True Warrior - Part 2: He Who Shall Not Be Named

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"Step aside, boy. I don't wish to hurt any of you." - LP

"Then let's talk! Just put the talismans back and we can explain everything!" - A

"There is no time for that. The forces of darkness are likely already on their way. This is your final warning. Move, or I will make you move." - LP

He said as he opened another scroll and the agents aimed their guns.

"Stop! Please! We don't have to do this! Nobody has to get hurt!" - J

She said, trying to prevent any fighting by getting between them. Captain Black couldn't order his agents to shoot and risk hurting Jade. Lo Pei only sighed as the scroll changed its aim, and was now facing upwards.

"Energy Scroll." - LP

The scroll blasted its usual intense beam, leaving a very visible hole that lead out to the surface.

"Shit! Freeze Blast!" - A

He tried to blast Lo Pei but he used only his palm to deflect the spell into a wall, causing it to be covered in ice.

"Levitation Scroll." - LP

A blue glow covered him as he floated out of Section Thirteen, leaving behind a bewildered Aster.

'He didn't even use a spell...' - A

He said, just being stunned that Lo Pei put in minimal effort to escape not just him, but the agents.

'Even if Jade didn't get in the way, could we have even won?...' - A

He thought to himself with serious doubt. With that kind of fire power, Lo Pei could probably take down a majority Aster's android army and Mewni's allied forces before being stopped.

'If he's this bad...' - A

He said, worried about what could happen if Shendu was ever released...


Section Thirteen was a big mess. Agents were running around trying to fix the hole, repair the vault, track Lo Pei, and figure out how he even got in. Jade, Aster, and Black were all in the Vault.

"Look, I can explain everything! Just listen!" - J

"It's okay, it's quite obvious he was another party interested in the talismans. Enemies to the Dark Hand, but not allies to us." - Black

"You're not listening, Black!" - A

"What else is there? It's not like you two let him in." - Black

He said as both Jade and Aster shut up, knowing they'd be in massive trouble for this whole mess. Jackie finally arrived after getting the alert and walked into the Vault and immediately gasped.

"What happened to the talismans?!" - JC

He looked ready to have a stress induced heart attack.

"Remember that statue that Jade broke? Well, we brought him to life and he took the talismans and flew away." - A

"...grounded." - JC

"Wha-? I'm not a kid! I'm not even your kid!" - A

"I said. Grounded." - JC

He said, sounding absolutely livid, which made Aster shut up.


Aster and Jackie were walking in the streets, trying to find Lo Pei by asking around if anyone had seen a man in green robes with a white beard. But they weren't exactly having a ton of luck until they got a tip that he was heading to Alcatraz Island.

Aster used a portal to get them there just in time to see Lo Pei blasting a hole into a wall, presumably to hide a talisman.

"Stop!" - JC

"You're back...and you've brought a new friend. Who is he? He has strong chi..." - Lo Pei

He said while stroking his beard.

'Chi, huh? So it is different from magic...' - A

"I'm Jackie, I'm the one who borrowed you from the museum! The talismans have to be returned to Section Thirteen, where the Dark Hand can't find them." - JC

"I know nothing of these dark hands, only that the talismans must be kept from the ultimate evil." - LP

"You mean Shen-?" - A

"Do not speak his name!" - LP

"Why?" - JC

"A sacred warrior is forbidden from saying it." - LP

Aster sighed but shrugged it off.

"Look, there's a lot you don't know. We want to help!" - A

"Exactly! You don't even know what you are!" - JC

"What I am is a sacred Chi Wizard!" - LP

"No, you're terracotta! Look!" - JC

He showed Lo Pei a newspaper that showed an image of his true form as a terracotta statue.

"Scroll magic!" - LP

He said, refusing to believe it as he kicked Jackie into a wall and prepared another scroll.

"Energy scroll!" - LP

The scroll fired, but it's destructive power failed to reach Jackie as Aster got in the way. He was using his combined power of the wand and wandless magic to sustain a barrier, one that was quickly failing apart and rapidly draining his magic reserves. By the time the spell stopped, Aster collapsed to his knees, panting.

'He's not even breaking a sweat!' - A

He said as he looked at Lo Pei who observed Aster with mild curiosity.

"Why would you try to kill him? You're a sacred warrior, aren't you?" - A

"A sacred warrior will do what it takes to protect the world from everything that threatens the peace." - LP

"He's not a threat! He's an ally, and so am I. Just listen to what we have to say!" - A

He said while slowly lowering his wand in an attempt to earn Lo Pei's trust.

"...speak." - LP

Aster felt relieved as he began to tell Lo Pei about the Dark Hand, why the talismans are safe with Section Thirteen, how they won't allow Aster to take the talismans to Mewni for safekeeping, and how Lo Pei wasn't really Lo Pei. He was a copy brought to life by the Rat Talisman.

Lo Pei looked at his own hands, having a small identity crisis.

"I am" - LP

He said in confusion but they got interrupted by a helicopter approaching their location. Aster could see Finn and Ratso in the front seats.

"The Dark Hand!" - A

He then looked at Lo Pei.

"You still care about protecting the world from He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named right?" - A

"Yes, of course..." - LP

"Then for all intents and purposes, you're Lo Pei. Now help us deal with these guys!" - A

He said as Lo Pei looked at the helicopter.

"What a strange bird..." - LP

He said as he prepared a scroll.

"Energy sc-!" - LP

Aster stopped him.

"They're just henchmen. They don't know His real plans. They can still be saved, we don't have to kill them." - A

Lo Pei looked at Aster for a moment before speaking.

"Your mercy will be both your greatest strength, and your biggest weakness. But very well, I'll abide by your wishes. For now." - LP

He said as he instead blasted a hole into Alcatraz, allowing them to hide from the helicopter.

Atleast, for now.

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