Chapter 50 : Again the kiss went wrong.

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Ibrahim didn't respond anything. As Ava continued applying the cream to Ibrahim's jaw, he remained silent. His gaze moved from her face to her lips. There was something about her lips, always appearing so moisturized. It always looked so soft. An inexplicable desire stirred within him, urging to kiss her.

Yet, his gaze ventured further, descending to explore the contours of her neck and the arc of her collarbones. The v-neckline of her dress accentuated the elegance of her collarbones. 

As Ibrahim towered over her, he found himself afforded an unobstructed view down the neckline of her dress. He caught a glimpse of the slight curvature of her brest. The soft contours and subtle cleavage beneath the fabric stirred a desire within him. He wanted to feel his hands. Ibrahim's throat tightened as he swallowed hard, attempting to suppress the desire that stirred within him. 

In the meantime Ava finished her task, "Done." 

Setting the antiseptic cream back in its place, she remained unaware of the silent turmoil that had unfolded within Ibrahim's mind. Countless fantasies had danced across his thoughts.

Ava observed him standing there, "Will you keep standing like that? What are you thinking?" 

"I'm thinking about you," he admitted." 

"About me?" Ava sought clarification.

With a smile, Ibrahim said, "Yes, about you." 

Ava shook her head, thinking he was merely playing. She turned and went to head towards the bathroom to take her hair clip. Unbeknownst to her, Ibrahim followed silently, his gaze fixed on her every move. With a subtle click, the door locked behind him. 

Ava was searching for her hair clip on the shelves when she heard the locking sound. She spun around and her eyes widened as she saw Ibrahim inside the bathroom. She furrowed her brow and asked, "Why are you following me? And why did you lock the door?"

Without paying heed to her inquiries, Ibrahim closed the distance between them. Ava murmured internally, "Wh...why are you coming towards me?"

With a gentle push, Ibrahim guided her back until her spine met the cool tiles of the bathroom wall. He took her arms above her head, pinning them in a firm yet oddly delicate embrace.

Ava was caught off guard, protested, "What the hell..."

Ibrahim silenced her with his fingers over her lips, "I'm asking for forgiveness before doing it, and I'll also apologize after."

Removing his fingers, Ibrahim leaned in, capturing Ava's lips in a kiss. She felt her heartbeat quicken as Ibrahim's lips met hers. 

Ibrahim's kiss was an exploration—a fervent pursuit. His lips, hungry for her essence, seemed to suck the softness from Ava's, leaving her breathless. He was so hungry for her. 

While attempting to free her hand from his grip, Ibrahim not only tightened his grip on her but also pressed himself more closer to Ava. There was no gap between them. 

His kiss was pulling her into a whirlwind of desires she had tried to suppress. She didn't know why she closed her eyes and couldn't deny the sensations that coursed through her for that brief moment. She was feeling the kiss and yet she chose not to respond.

When the intensity of the kiss reached its zenith, Ibrahim finally relinquished his hold on Ava. Her eyes fluttered open, breaths labored, and she stood slightly trembling in the aftermath. Ibrahim's grip on her hands loosened, and Ava's fingers finally found freedom. She looked at him. 

"Why... why did you do that again?" Ava asked, "How can you do that again? Did you forget our agreement - no physical contact after marriage?"

Ibrahim wrapped his arms around her in an embrace. He apologized, "I'm sorry. I just couldn't control myself. I'm hungry for you, so much. I want you dear. I want to love you."

Ava pushed Ibrahim away, "Now I understand why you were treating me nicely yesterday. You just want to use me, thinking you can manipulate me like that. But I won't be manipulated... I won't be."

"But today you liked the kiss." Ibrahim teased. Ava's eyes widened in disbelief. "I didn't. How could I like a forced kiss like that."

Ibrahim leaned in and whispered, "There was a moment when you stopped struggling... that was when."

Ava got more surprised. She panicked internally. How did Ibrahim know this? Oh no, he knew about her so much that he could understand her every actions. 

She replied, "No, it's your imagination. I.... I stopped struggling because you didn't let me. You hold my hands so tightly. I don't even like it when you're so close to me."

Ibrahim arched his brow, "Really, if my actions doesn't effect on you then I think.... I can go further." He was really looking so confident. 

And Ava found herself at a loss for words. She got what Ibrahim wanted to say. She hastily distanced herself from Ibrahim. The calmness on his face after such a troubling act bewildered her. How could he be so indifferent. Didn't he have any empathy towards her? Her heart was pounding. Her breaths quickened at the thought, frustration and anger welling up inside her.

"Don't you dare, Ibrahim Rahman," she snapped, her voice echoing in the bathroom, "Just because I tolerate all this doesn't mean you can use me like that. Don't think that I will silent everytime. You have no rights over my body."

On the other side, Ibrahim, taken aback by her vehement response. He wrestled with his own confusion. Why did every attempt to get close to her end in resistance? Why did she persistently push him away?

Taking a step toward her, Ibrahim tried to reason, "Listen to me, Ava." But Ava was not ready to hear him out. She quickly opened the door and left the bathroom. Ibrahim called after her name, following her into the bedroom.

Ava turned to face him. "What should I listen to, Ibrahim? What excuse do you have this time? Do you even realize the turmoil I go through every time you play with me like that?"

"Can't you understand me a little bit?" Ibrahim implored. "Why do you push me away every time I try to get close? I want a peaceful life with you. I want to love you. Why won't you give me a chance?"

 "Peaceful life? I told you not to touch me like that, but you still do. Don't you have any respect for me? Am I just a doll to you that you like to play with? Anytime you kiss me, anytime you touch me." Ava asked. Her voice showed how furious she was.

In response to Ava's frustration, Ibrahim took a deep breath. "Ava, I really got tired by saying that I want to love you genuinely without any barriers. Please understand that I want us to have a normal relationship."

Ava scoffed, "Huh? Normal relationship?" Ava crossed her arms and continued, "From the start we were not normal. And you think forcing a kiss on me is normal? You can't force love, and you definitely can't force me to feel something I don't."

Ibrahim was looking visibly torn. He could never win Ava in logics, "I'm not trying to force anything. I just want you to feel what I feel. I want us to connect on a deeper level."

"Connection doesn't come from physical force. And you can't build a connection by disregarding my feelings. Remember that." Ava retorted. 

Ibrahim's frustration grew more. His fingers went through his hairs, "Ava, I'm trying my best here. I can't help how I feel about you. Can't you see that I'm sincere?"

"Sincere! My foot." Ava delivered a sharp warning to Ibrahim, "If you dare to kiss me without permission again, I'll hurt myself, Ibrahim. And don't forget you will have to pay for this forced kiss."

And it was Ibrahim's time to get shock. He never thought Ava would say something about hurting herself. It was beyond his imagination, "How can you talk about hurting yourself, baby girl?"

It was the first time Ibrahim's face wore a fearful mask, "I won't....I won't do anything like that Ava. But don't say anything about hurting yourself. I.....I won't be able to live." 

His voice was soft, so soft and fearful. Ava saw his eyes changed. He was not looking like the same Ibrahim who was looking so confident. Ava didn't think he would be feared like that. She wondered whether he genuinely loved her that he was unable to bear the thought of her being hurt.

Ava didn't say anything further. She silently left the room.

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