Chapter 78 : Climbed on a tree to rescue a kitten.

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Ava halted in her steps, her ears catching a faint sound, almost lost in the night's gentle whispers. It was a meow sound. 

She turned to Ibrahim and asked, "Did you hear that?"

Ibrahim confusedly asked, "What sound?"

Ava insisted, "A cat, I heard it." And as if nature confirmed her words, they heard another meow, this time slightly clearer.

Ibrahim suggested, "There might be some cats around. Let's keep going." However, as they started walking again, Ava stopped him, "Wait, Ibrahim. It sounds like a kitten. We should look for it."

But Ibrahim hesitated, "No need, baby girl. It might be a wild cat." 

Ava insisted, "No, I need to find it." She looked arround the surroundings to locate the source of the sound.

Ibrahim sighed. Famous businessman or not, he was willing to do anything to bring a smile to his wife's face. "Fine, baby girl. The sound came from there. I'll check, but you have to stay here, okay?"

But Ava, with her puppy-dog eyes, pleaded, "No, I want to go with you."

Unable to resist her charm, Ibrahim chuckled and said, "Ah, Baby Girl, you're irresistible. Fine, come along then."

They approached the rustling bushes near the riverbank and the mysterious sound of a kitten's distress grew louder. Ava walked closely behind Ibrahim, her hand instinctively clutching his elbow for support.

As they arrived at the scene, they noticed a small gathering of people who had also been drawn by the mysterious cries of the stranded kitten. The soft glow of the night cast an ambient light on the cluster of concerned faces. Among the crowd, whispers and speculations floated in the air.

Ibrahim's sharp eyes identified the frightened kitten, huddled in the tree's branches, seemingly paralyzed by fear. The tree, tall and thick, seemed daunting in the dim light. The kitten appeared reluctant to make its way down, perhaps traumatized by an earlier encounter with a dog.

Ava questioned, "How did the kitten manage to climb so high?"

One of the onlookers explained, "A dog frightened the kitten earlier, so it sought refuge in the tree. Now that the dog is gone, the kitten seems too scared to come down."

Ava turned to Ibrahim, inquiring, "What do we do now, Ibrahim?"

Reassuringly, Ibrahim replied, "I've got this; don't worry."

Approaching the imposing tree, Ibrahim assessed it carefully. It was tall, but he seemed confident about climbing it.

Ava asked confusedly, "Are you planning to climb the tree?"

Ibrahim confidently affirmed, "Of course, Baby Girl."

Ibrahim handed Ava his phone and car keys. Although Ava tried to dissuade him, Ibrahim fearlessly began to ascend the tree. Unlike the other men who hesitated, Ibrahim's determination to rescue the stranded kitten was evident. His courage stood out, as he took charge of a situation.

With determination in his eyes, he grabbed hold of a sturdy lower branch. His palms, accustomed to the sleek touch of business deals, now embraced the rough bark of the tree trunk. The first few attempts were met with difficulty, as the tree's uneven surface caused him to slip momentarily. However, Ibrahim's resolve prevailed, and he adjusted his grip.

Witnessing this, the crowd began to cheer. Some of them recognised Ibrahim and praised for him with loud voice. Some wondered if he was indeed in Malacca, and others identified Ava as his wife. Some whispered about Ibrahim's courage. 

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