to startle any of them. Your governments can be very hostile." - Pleakley

"Number one, that's true but we aren't all bad. Number two...nevermind." - A

He was going to try and correct him and insist that humans were the dominant species, but that was less important right now.

"What's the Galactic Federation?" - A

He asked curiously. Pleakley explained that it was a sort of space government made up of races from thousands of worlds. The Grand Council Woman was the one who sent them to retrieve the experiment, which Jumba called '626', after he proved to be too dangerous to be left alive.

Jumba was supposed to be imprisoned for the rest of his life, but after the little beast escaped, he and Pleakley were tasked with recovering him. If they succeeded, Jumba would be given his freedom.

"What exactly did you create him for?" - A

He asked Jumba while petting the little beast's head while he used a coloring book and crayons to draw a burning city.

"Pure destruction! 626 was meant to be the ultimate destroyer, conquerer of worlds! He is immune to heat, has nigh invulnerable skin, can lift up to three thousand times his own weight, and has the thinking speed of a super computer!" - Jumba

He laughed with a sense of pride at his creation.

"...and there are six hundred and twenty five others like him?" - A

He asked in concern.

"Yes! But do not worry, all of them are safely contained in my lab." - Jumba

"I get why he was arrested..." - A

He mumbled to Pleakley, who was enjoying the tea Aster created.

"More, please." - Pleakley

Aster refilled the tea pot before continuing the conversation.

"What if we tried to prove the little beast is capable of good?" - A

"Not possible. He was created for evil." - Jumba

He explained while eating a sandwich.

"He's not a robot. He's alive. Maybe he can grow and change. Earth is a special place, after all." - A

He said while looking down at the little beast, who was eating a microscope as a snack. His teeth had no problem tearing through the metal

'Oh boy...' - A

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