The Ski Trip - Part 1: Humiliation Nation

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The trip were preparing to board a bus to head out on a ski trip. Which Caster found it a little amusing that, while they were surrounded by snow, that they were going somewhere else for even more snow. If they wanted to go snow boarding, Caster could take them to the Himalayas or the Alps. But whatever.

"Ugh, finally. I get to enjoy skiing without being chased by henchmen." - Kim

She said while Caster, Kim, and Ron stood by the side of the bus, waiting for everything to be ready.

"Yeah, seems to be a common theme with you." - C

He said while sucking on a lollipop.

"How are things with Josh, by the way? You two have gone on a date like twice now." - C

"They weren't really 'dates'. And he...hasn't called me back..." - K

" left him a bunch of voice mails, didn't you?" - C

He said with a big grin. Kim began to throw snow balls at him to make him shut up.

"Oh, check it out." - R

He said, referring to Alan Platt who was boarding the bus with his mom.

"His mom is a chaperone?" - C

"So sad..." - K

"Biggest field trip of the year, and his mom is coming with him." - R

"Humiliation nation." - R

"A true tragedy." - K

The two said, as if this was some tragic event. Caster vaguely understood why it was bad, but he really didn't see why it was a big deal.

" anyone gonna explain how this is embarrassing?" - C

"It's his mom. This whole trip is gonna be on the front page of the year book!" - K

"Number one, I love my mom. So I don't see the problem. And number two, who the fuck a what happened during a freshman ski trip?" - C

"Uh, Bonnie?" - R

He said, not understanding that it was a rhetorical question.

"Bonnie has her nose in everyone's business. She doesn't count." - C

"It totally does. She's the queen bee." - K

"Yeah, and you're Kim fuckin' Possible! Literal super hero. Bonnie is nothing compared to an actual villain, like Shego. And I think you underestimate how many people like you." - C

Kim sighed.

"How did we even go from Alan Platt to me being better than Bonnie?" - K

Before Caster or Ron could answer, a familiar voice called out to them.

"Kimmy!" - Anne

She said as she came over to the trio.

"Anne! What are you doing here?" - C

"Your friend Bonnie called us. Said you needed more volunteer chaperones." - Anne

She said as James came over as well.

"So we dropped the boys off at Nana's and high tailed it over!" - James

The two were both wearing the biggest red jackets you could legally buy. They could literally be used as target practice.

"That's amazing..." - K

She said, trying to look happy without much success. Caster helped cover for her bad acting.

"Yeah! We're just thrilled you could come! I'm sure we'll have a swell time!" - C

He said, trying to nudge James and Anne away from the students to spare Kim from the shame.

"Swell? Who says swell anymore?" - K

She mumbled. Caster glared, as if saying 'really? Right now?.' She shut up.
Kim tried to confront Bonnie on the bus, but she played innocent. And even if he could, which he can't, Caster wouldn't cast a truth spell for something so minor...probably.

But anyways, the bus ride began. Which would take...several hours. James and Anne entertained the bus with stories about Kim's rather embarrassing childhood memories...

"Incredible!" - R

"I know! Bonnie will pay for this." - K

She said, looking like Batman's resting bitch face. A hard glare.

"What? No, this! We're heading right for trouble!" - R

He handed Kim and Caster a newspaper. The front page was a story on Mount Middleton, where apparently a 'snow beast' had been leaving tracks.

"A snow beast? Right. From the same journalist who broke the 'frog boy' story." - K

She said, not buying it.

"I'm magic. I have a magic amulet. I have alien friends. I've fought demons. And you've met a yeti." - C

He pointed out.

"I have?" - K

"Xu Lin? Really polite? She can turn into one." - C

", I had no idea." - K

"Yeah, looks can be deceiving. And remember Gill? He used to be a human until he got mutated. A real frog boy could exist. Maybe not in Middleton, but somewhere out there." - C

"Magic and monsters? Fine. But a frog boy? Now that's ridiculous." - K

Caster sighed, giving up on changing her mind.

"Personally, Frog Boy's struggle was really touching. He was born into a world that could never truly accept him." - R

"Frog Boy is not real, and neither is that snow beast." - K

She said, giving back the newspaper.

"Anything could've made those tracks." - K

"Really? Then why would they offer five thousand dollars for a clear shot of the beast?" - R

"To get people to go to Mount Middleton. It's a smart scheme. Nobody will ever find the snow beast, and the local businesses on Mount Middleton probably give a small cut of their profits to the newspaper. It's advertising." - C

"I thought you believed in the snow beast?" - K

"I said yetis are real. But finding one in the middle of Colorado? The chances of that are the same as the chances of me ever going on a date with the she-demon herself." - C

He gestured to Bonnie, who was flirting with Brick Flagg, a football player.

"Low, but not impossible!" - R

He said, still hopeful. Kim and Caster both sighed as James and Anne began to sing.

"Two thousand bottles of beer on the wall! Two thousand bottles of beer! Take one down, pass it around, one thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine bottles on the wall!" - J&A

Caster made it to one thousand and five hundred before teleporting away to enjoy peace and quiet at the Possible Home. Kim texted him repeatedly, begging him to take her too. He put his phone on silent for the next several hours and enjoyed some TV.

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