Chapter 64 : The First Uninterrupted Kiss - Part 2

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With each passing moment, the intensity heightened, making breathing a conscious effort in the midst of the intoxicating kiss and the gentle rain.

Ibrahim's hands, fueled by desire, ventured beneath Ava's shirt, untucking it from the confines of her jeans. The touch was tender yet determined. The sensation of fabric parting from skin and the gentle caress of raindrops created an electrifying contrast in her. 

He slid her shirt slightly higher and a soft breeze swept across the rooftop. The breeze added an ethereal quality to the moment. His touch traced patterns on Ava's waist. 

His hands, now on her bare waist underneath the fabric, introduced Ava to a realm of sensation she hadn't experienced before. It was like he was making an invisible masterpiece artwork there. The kiss, the caressing, it all became a kaleidoscope of emotions—too new to fully accept, yet undeniably beautiful to feel.

Ibrahim bended Ava's upper body over the railing without disrupting the rhythm of the kiss. Now her body arched backward over the railing and suspended in the air. Raindrops now seemed to strike Ava more intensely in this position.

Ibrahim, acutely aware of the risk, tightly gripped her to prevent any chance of her falling. And if not for Ibrahim's firm hold, she might have slipped from the roof. As fear tiptoed into her consciousness, Ava tightened her grip on Ibrahim's shoulder. Her body trembled in response to the juxtaposition of danger and desire. Her nails inadvertently pierced through his clothes into Ibrahim's skin, a silent expression of her anxiety and need for stability.

The daring position added an element of thrill to their encounter. Ava's body, delicately balanced, defied gravity with 40% of it hanging over the edge. The rooftop became a theater of contrasts—the wild abandon of the rain and the calculated restraint of Ibrahim's grip.

Ibrahim's kiss on Ava's lips deepened, revealing a hunger that had long simmered within him. He had craved the taste, the feel, the entirety of her lips against his. His obsession with her lips was evident— a culmination of long-awaited desire finally fulfilled.

As his hands journeyed beyond her waist, their upward path encountered the delicate fabric of Ava's bra. Ibrahim sought to unhook the bra, an act laden with the thrill of unveiling more of Ava.

However, Ava signaled a halt by biting his lips. In response to her unspoken cue, Ibrahim restrained himself from further exploration.

Finally breaking the kiss, Ibrahim adjusted their posture, allowing Ava to stand more upright against the railing. Both found themselves on the rain-soaked rooftop, their breaths mingling with the cool night air. The pouring rain acted as a natural curtain, shrouding them in a veil of secrecy, as if the world beyond the rooftop ceased to exist.

Ava was still clinging to Ibrahim's shoulder, felt a mix of emotions—exhilaration, fear, and a subtle acknowledgment of the uncharted territory they had just entered. Her hair was damp, clinging to her face, and raindrops adorned her eyelashes like glistening crystals. The raindrops continued to cascade around them, punctuating the silence that lingered between stolen breaths.

Ava, her grip on Ibrahim's shoulder loosening, let her fingers trail down to his chest. Her gaze shifted from Ibrahim's lips to his eyes, searching for something that words couldn't articulate. 

Ibrahim's lips met her forehead gently, Ava closed her eyes, savoring the tenderness. His words lingered in the air—"This will be considered our first kiss, since you didn't interrupt."

The vulnerability of the moment struck Ava. She had allowed Ibrahim to kiss her, to take her to the edge of the rooftop, to challenge the boundaries that had defined their interactions. Her heart raced, not just from the kiss but from the realization that she had willingly stepped into uncharted territory. 

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