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Aster watched from the vents as Ludo happily hummed while being carried by his rats to another floor of the castle. Aster hopped out of the vent as soon as Ludo was in position and tackled him to the ground, and used a wooden sword he'd found in one of the guard's training rooms to knock out the two rats. Ludo began to scream in panic.

"Where's. My. Dad." - A

He demanded to know as he pinned him down by the throat.

"Aster...? You must be out of your mind!" - Ludo

He used his wand to blast Aster through the wall and into the throne room. Despite the pain, he forced himself to get back up. Ludo walked into the throne room, and the corrupted wand, which was now merged with his hand, began to glow ominously.

"Huh? Yes, yes..." -Ludo

He said while holding the wand's gemstone up to his ear. Aster watched with confusion.

"Sorry, I have to take this." - L

He said before talking to his own hand as Aster got attacked by Spider and Eagle, Ludo's bodyguards. He swung the sword at Spider, only for him to get webbed to the wall almost immediately. And damn, the webbing was very durable. Ludo walked up to him.

"So, my wand says I can't destroy you, so I'll probably just put you in the dungeon." - Ludo

"You idiot. You probably think you've won, don't you? Well, guess what? You're being controlled, Ludo! Just like before." - A

"You're right, I am. Being controlled by my lust for power!" - Ludo

He laughed maniacally.

"No. You're being controlled by Toffee. He's in the wand!" - A

"What? That's crazy. He'd have to be tiny to fit in there. And he'd dead! I saw him explode." - Ludo

"He's a septarian, Ludo. They usually find a way back." - A

He said while looking right at Ludo's wand. Ludo seemed to feel a sense of doubt before shaking his head.

"To the dungeon!" - Ludo

He ordered, a small horde of rats taking Aster to the dungeon and locking him up in one of the cells.

Aster kept trying to call upon whatever magic he had left to melt through the chains binding his hands, but it was barely enough to warm up the metal. He got interrupted by the sounds of fighting outside his cell, and cautiously stepped back to the wall as a giant rat came into his room.

The rat removed its costume, revealing himself to be Marco in disguise. He grinned as he saw Aster.

"Marco?" - A

He looked relieved and happy as Marco quickly hugged Aster.

"Yeah! It's me." - M

"How are you even here?" - A

"You're dad brought me over." - M

"Where's my dad now?" - A

He asked while Marco lockpicked Aster's chains.

"Ludo levitato'd him into the sky." - M

" that it?" - A

"You're not worried?" - M

He asked as the chains finally came off.

"He's been through way worse stuff." - A

He said as he rubbed his wrists.

"What's the escape plan?" - A

"I got that covered." - M

He began to make bird noises, and a trio of entertainers dropped down from the vent in the cell, including Ruberiot.

"Meet the resistance!" - M

Aster felt very proud of his people for being able to organize a rebellion. Though he was still angry at Ruberiot...

The group began to strategize but got interrupted when Ludo entered the cell, he was about to say something until he realized what was happening.

"...guards!!" - Ludo

The entire group was promptly captured, except Aster got taken to one of the balconies for a one-on-one with Ludo.

"Finally realizing you're a puppet?" - A

He said as Ludo put him down after having use Levitato on him.

"Look, can you help me or not?" - Ludo

"You want help?" - A

He said, expecting a little more resistance from him.

"Of course I want help! I've been talking to me own hand! I'm crazy, but not that crazy! I can't sleep, I can't think! It won't leave me alone!" - Ludo

He said while sounding insane.

"He's not just corrupting the wands. He's corrupting you." - A

"...get him out!!" - Ludo

He said, not wanting Toffee inside of him.

"Okay, okay. Just calm down. I...I can fix this." - A

"And then I can go back to being a beloved monarch?..." - Ludo

"...suuure." - A

Ludo doubted him for a second before extending his hand to Aster, showing the corrupted gemstone. Aster knelt down to his level and began to cast the Whispering Spell.

And in a matter of seconds, the crystal began to turn back as its magic was destroyed. The entire time he was casting it, he considered his chances of surviving the oncoming explosion again...

And he realized, he most likely wouldn't. But his people would. They'd be free...

He was at peace with his choice. Eventually, he noticed his mom, Marco, and Buff Frog on a nearby balcony.

"Aster!" - Moon

She shouted as they saw him and Ludo, and then saw the ghost of a unicorn leave from Ludo's hand.

"The...Whispering Spell...Aster! You get away from there! Run!" - Moon

She said adamantly, refusing to lose her son. Aster could only give a sad smile. He had a thousand things he wished he could say. Wished he could do. And yet, it seemed he was all out of time...

So, he settled for a the most condensed version of his message. It was also the most true version.

"I'm sorry, mom. It's too late. I love you." - A

He said as Marco and Buff Frog looked confused as Moon began to cry.

"Is everything going to be normal now?..." - Ludo

He asked and Aster looked down at him.

"Better than normal." - A

He said as Ludo's hand began to suddenly release a huge amount of green magic before exploding, taking down the entire tower they were in as well as destroying a big chunk of Butterfly Castle.

Fortunately, only a single life was lost.

The life of Aster Butterfly.

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