Chapter 77 : The Second Victim.

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The morning sun struggled to pierce through the clouds, casting an unusual gloom over Kuala Lumpur. In the midst of this atmospheric disturbance, Mahi found herself abruptly woken by the relentless clamor of the doorbell. Racing to answer it, she swung the door open to a sight that immediately intensified her concern – Noor stood on the doorstep, her face stained with tears.

Mahi queried anxiously, "What happened? Why are you crying, Noor?" 

Without uttering any word, Noor entered their shared apartment, wiping away the tears. Her gaze fixed on Zeba's closed bedroom door. Her distressed plea echoed through the apartment, "Open the door, Zeba, open the door."

Mahi's confusion increased and she pressed Noor for an explanation, "Noor, what happened? Tell me something."

Noor wiped her tears, "Many things happened, Mahi. You can't even imagine." 

In the meantime, Zeba finally opened the door. And the situation escalated. Noor delivered a resounding slap to Zeba, catching her off guard. The impact reverberated through the room, and Zeba crumpled to the floor, stunned by the force of the blow.

The loud slap reverberated, leaving Zeba's cheek throbbing with pain. She knew the reason behind Noor's anger – the same reason she herself was a victim of. Noor questioned Zeba accusingly, "Why didn't you tell anyone when you received the video?"

But Zeba remained silent. She lowered her gaze. On the other hand, Mahi was still confused. She implored Noor, "What video? What are you even saying?"

With a heavy heart, Noor responded, "Ask Zeba. She's the first victim. Now Mahi and Farah will also fall victim to Prof. Syed, just like Zeba and me. He has our showering videos and is blackmailing us. If we don't comply, he'll upload them on the internet."

Mahi's brows furrowed as she struggled to comprehend the shocking revelation. How could Prof. Syed, their mentor, stoop so low? The realization hit her like a bomb, leaving her bewildered.

"How did Prof. Syed get our showering videos?" Mahi asked Noor

"I have no idea." Noor replied. 

Mahi pressed on, "What is he telling you to do?"

And Zeba finally broke her voice, "To sleep with him."

Noor disclosed the grim reality, "Now, I'm the second victim, and the third will be Mahi, and the fourth will be Farah."

And Mahi sat on the floor with a thud. There was a pin drop silence. She couldn't understand what do now or what to say.

 "Why didn't you tell us when you received the video? We could have done something if we knew earlier," Noor questioned again.

With a hint of sarcasm, Zeba shot back, "What about you, Noor? Did you do something when you received the video? Did you tell anyone?" 

This response left Noor momentarily silent. She recalled the moment she received the video – it wasn't a moment to share with anyone. 

Meanwhile, Mahi asked a crucial question, "Will Prof. Syed threaten me too?"

"Yes, be ready for that." Zeba mocked. 

Mahi expressed disbelief, "I can't believe Prof. Syed would stoop this low."

 "Are the cameras still in the bathroom?" Noor asked Zeba.

Zeba reassured them, "No, I detached those cameras."

Mahi sought guidance, "What should I do? I don't want this."

Noor suggested a drastic measure, "What about Farah hacking Prof. Syed's laptop and phone to delete all the videos?"

"Do you think he only has those videos on his laptop and phone?" Zeba asked.

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