Chapter 3 : Again A New Bouquet.

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The Rahman Enterprise Tower, Ibrahim Rahman's Empire stood tall and imposing, a symbol of power and influence in the heart of Kuala Lumpur. The tower's windows bore the marks of recent rain, with droplets glistening in the morning sun, signifying that the rain had come to an end.

Faisal entered Ibrahim's organized office, holding a file in his hands. Ibrahim, who had been intently scanning his computer screen, turned his attention toward his friend. 

With a welcoming nod, Ibrahim acknowledged Faisal's presence. "Welcome, my friend." He then reached for the intercom and spoke to his assistant, instructing them to bring two cups of coffee. 

Faisal placed the file on Ibrahim's polished desk. As he took a seat, he began to speak. "All the details are here." 

Ibrahim's sharp gaze moved from the file to Faisal's face. A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Hmm," Ibrahim mused, his fingers idly tapping the file. "The one thing I've always liked about you, Faisal, is that you get the job done on time." Faisal just simply nodded for the praise. 

Ibrahim opened the file, revealing a treasure trove of information about Ava. Her age, her family background, her educational qualifications, her interests, her dislikes – all the details had been meticulously compiled.

Faisal watched closely as Ibrahim's gaze travelled the pages, noting the subtle shifts in his expression."Ava is very young, Ibrahim," he began, "She's only 23 years old. Whatever you're considering, please remember her age."

Ibrahim leaned back in his chair, the file remaining open before him. He met Faisal's concern with a calm yet resolute gaze. "I know, but I want her." he replied.

Their conversation was briefly interrupted as a staff member entered the office, bearing a tray with two cups of coffee. He placed the cups on the desk then left the office. 

Ibrahim's gaze shifted to the windows, where the black clouds still loomed in the sky. He spoke softly, "If I were to propose a date to her, do you think she'd accept?" 

Faisal let out a deep sigh and leaned back in his chair. He considered the question carefully before answering, "Who knows, dear. But you should remember, her brother is a police officer." 

With a smirk playing on his lips, Ibrahim continued to stare outside. He questioned Faisal, "Have you ever seen me scared of anyone? If I were the type to be easily intimidated, I wouldn't be in the position I am today." 

Faisal picked up his cup of coffee, gently blowing over the surface to cool it down before taking a sip. "I know that, Ibrahim, but you've always had a... complicated relationship with the police. If Elara were to find out that you and Ava were dating, things could get much worse." he replied. 

Now Ibrahim turned his attention back to Faisal, "I want to know everything about her daily schedule. From the moment she wakes up in the morning to where she goes, what she does throughout the day – every details."


The two-hour lecture came to a close. As the professor packed her belongings and left the classroom, students began to stir from their seats. Some stretched their arms and yawned, some sighing in relief as they finally got to their feet. 

A few students began to make their way to the exit.

Amidst the bustle of students, Ava sat at her desk, jotting down some notes from the lecture. Beside her, there was Farah - Ava's best friend. 

Farah leaned over, peering at Ava's notes with a sly smile. "Ava, still taking these notes, huh? Don't you ever get tired of all this studying?"

Ava chuckled, glancing up at her friend. "Well, someone has to keep us on track, Farah. You'd sleep through the entire lecture if I didn't remind you."

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