The Future of Mewni - Part 2: The Plan

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Meteora was finishing up writing her monthly report on how the students were progressing when a portal opened up in her office and Aster came through.

"Yes, please, come in." - Meteora

She said, displeased with the lack of manners.

"Sorry. I'll try to knock next time. I wanted to talk about your demands." - A

He sat across from Meteora. She put down the pen she was holding, having already sensed they would be too weak to do what had to be done.

"We can't kill them. We can't torture them, physically or mentally. But, we can put them to work. Force them to make up for all the horrible things they'd been a part of." - A

"" - Meteora

She said flatly.

"I-I know, they deserve worse for everything they've done...and I know I have absolutely no right to ask, but please, be better than them. Pain only brings pain. We want a better future for everyone." - A

"Then what are you suggesting? We just let them go back to what they were doing before?" - Meteora

She asked, a fury in her voice. She wanted justice, she demanded it.

"No, absolutely not. They'll have to help monster families. They'll have to work for as long as you've been alive, to make up for everything they've done. And more. If things go as planned, they'll realize how horrible they've been. The guilt will torture them for us." - A

Meteora stared at him, considering it. She'd made more compromises than she probably should've. But...allowing them to torture themselves? It didn't sound...horrible.

"...and if they don't?" - Meteora

She asked. Aster was the type to account for more than one possibility. So she was curious what he had planned.

"...if they don't repent for their actions, their fates will be in your hands. I won't get in your way, and I won't argue with your choice." - A

Meteora tapped her fingers on her desk, considering it.

"...what kind of work would they be doing?" - Meteora

"Helping to reclaim monster territories, constructing new homes for them, and generally helping wherever they're needed. And to ensure they stay in line this time, they'll have to answer to the council, and the future queen of Mewni, or retire." - A

Meteora was pleasantly surprised, and smiled.

"You know they won't take this laying down." - Meteora

"Yeah, I expected as much...but if they don't, they're free to try and fight us, the Mewni Royal Guard, Dragon Knights, and my heroes." - A

"So you think they don't stand a chance?" - Meteora

"I think they'll put up a fight, but yeah. No chance." - A

She laughed a little.

"I'll admit, I'm surprised. I was expecting you to come begging to save them." - Meteora

"Yeah, well, even I can't overlook their that that's settled, I also wanted to offer you access to one of my training facilities. I figured your monster half made you stronger than the average Mewman. If you ever want to get some genuine combat training, I'm always here." - A

He offered.

"I appreciate the offer. I'll keep it in mind...but if you do end up fighting the Magical High Commission, do invite me. I'd love to deliver some justice with my own hands..." - Meteora

She said with a cold look in her eyes. Aster only nodded before silently leaving through the door. He noticed a fully regenerated Rasticore standing guard outside.

"Training facility, huh?" - Rasticore

"'re welcome to visit. With your regenerative abilities, you wouldn't have to worry about being're not mad? About...Y'know..." - A

He said, referring to him being part of the reason Rasticore had to spend months regenerating most of his body.

"It's in the past...I serve Princess Meteora now. If she's fine with you, so am I." - Rasticore

Aster smiled.

"Good. Oh! And tell Meteora I left a gift for her in the courtyard." - A

He said before leaving through a portal, leaving behind a curious Rasticore.
Meteora, Gemini, and Rasticore entered the courtyard and looked surprised as they found Ludo's old army. All of which had been getting training from Eve and the androids, so they could actually be effective warriors. Some had weapons, others had armor, and some relied on their racial abilities.

'Hm...maybe they really are worth trusting...' - Meteora

She did trust them to an extent so far. But that was as temporary allies. But providing her with a small army to command? Well, you don't do that to someone unless you truly trust them...

"What shall we do with them, m'lady?" - Gemini

He asked. He then lightly gasped when he noticed that Meteora had a small smile on her face. Not a wicked or sinister smile like before, but a genuine one. He rarely saw them.

"Take them inside. Set them up with the extra dorms in the east and west wings." - Meteora

"Right away, m'lady." - Gemini

He bowed as Meteora and Rasticore went back inside. He signaled for the monsters to follow him, which they did. The monsters trusted Aster to an extent. They knew he wouldn't kill them. But there was still some level of doubt that he might use them.

But instead, he gave them over to someone who could truly lead and truly represent them. A half monster princess.
"How did it go?" - Moon

She asked as Aster arrived in her office at Butterfly Castle.

"It went well. She agreed to the plan. Though I'm sure she plans to work them to the bone..." - A

He said as he walked over to the nearest window in the office to look down at the people below.

"Well, it's better than having them executed for much as I find their actions inexcusable, I am guilty of sharing some of their opinions. Hoping they can change is the best we can do for them. It's up to them to decide whether or not they're worthy of redemption." - Moon

She still had some pain in her heart. They were people she'd considered friends, mentors, comrades. And as much as she wished for things to continue the way they were before, she knew they couldn't. The old ways benefited her and the Magical High Commission, they needed a new system that would be fair to all.

It wouldn't be easy, emotionally or otherwise, but it would be a start towards making amends.

"I'm almost certain Hekapoo can change, but I'm not sure about Omni or Rhombulus...should we prepare replacements just in case?" - A

"...perhaps. But not now. We'll monitor their progress and decide if we should continue with replacements based on that." - Moon

Aster nodded. Now they just had to tell the Magical High Commission themselves about all of this...

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