Green is the New Black - Part 3: Cheese, Magma, and Burrito Jealousy

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"I can't tell you how much I appreciate this, Mr. Parker!" - K

Kim said. The duo were riding in a red plane with Mr. Parker, one of Kim's contacts. Caster was trying to stay focused.

'Planes aren't scary, nope. No way it'll crash and lead to our deaths...' - C

He tried to reassure himself. He had a death grip on the sides of the plane.

"After the way you saved my crop dusting business? I'm only too happy to help!" - Parker

He said before flipping the plane upside down, giving Caster and Kim the opportunity to drop out of the plane and use parachutes to land on the largest piece of cheese in Wisconsin.

"Why do people even need this much che-" - C

He covered his mouth as he ran over to the ledge and vomited. Caster may or may not have motion sickness and a fear of heights...

"If you're done spilling your lunch over the ledge, we've got things to do." - K

She said while jumping into one of the holes in the cheese. Caster wiped his mouth before following her.

'Fuck my life.' - C

He said as the two smelled nothing but pure Wisconsin Swiss for the next five minutes until they found a giant room where Drakken and his goons had set up a laser drill. Caster and Kim were watching from a hole above them .

"Points for a bizarre hiding place." - K

She noted.

"Definitely the weirdest lair I've seen." - C

He said, which he was sure would probably change over the next few years...

Wade called them and gave them some info. Such as how to use Kim's new hair dryer, which was also a grappling hook. Kim used it to get down on the ground and Caster just jumped straight down while using Chi Enhancement.

The two were immediately surrounded by Drakken's goons. They were big guys in red outfits and staffs with purple electricity at the tips. Shego lead the pack, of course, and she immediately tackled Kim to the ground.

"Welcome, Kimmy. May I take your coat?" - Shego

She said, referring to the jacket they stole from her.

"Don't worry, it looks better on me." - K

She said while kicking Kim off of her.

Caster was pushing Chi Enhancement to the furthest he could while fighting off over a dozen goons. He managed to snatch one of their staffs and use it against them, but it still wasn't enough.

Especially once Shego kicked Kim into his back, knocking them both down and getting them captured. They were both tied up to one of the machines so Drakken could come see them without the risk of being attacked.

"Well, how nice to see you again! Especially now that you can't hurt me. Shall I tell you my plan? It's quite impressive." - Drakken

He said, clearly seeking validation.

"You're using the world's most powerful laser drill to tap into the world's magma deep in the earth's crust." - K

"Then you'll use it to melt Wisconsin and turn it into your personal empire." - C

He sputtered for a second.

"N-no!...that wasn't my plan at all!" - Drakken

He grumbled.

"...okay! Fine! It is! But you sucked all the fun out of it! And for the record, I was going to rename Wisconsin 'Drakkenville.'" - Drakken

"You're so conceited." - K

"Is that your word of the day or something?" - C

He asked her.

"Really not the time." - K

"Fair enough." - C

"I'll take that as a compliment!" - Drakken

He said proudly before walking off to check on the project, which still had half an hour before they hit magma. Caster and Kim spent that time chatting about who was the best bachelor at Midtown. Not the hottest, but the best. It was a very meaningful debate.

But eventually Ron showed up to rescue them.

"I'm here to save the day!" - R

He said, still wearing his manager's uniform.

"I knew you'd come through...wait, did you quit?" - C

"Yeah,'s okay. You guys make me happier than any job ever could." - R

He said while trying to figure out how to break them free of their restraints. While he did, he and Kim finally apologized to one another.

"I'm sorry for what I said, I should've been more supportive. I was jealous of your burrito making skills." - K

"No, you were right. I was totally obsessed with my power as manager." - R

"You're entitled to success. You earned it. Forgive me?" - K

"Duh. Forgive me?" - R

"Totally." - K

"Aww, that's sweet. But we have bigger problems right now." - C

He said once both he and Kim were free. The drill had finally hit magma and was now sucking it up like a giant straw.

"Ron, stop the drill. Caster, you keep the guards busy and go for Drakken. I'll handle Shego." - K

"On it." - C

"Great plan!" - R

The two boys ran off in opposite directions for their jobs. Once Drakken realized they were free, everyone was on high alert.

Kim was heading straight for Shego until the guards got in her way. But that's when Caster charged at them from the side with dual staffs that he stole from them. He began using his chi to accelerate his reaction speed so he could fight a large group like this.

This gave Kim the chance to go right past the guards and head straight for Shego. Her fists immediately lit up.

"Back for more?" - Shego

"Always." - K

The two got in a fist fight on a bunch of crates, with Shego damaging everything she touched while Kim dodged and attacked Shego's sides.

Ron, on the other hand, had managed to redirect the laser to start melting the cheese around them. While it did stop the machine, it also started to flood the entire room around them in melted cheese.

Kim managed to kick Shego into the ocean of cheese below and used her grappling hook to swing towards Caster and pull him out of the cheese. All the other goons had already gotten stuck.

"What about Ron?" - K

"There!" - C

He pointed to the control room, where Ron was already climbing out. Caster quickly escaped while Kim went back for him. And right before the entire thing collapsed in on itself, she managed to just narrowly escape.
Wisconsin lost its giant cheese that day. However, they did get to see a bunch of villains and criminals stuck in melted cheese. Drakken and Shego somehow escaped again, but plenty of their goons got captured.

Kim tried to be more considerate of Ron's feeling and Ron...stayed Ron.

When the next fashion cycle came around and yellow jackets became the new trend, Caster and Ron combined the money they'd earned to buy one for Kim.

She almost immediately returned it though when she saw Ned wearing the exact same jacket though.

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