Chapter 54 : Late Night Disturbance

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In the quiet of the late night, Ibrahim arrived home, tired from a long day. His tie was loosened, and the top two buttons of his white shirt were undone, allowing a glimpse of his strong chest. And his coat draped over one arm as he made his way to the bedroom.

The soft glow of the bedside lamp revealed Ava's absence when Ibrahim entered their room. He tossed his coat onto the bed and began to unfasten his tie, He sighed, wondering where Ava might be at this hour, maybe in his study. 

His tired eyes caught sight of the snow globe resting on Ava's side of the bed, near the pillow. A flicker of hope crossed his face as he murmured to himself, contemplating whether she had accepted his gift. 

His gaze lingered on the globe for a moment before he remembered the letter he had left for her the previous night. He looked around here and there but he didn't notice the letter. He thought whether Ava had even read the heartfelt words he had penned. Did she appreciate the gesture? or did she throw it without a second thought?

With a heavy sigh, Ibrahim questioned the absence of a message or any indication from Ava, she could send a message to him. "A simple message wouldn't hurt, would it? Such an anti-romantic girl."

Ibrahim left the bedroom and his steps led him to his study room. In the study room, bathed in the glow of bright lights, Ibrahim entered silently, his eyes searching for Ava. 

There, in the center of the room, Ibrahim discovered sleeping Ava, her form perched on a rocking chair. And her hand resting on her lap, the paintbrush cradled within her fingers. The vibrant colors on the brush had left their mark on her white trousers and black t-shirt. And the room was filled with the sweet scent of acrylics.

In front of her, an easel stood tall, displaying an incomplete painting. It seemed like, the painting frozen in time, awaiting the touch of the artist to bring them to life.

It seemed that the fervor of creation had given way to drowsiness, leading Ava to drift into a peaceful nap. Ibrahim marveled at the scene before him, a smile playing on his lips at the sight of Ava, lost in a world of dreams.

Approaching her with a quiet step, Ibrahim observed the tranquil expression on Ava's face. The gentle breeze from the open window ruffled her hair. In this moment, Ava appeared more like a child than the strong-willed woman he often encountered.

Captivated by the purity of her slumber, Ibrahim couldn't resist the impulse to preserve the scene. He retrieved his phone from his pocket, silently framing a snapshot of Ava in repose. The soft click echoed as he discreetly took a photograph.

With the photo secured, Ibrahim continued to watch. But he couldn't shake off the concern for her comfort. The rocking chair wasn't an ideal for sleep.

 Ibrahim bent down beside Ava, his hands reaching under her knees and beneath her back. She was lighter than he expected, almost weightless. Her head found a place on his shoulder, her hair falling gently against his chest. He lifted her with the careful grace one might use with delicate glass, ensuring not to disturb her peaceful repose. 

As he began to lift her delicate form, the paintbrush in her hand slipped from her grasp, falling with this sound on the floor. Ava stirred, her eyes fluttering open with a startled expression. Ava, now awake, found herself cradled in Ibrahim's arms. Confusion painted her features as she looked up at him. The scene before her eyes was beyond her expectation – Ibrahim, holding her as if she were the most delicate treasure. In that moment, Ibrahim froze, a hint of panic crossing his face as he registered her unexpected awakening. 

"Ibrahim?" Ava blinked and questioned with her widened eyes, "What are you doing?"

 "You were sleeping here, and I thought it might hurt your back. So, I was just... I thought I could move you to your bed." Ibrahim replied.

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