Just Friends

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Aster and Marco were in Marco's bedroom, listening to their favorite band. They'd split up the song so they could sing their favorite parts while it played.

"It was no secret! The way that we feel!" - A

Aster sangwhile dramatically putting his hand on his chest and closing his eyes, and using his wand like a microphone.

"A love that's so pure! A love that's so real!" - M

Marco sang while clenching his fist and singing into a toothbrush.

"You showed me your world, and it felt like a sign!" - A

He sang while pointing to Marco.

"But you acted too slow!" - M

He pointed back at Aster.

"And you ran out of tiiime!" - A & M

The two sang in unison. The two sang the entire song together, having a mini concert in Marco's bedroom until they were left panting and laughing on Marco's bed.

"Haha! I still can't believe you got tickets to Love Sentence for tomorrow!" - M

"I had to beg Black to help me get some. But it's totally worth it!" - A

He said while sitting with his legs crossed on the bed, allowing him to look down on Marco's face.

"Aaand theres one more thing I may have forgotten to mention." - A

He said with a huge grin, which made Marco looked confused and a little scared.

"What did you do?..." - M

"I didn't get two tickets. I got three! One for us, and Jackie. You can bring her along!" - A

He said. He knew how important Jackie and Love Sentence was to Marco. And even though Jackie made him a little uncomfortable, he'd have to get used to her. The best way to become immune to poison is to give yourself small dosages of it over time. This would just be a larger dosage than usual.

"You did what?!" - M

He looked thrilled before hugging him.

"You're the best!!" - M

He said before jumping off the bed to call up Jackie and invite her. Aster kept reminding himself that this was all for Marco. To make him happy.


Marco woke up the following morning and didn't have time to worry about breakfast. He was about to start stressing over what to wear until Aster zapped him with his wand, getting him fully dressed in his usual red hoodie and jeans.

"Wha-? How long have you been waiting to do that?" - M

"Thirty minutes. I knew you'd start having a panic attack over your wardrobe, but you always just settle for your first choice. I'm just saving you some time." - A

"Huh...thanks." - M

He seemed less enthusiastic than Aster expected.

"Hm...your face is doing a thing." - A

"What?" - M

"You heard me." - A

"My face is not doing a thing." - M

"It is. I've known you for almost a year Marco. You can't lie to me." - A

He said with a serious expression.

"Okay! Okay!...I'm just worried Jackie won't like it." - M

"Alright, take a deep breath." - A

Marco inhaled and then slowly exhaled.

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