Project Rescue - Part 2: What You Need

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"Okay, give me some space. I need to focus." - A

He said as he entered another room and closed the door. He took a deep breath. The last time he used this didn't go so well...

'No. I can handle this.' - A

"I summon the All Seeing Eye, to tear a hole into the sky, reveal that to me which is hidden, unveil to me what is forbidden." - A

He said as he summoned the All Seeing Eye for a second time. This time, he had no specific person in mind. He started to move the eye around the room, checking in on different people.

Janna was dying her hair, Angie and Rafael were kissing, Jade was trying to teach the tadpoles the ancient art of 'butt whoop', etc.

"Okay, it stills works. Now focus..." - A

He said as the eye changed to show some kind of room with the Book of Spells on the floor.

"Glossaryck!" - A

He said, feeling thrilled. Glossaryck was groaning but when he turned around, Aster frowned as he saw it was because he'd been eating too much pudding.

"Seriously? Where are you?" - A

"On the ground." - G

"Be more specific! Stop being your cryptic self for one second!" - A

He tried to grab Glossaryck but his hand just bounced off the mirror.

"The spying spell doesn't work that way." - G

" can." - A

He said as he focused, his cheeks glowing. He began to push his hand against the eye, stretching and stretching into it until he tore a hole through it.

"That's new." - G

"Come on! I'm so close! Just...come closer!" - A

"No can do. I don't belong to you. I belong to the book, and the book belongs to Ludo now." - G

"That's not fair! I thought we were friends!" - A

"...friends? Such a simple concept...but no, I don't suppose we ever really were." - G

Aster frowned as he felt...sad. The spell finally began to collapse as he lost his focus.

"But...I did all of this! For you! I need you!" - A

"Maybe failure is what you need." - G

He said as the spell finally collapsed, as Aster dropped to the ground. He was...unsure. Marco came in to check on him.

"How did it go?" - M

"...he's gone. And he's not coming back." - A

He said with an uncertain expression.

"...what do we do now?" - M

"I guess...I try to make the best of it. And move forward?" - A

He shrugged. He had never failed this hard before. Especially not twice in a row...

Marco put a hand on his shoulder.

"It'll be okay. We'll still be here." - M

He smiled, making Aster feel slightly better...

Aster had returned home after making sure everyone got home safely and undoing any damage they caused to the alternative monster colony. He also got everyone little gifts from Mewni as a little apology for dragging them out there for basically nothing...

Uncle was especially pleased with his three tailed lizard.

But it was finally time for Aster to own up to his failures. It was finally call his mom.

He had called her, and his dad, to his room so they'd have as much privacy as possible, and then proceeded to tell her...everything. Earth magic, his outburst, his failure...everything.

"...please say something." - A

He said nervously in response to their stunned silence.

"Sweetie, it''s going to be okay." - Moon

"Really? But...I've destroyed one and a half of our two most precious family heirlooms! You're not gonna punish me? Or...I dunno, send me on some quest to fix it?" - A

"You've done enough. We'll handle this from here." - Moon

"We're just glad you're safe." - River

He nodded before the two eventually left. He felt...somewhat relieved?

It was...a step in the right direction. It was progress...right?

Even if he did still feel like he needed to do something to make up for it...

' this why people get pets? To feel better and less lonely? Huh...maybe I should get one...' - A

He said as he pondered the various types of things he could get as a pet...

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