New Recruits - Part 1: Will Du

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The trio were at Bueno Nacho together. Ron was inspecting his burrito, Caster was enjoying a salad, and Kim only ordered a soda and fries.

"I just can't believe it! She's so fake." - K

She said, complaining about Bonnie, one of the popular girls on the cheerleading team. Bonnie had started talking to the other girls about her taking over Kim's place as team captain.

"Try not to let it stress you out. Bonnie is nowhere near as capable as you." - C

"Yeah, you're right!" - K

She then noticed Ron was still messing around with his burrito.

"Ron, have you listened to a word I've said?" - K

"'Bonnie has the nerve to challenge me after all I've done for the squad? After all I've done for her? I can't believe this!'" - R

He said, perfectly quoting Kim and proving he'd been listening.

"Did you listen to my burrito problem? There's not enough beans." - R

"...right." - K

They eventually left after they finished eating. The conversation continued as they walked out.

"I guess I shouldn't be too worried about Bonnie. She doesn't stand a chance." - K

"I fully agree, but don't let your guard down. She's a tricky one-" - C

He got cut off as both he and Kim fell into holes in the sidewalk. It was like suddenly finding yourself sliding down a giant slide, and then ending up in a huge secret lair. Both he and Kim were pretty dizzy when they safely landed on the ground.

"Welcome, Kim Possible and Caster FirstStar."

A woman in a blue mission suit with a golden badge, eye patch, and short auburn hair said as the two stepped out of the tubes they were in.

"Where exactly are we?" - C

He said, trying not to barf.

"This is the Global Justice Network."

Said the woman as she gestured to the facility around them. It was similar to Section Thirteen, with agents running around and monitoring computers. Except there was a lot more...purple.

"Not the first secret agency I've seen..." - C

"You may call me The Director, I'm the head of GJ. And this is Will Du, our number one agent." - Director

She gestured to a teenage boy who just arrived through another tube. He walked over, looking unimpressed with Kim and Caster.

"Please, follow me." - Director

The trio followed The Director to a large board room for a briefing. They all sat down at a large table and were shown images of a nerdy guy with blonde hair and blue glasses.

"This is Professor Sylvan Green. In the 1960's he invented a top secret missile defend project." - Director

"You mean the siren guided missile tracking system." - K

"Where did you get that information?" - Director

"I have my sources." - K

"I see...well, Professor Green is currently retired in Florida." - Director

"Let me guess, disappeared?" - C

"...yes, how did you know?" - Director

"Most of our missions are about stolen things or stolen people." - C

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