Chapter 51 : Thinking about him.

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Ava came to the roof of the Rahman Mansion. The noon rain drizzled slightly, casting a gentle mist across the surroundings. As she approached the edge, the cool raindrops gently kissed her face. The scent of wet earth, the petrichor, mingled with her thoughts.

Leaning against the railing, she gazed at the rain-kissed trees, their leaves shimmering with droplets. Ava questioned the authenticity of Ibrahim's feelings. Did his actions convey genuine love, or were they merely a facade? She often dismissed his professions of love as possessiveness. What was that underlying emotion? The relentless desire to have her near, or was there something more profound?

Why did she feel a tinge of sympathy for Ibrahim? Was there a part of her that wished for the normal life he spoke of? The questions swirled in her heart as she walked along the roof. The echoes of her footsteps merged with the soothing pitter-patter of the rain. The gentle tap-tap created a symphony.

The gray clouds above seemed to mirror her uncertainty. The raindrops, each a miniature prism, sparkled as they descended from the heavens. Why was she thinking so much about him? Should she confront Ibrahim, or should she continue distancing herself?

Her mind was a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. A part of her wanted to push him away, to distance herself from his world, yet another part felt a strange connection with him. What was happening with her? Ava got lost in thought.

The kiss replayed in her mind. She subconsciously touched her lips, as if the sensation still lingered. For a fleeting moment, she admitted to herself that she had liked it. A tinge of guilt crept in, quickly dismissed by a vigorous shake of her head.

The sound of approaching footsteps caught her attention, and she turned to see Samir entering the rooftop, dressed in a black suit. 

"Hi, sister-in-law," Samir greeted with a polite smile, handing Ava's phone. "Ibrahim said it was buzzing continuously, so he told me to give it to you."

Ava took her phone and promptly remarked, "Don't call me sister-in-law; it's so awkward."

Samir chuckled and inquired, "Then what should I call you?"

"Anything but not sister-in-law. Just call me by my name," Ava replied, diving into her phone to check. She received many messages from her study group chats. 

"Okay," Samir agreed. He leaned on the railing. Then his eyes moved towards the driveway. After a brief pause, he asked, "Did something happen between Ibrahim and you?"

Ava moved her gaze from her phone and looked at Samir, "Why are you asking?" 

Samir then pointed towards the driveway. Ava glanced toward the driveway where Ibrahim, in a suit, stood near the car. He was engrossed in a phone call, he occasionally took drags from a cigarette, the smoke swirling around him.

Samir explained, "Ibrahim smokes when he feels disturbed. And you were standing here for a moment that why I asked." 

Ava muttered, "If he smokes when disturbed, then I should be smoking all the time, because my mind gets really disturbed for him nowadays."

Samir turned to Ava, "What did you just say? I didn't hear properly."

Ava smiled and mockingly said, "Nothing, I just said I gave him a headache. It seems I really gave him a big headache, and he's smoking to lessen it."

Samir nodded, though he remained unclear about what Ava was talking about. "How did you give him a headache?"

"By talking," she replied.

"Hmm, maybe. Okay, bye now. We have to go to the office," Samir said, signaling his departure.

"Yeah, sure," Ava responded as Samir left.

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