Powers - Part 2: The Yeti

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Aster, Jackie, a monk that hired them, and Jade were in a bamboo forest somewhere in China. They were camping out because the sun had set. Aster offered to just take them home for the night but Jackie said camping was more fun. Jade was hiding in her tent. Jackie pulled her out.

"Jade! I told you to get firewood an hour ago." - JC

"Haven't you ever seen a horror movie? The first to leave the group always dies!" - J

"Not my problem." - JC

He then returned to camp where Aster was studying some books while Jade finally went out to look for things they could use to feed the flame.

"How's the research going?" - JC

"Fine. From what I've read the Lotus Temple only appears on a full moon. Inside is the Scroll of Hung Chao, which is rumored to hold great power. That's what we're after." - A

"Tonight is a full moon, so we should be able to find it." - JC

"Yup. But once the sun rises, it's gone until the next one. And if we're inside when that happens, so are we." - A

He closed the book.

"Then we'll have to be careful." - JC

"How's our foreign friend doing?" - A

He said, talking about the monk.

"He only speaks in ancient Chinese proverbs." - JC

"Sounds like he and Uncle would get along great." - A

The two enjoyed some food for about thirty minutes until they realized Jade was still gone.

"Where could she have gone?" - JC

He asked with concern as they went looking for her.

"Knowing Jade, she's probably in the Lotus Temple." - A

"What makes you think that?" - JC

Aster used his magic to split the bamboo forest open, clearing a path to the Lotus Temple. Aster could feel it's magic when it appeared.

"You coming?" - A

He asked the monk.

"No, you two go first. I would not want to intrude..." - Monk

Aster eyed him suspiciously at how he said the last part, but whatever. He and Jackie began to walk up the stairs and entered the Lotus Temple.

The inside was incredibly quiet, and Aster noticed that part of the floor was frozen with ice.

"Strange..." - A

Jackie turned a corner and screamed as he came face to face with a monster. It was covered in white fur, with blue claws and huge rabbit-like ears. The beast roared back, causing Jackie to go running and the beast began to chase him.

"Everytime!" - A

He said as he summoned his cloud to catch up to the monster, who was incredibly agile. When it noticed Aster, it released an ice blast from its mouth at him.

Aster managed to dodge, but his cloud got frozen solid, causing him to go falling to the ground.

"Temple guardians..." - A

He grumbled as he got up and formed a shield to defend against the monster's ice blasts. He kept having to move backwards as the beast got closer with each attack.

Aster then decided to counter attack with a fire blast. He managed to overpower the monster's ice blast, causing an explosion that knocked out the beast.

The beast began to shrink and turn into...a little girl?...

Jade came running in to check on the girl.

"Xu Lin!" - J

She said in a worried tone.

"You know her?" - A

He asked as he came closer.

"She's the temple guardian! Her monster form only activates when there's intruders." - J

'...that monk tricked us.' - A

"Look out!" - JC

He pushed Aster out of the way as the monk fired a dark Chi blast at them. Jackie took the hit for him, knocking him to the ground. He wasn't severely injured, but he was in pain.

"...you're going to regret that." - A

He said as he activated his Chi Enhancement and turned his wand into a magic sword. The monk opened up the Scroll of Hung Chao, which he'd already acquired, and drew a symbol on his hands.

The monk laughed maniacally as he began to fire energy blasts at Aster, who would either dodge or cut them apart with his sword.

Their fight grew increasingly destructive, taking down entire walls and severely smashing the structural integrity of the building. Jackie tried to join the fight, but the monk used the Scroll to bring a suit of armor to life and ordered it to fight Jackie.

Admits the battle, Xu Lin woke up and turned into her monster form. She managed to pin down the monk and the two got locked in a stalemate.

With the sun rising, it was possible that both Xu Lion and the monk would be forced to stay here. But Aster refused to allow that to happen.

He fire blasted the monk into a deeper floor. Xu Lin turned back into a human form as the sun continued to rise and Aster grabbed her. He brought her to the exit and could feel the Lotus Temple refusing to let her go.

"She's...not...yours!!" - A

His cheeks glowed as he broke through the barrier holding her inside through sheer force. Though he didn't break the connection between the temple and Xu Lin. Jackie and Jade managed to escape a few seconds later, leaving the monk inside.

They could hear his screams as the Lotus Temple began to vanish with the sunrise. The group took a second to process everything.

"Thank you for freeing me! I've been trapped there for five hundred years." - Xu Lin

She hugged Aster.

"Don't mention it." - A

"Where are you gonna go now, Xu Lin?" - J

She asked her friend.

"I don't know. I don't have any family left..." - Xu Lin

She said with a somber tone.

"Then why not come with us?" - A

"What?" - JC

"We have plenty of resources to help take care of her. And I can still feel the power of the Lotus Temple inside of her. She's gonna need training to help control her monster form". - A

Jackie hesitated. It seemed like they were taking in new pets and people like stray cats.

"Pleaaase, Jackie? She's my friend!" - J

She hugged Xu Lin. Jackie sighed.

"Alright..." - JC

"Yay!" - J

Jade began talking to Xu Lin about all the fun things they could do now that they'd be living together. Aster seemed more interested in the Scroll of Hung Chao, which he managed to save before the temple vanished.

And that's how Section Thirteen got their newest member. Agent Xu Lin, AKA 'Yeti'

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