The Farm - Part 2: The Attack

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The last three months had been a nice change of scenery. And this change was pretty reflective on his clothing. From lavish clothing that made him stand out to something that stood somewhere between common and fashionable.

Ivory had mostly mastered English. And was now able to study the science books Aster had bought/stolen. As for Thunder & Lightning, they'd been making progress. Their stamina, reflexes, and strength levels were higher.

He'd switched from scarecrows to making something similar to a Treant. A small tree that he would temporarily bring to life. It would be able to use its roots to attack from multiple angles. The spell wasn't perfect, though. Since bringing things to life, especially something stronger than himself, wasn't as easy as a scarecrow.

He'd have to really focus when it came to controlling one of these Treants. Otherwise, who knows what could happen? They could either return to a normal tree or go berserk. He didn't really want to risk it.

As for the farmers, he'd continued to work on helping them out. Mostly by teaching them the basics of things they'd never been taught. Like intermediate to advanced math and various ways to prepare the new vegetables they were growing. Education systems only really existed for those that could pay for it. The commoners like the farmers relied on knowledge that has been passed down.

Once enough of the new vegetables had ripened or sprouted, he'd held another party for the farmers to taste the fruits of their labor. Well...vegetables. But still. He also gave a few quick lessons on how to cook with these ingredients.

But, unknown to them, the eyes of evil had landed on this farm. Mysterious new foods, and the almighty wand? What monster could resist?
Aster was sleeping when he heard his guards shouting. He woke up in confusion as he quickly changed his outfit and went outside the tent. He found the farm being attacked by a monster.

It looked like a rampaging minotaur with an axe in one hand. Thunder and Lightning were trying to get it away from the crops but were smacked aside by the huge monster, who was taking as much food as possible and throwing it all on a cart.

He raised his wand and didn't hesitate to attack.

"Glacies inspiratione."

His wand glowed blue and fired off a blast of magic that froze the hand of the Minotaur in place as it was grabbing more vegetables. The minotaur huffed in annoyance as it began to pull at its arm, trying to break it out of the ice.

While it did that, he moved in to help out Lightning & Thunder. He cast a quick healing spell and instructed them to go get help. Once they ran off, he turned around just in time to see the Minotaur freeing itself from the ice.

He began firing off ice spell after ice spell. The Minotaur charged in, using its arm to tank the attacks, basically creating a shield for itself out of the ice. It then used its axe to deflect one of the spells to the side, freezing over a bunch of trees nearby.

"Murus terrae."

He began to raise a bunch of earth walls, which the minotaur began charging through. But it did slow it down quite a bit, giving Aster time to move out of the way and set up a small trap.

When it rushed through the last wall, it's legs got stuck inside of mud that Aster had created. He used this as a chance to begin casting a mix between the ice and earth wall spells, trapping it inside. Atleast, for now.

He could hear it roaring inside, trying to break free. Casting so many spells in one go was...tiring, to say the least. Not to mention the damage done to the fields as a result of this fight. It would take months just to recover.

He was very frustrated but now wasn't the time. He needed to make sure this wouldn't happen again. So he set up a large barrier over the entire farm, and then a secondary one around the minotaur in case it broke free.

He was just about ready to pass out by the time that Lightning & Thunder came back with a bunch of guards and a few farmers. He felt a sense of relief and decided to trust they could handle the clean up as he passed out.
Forest of Certain Death, Castle Avarius...

In the throne room of a dark castle surrounded by dead trees, a nervous humanoid fly entered to deliver a report. On both sides of the throne room were various monsters of all shapes and sizes. Perhaps they weren't the best trained in teamwork, but they were strong. And that was enough for Ludo.

Ludo sat upon his throne. While one might make fun of the Kappa for his size, they'd soon learn to fear him for his wealth and army.

"Where's my food?" - Ludo

" see, the thing is...t-the minotaur defeated..." - Fly

" who?" - Ludo

"A man, w-with a wand." - Fly

He thought for a moment before forming a wicked grin.

"Get ready boys. It seems the wand is finally within our reach!" - Ludo

The monsters began to chant, repeatedly slamming their weapons up and down. It was a very sinister environment.

"Go! Keep an eye on him. I want to know his every move..." - Ludo

The fly nodded before quickly rushing out of the throne room and flying out of an open window, heading back towards the Butterfly Kingdom.
Aster woke up in a bed with a cast around his right arm. He groaned lightly as he tried to sit up, only for Ivory to stop him.

"Stop, you need to rest." - I

"Come on, you know I can just heal myself with my wand." - A

"You could try. But you broke your dominant arm. It could mess with your spell casting. Better to let it heal naturally." - I

He sighed but couldn't exactly refute that. He didn't want to accidentally turn his arm into an evil tentacle or something...

"Your mother has instructed me to call her the moment you wake up." - I

"Alright, go ahead. Bring the mirror in." - A

She nodded and brought in a larger mirror than the one he used to call her last time. She pushed a button on the side and it rang for a moment before Moon answered, a concerned look on her face.

"What happened? A monster attacked? Does your arm hurt? Maybe I should just come to check on you myself..." - Moon

"No, no, mom, it's okay, I'm fine. My arm will heal, and besides, people need you at the castle." - A

"Fine, fine. But what exactly happened? I want a full report." - Moon

He nodded and began detailing the events that had happened since he arrived.

"Hm...tacos...alright, I'll send a unit of royal guards to escort the Minotaur to a secure location and interrogated. You will return immediately. We can't risk you or the wand being taken hostage by any monsters." - Moon

"Come on, mom. I'm not a little kid. I beat the minotaur on my own. Shouldn't that prove I can handle myself?" - A

"It proves that your training has been working. One battle doesn't automatically make you the next Solaria. Now promise me you'll come back as soon as possible." - Moon

"But...sigh yes, mother." - A

He promised. They exchanged a few more pleasantries and eventually hung up. He called Ivory back in and asked about the farm.

It seemed that only about 75% of the crops had survived the fight. Plus, no farmers had been hurt. That just left one major problem. The news of the attack.

MewMans weren't exactly the most rational people. If they knew about this attack, it could cause some panic and maybe cause the security of the kingdom to be questioned.

He was sure his mother would know how to proper handle it. For now, he'd rest and enjoy the carriage ride home.

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