Chapter 15 : Agreed For Marriage.

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Ibrahim's room was a stark reflection of his character, adorned with dark wallpapers and heavy, imposing furniture. The tube light overhead cast a bright glow all over the room. 

Ava lay unconscious in the large bed. Beside her Ibrahim had taken on the role of caretaker, a stark contrast to the ruthless figure he had shown before. He checked her vital signs, examining her pulse and breathing. Her pulse was faint. His fingers were gentle as he began treating the wound on her waist. His touch was gentle as he cleaned and dressed it.

On the sofa behind the bed, Aliya, Ibrahim's mother, sat in silence. Her eyes fixed on Ava, and it was looking like she was thinking something. 

While working on Ava's wound, Ibrahim glanced at his mother and asked, "What are you thinking, Mom?"

Aliya sighed, her eyes never leaving Ava. "Ibrahim, you didn't have to do all this in front of her. Ava knows nothing of our world."

Ibrahim's however, remained steadfast in his decisions, "It's better she learns our reality. Now Ava won't deny for marriage. I had planned this long before, Mother. Everything happened according to my plan. Kamir was a stain that I needed to erase. It's a perfect setup. Two birds were killed with one stone." , Ibrahim explained. 

"Do you truly believe Ava will agree to marry you?" His mother asked. 

Ibrahim, now finished with tending to Ava's wound, straightened and stepped away from the bed. He answered confidently, "When she regains consciousness, she will say yes."

Ibrahim moved toward the door, prepared to leave the room. But Aliya, concerned and curious, halted his exit with a final question, "How can you be so confident? What if she says no?" 

Ibrahim paused, turning to face his mother, "There are two reasons, mom. "First, Ava loves her brother, and she'll do anything to save him. Second, she'll marry me because she hates me. Take care of Ava, Mom."

With that, Ibrahim left the room, leaving Aliya alone with Ava. Though Aliya was Ibrahim's mother but she couldn't predict anything about Ibrahim's game. Only Ibrahim knew what he had to do or what not.


The new day was marked by a sky covered in a thick blanket of gray clouds. hung in the air, as if the heavens themselves were undecided on whether to weep or spare the world below. Ibrahim slept the night in different room as Ava and his mom were there last night. He emerged from the bathroom, his body glistening with the water droplets. His upper body was bare, revealing a physique sculpted with taut muscles and six-pack abs. Droplets of water clung to his dark hair, tracing a path down his chiseled chest and disappearing beneath the waistband of his boxer shorts.

He moved and opened the closet to select his attire for the day, a knock at the door caught his attention. 

He didn't move from his position, instead inquiring from inside the room, "Who is it?"

A familiar voice from outside the room responded, "Ava has woken up. She's asking to talk to you." 

Ibrahim smiled at the news and moved to open the door. Samir stepped into the room. 

Ibrahim asked while closing the door, "When did she wake up? I checked on her at dawn, and she was still asleep."

Samir settled on the bed and reached for the air conditioner remote. As he fiddled with the settings, he replied, "Just about an hour ago. Mom tried to feed her some soup, but when I went to check on her, she threw an empty coffee mug in my direction. Fortunately, it missed my handsome face this time too."

Samir showed his hand, revealing a slight red mark where the mug had grazed his skin.

Ibrahim nodded in understanding, and a wry smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "I wonder what she'll throw at me when she sees me."

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