The Lost City - Part 1: Cloak of Invisibility

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Aster, Jackie, Jade, and two others were currently traveling through a jungle in South America.

"I can't believe I'm stuck babysitting such a spoiled brat..." - JC

"Tell me about it." - A

"Hey!" - J

She looked offended.

"Not you, Jade. Him." - A

He pointed to Mr. Smith, the man that had paid for Jackie to help him find some kind of ancient city that held the secrets to longevity. Mr. Smith and his butler, Lawson, were taking pictures of a lizard and slowing them down.

"Keep up!" - A

"Yes, yes, we're coming!" - Smith

The pair began to catch up to the trio.

"Why are we even helping this guy?" - J

"Mr. Smith is one of the largest financial supporters for the museum. We can't lost his support." - JC

"But this is no fun!" - J

"That's what you said about our trip to Mexico, and guess what? That turned out to be fun, didn't it?" - A

"Yeah..." - J

"Then be patient. Maybe we really will find this ancient city." - A

Anytime an animal came close to the group, Aster would use magic to ward them off. Mr. Smith offered to buy the wand off Aster more than a few times, but Aster turned him down each time. They kept having to stop to take breaks everytime Mr. Smith wanted to take pictures, have tea, or got tired. But atleast he knew how to read a map, so that was helpful.

"It seems that if we follow the path we're on, it'll take us two days to reach the Lost City of the Muntabs. But if we go over that mountain, that'll cut the time down to two hours or so." - Smith

He gestured to a nearby mountain, which was strangely flat. Aster could feel magic coming from it, so he agreed to the plan.

"Alright, everyone. Hold on tight!" - A

He summoned his cloud to carry them up the mountain. This allowed them to avoid various wild animals and annoying bugs. Once they landed on the top, Mr. Smith guided them the rest of the way, only for them to find...nothing. But Aster could still sense magic in the area. He just couldn't pin point it.

"I don't understand...the Muntabs should be right here!" - Smith

"Maybe it's a lost city for a reason." - JC

"I paid a fortune for this map!" - Smith

"Sorry to break it to you, but you got scammed." - J

He sighed as he sat down on a nearby Boulder.

"Why are you so determined to find them anyway? There's no evidence of their existence." - A

"Legends say the Muntabs had extroadinary health and extended lifespans. The ruins of their city could reveal so many secrets!" - Smith

He said before standing up.

"I refuse to give up on this!" - Smith

He threw his water bottle behind him, and instead of falling off the ground, it bounced off something. Something invisible.

Smith and Jackie both put their hands on what felt like a giant barrier. Aster touched it as well, and by sending out a few pulses of magic, could sense just how massive the barrier was.

"The Cloak of Invisibility! This is how their city must've remained hidden for so long!" - Smith

"The few ancient texts about the Muntabs speak about the 'Mirage', a mixture of science and sorcery that they used to shield their city." - JC

The two explained, fascinating both Jade and Aster.

"And if this is a wall, then there must be a door!" - Smith

The two kept feeling up the wall until they touched some kind of hidden rune, causing them to be able to pass through the barrier. Inside was a whole castle, filled with people.

It had been perfectly preserved after all these years. Like they'd been living in the past for...well, who knows how long.

"It's...amazing." - A

He said as they began to walk towards the bridge that lead to the castle gates.

"We must proceed with extreme caution! They might not be friendly to outsiders." - JC

Smith completely ignored him as he and Lawrence quickly went forward. When they entered the city, they found it absolutely filled with relics that would be priceless in the outside world. Not to mention that the Muntabs themselves were still around, and stared at the group with curiosity and caution. Eventually a trio of Muntab guards approached them with spears.

"We mean no harm! I am archeologist! We are just visiting!" - JC

He said, trying to the guards to calm down. But they didn't seem very friendly.

"Why must all our expeditions end in violence..." - JC

He said as he and Aster were forced to fight the Muntabs. Despite having lower quality weapons, their fighting skills were almost as amazing as Jackie's.

But despite their skill, Aster and Jackie both managed to take down the guards. Atleast until they were surrounded by a dozen more.

"...maybe surrendering isn't so bad." - A

He said as they put their hands up. The entire group, including Jade, were tied up and brought to the chieftain, who wore fancier clothing compared to the others. And surprisingly, he spoke English.

"Outsiders not welcome." - Muntab Chief

"We will happily leave!" - JC

He said, trying to get them all out in one piece. While they talked, the guards looted the group and managed to take Aster's wand and Smith's camera.

"These, weapons?" - MC

"No, no. It's a camera." - Smith

"And that's my wand. It allows me to...uh, how do I explain helps me use sorcery." - A

"Sorcery? may stay. But rest, will have to go through Cave of Truth. Only pure of spirit will pass through alive." - MC

Aster figured that they had positive opinions of magic users, hence why he was allowed to be here. Maybe they could even come to some kind of agreement. Though the same could not be said for the rest.

Smith immediately volunteered Jackie to go through the Cave of Truth, so the Muntab guards took him away. Aster glared at Smith while he was untied.

He didnt have the authority to plead with the Muntab Chief to spare Jackie. So he'd just have to trust Jackie could handle it...

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