Chapter 63 : The First Uninterrupted Kiss - Part 1

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Ava, not satisfied with the response, questioned, "Can't you leave smoking if I ask you to?"

Ibrahim, a teasing glint in his eyes, responded, "And why would you want me to leave smoking?"

Ava again caught off guard. She looked away from Ibrahim's eyes, unsure of how to answer. Ibrahim, enjoying her momentary confusion, noted with a playful smirk, "Seems like someone cares about my well-being."

Ava cleared her throat, gathering her thoughts. Remembering a magazine she had seen earlier, she rose from the bed and started searching in her closet.

Curious, Ibrahim asked, "What are you searching for?"

"I'll show you something." Ava replied while searching the magazines.

Approaching Ibrahim with a magazine in hand, Ava flipped through the pages until she found what she was looking for. She presented the open magazine to Ibrahim. 

With a playful smile on his face, Ibrahim accepted the magazine from her hands. He gestured for her to join him on the bed, and Ava complied, sitting beside him. She pointed to a section on the page and explained, "See how harmful cigarettes are."

But he closed the magazine, setting it aside, and suggested, "Tell me what it says. I want to hear it from your mouth."

Ava admitted, "I don't remember everything perfectly."

Leaning against the wall, Ibrahim replied, "Try to tell me whatever you remember."

Both now leaning against the wall, Ava, taking a deep breath, began recounting the information she had gleaned from the magazine. "It says smoking can cause lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory issues…"

Her voice trailed off as she turned towards Ibrahim, catching his gaze fixed on her lips. Ava swallowed nervously. She knew what was coming next. 

Ibrahim prompted, "What does smoking do else?"

Ava quickly completed her sentence, "And ... and it damages the lungs and reduces life expectancy. Secondhand smoke is harmful too, affecting those around you."

She made a subtle attempt to rise from the bed, but Ibrahim grabbed her hand tightly. He questioned, "Where are you going?" His gaze was fixed on her. 

Meeting his eyes with a hint of weariness, Ava calmly responded, "To sleep."

Ibrahim smirked, "I'm not going to let you sleep so early."

She sensed the familiar tension. She braced herself, knowing what was coming next. She tried to free her hand from his firm grip. Ava murmured, "It's late." 

She attempted to divert the course of the night. But Ibrahim, unfazed, suggested, "Let's go to the roof."

Ava asked, "Now?" 

Rising from the bed while still holding Ava's hand, he simply stated, "Let's go."

As they ascended the stairs, Ava stole glances at Ibrahim, her mind buzzing with questions. What was he planning? The anticipation grew with each step. 

Reaching the rooftop, darkness enveloped them, softened only by the ethereal glow of the moon. Midnight raindrops graced the air, each one contributing to a subtle melody that underscored the stillness of the night.

Noticing the rain, Ava remarked with a soft surprise, "Ibrahim, it's raining. I didn't notice in the bedroom."

Ibrahim, looking at her with a knowing smile, replied, "That's why I brought you here."

They stood side by side near the railing, the Rahman Mansion's backyard unfolding beneath them like a canvas. Ibrahim positioned himself behind Ava with a subtle yet purposeful movement. His hands, firm and warm, gently enclosed her within the railing and his arms, creating an intimate space. 

Ava saw him doing that. She turned her head to glance at Ibrahim, "What are you doing?" Her eyes were searching for answers, met his gaze.

"Look at the moon" Ibrahim replied.

And Ava directed her gaze towards the celestial orb. The moon hung in the night sky, playing a game of hide-and-seek with the drifting clouds. Sometimes, the grey clouds would shroud the entire moon, casting a mysterious ambiance, and then, as the clouds meandered, the moon would emerge, spreading its ethereal shine across the rooftop.

Captivated by the celestial display, Ava whispered, "The moon is looking so pretty today." The raindrops, like liquid stardust, clung to her lashes as she admired the celestial display.

The gentle breeze, carrying the fragrance of rain-soaked earth, tousled Ava's long hair, which cascaded down her shoulders. As Ibrahim stood behind her, the strands of her hair wafted in the breeze, releasing an intoxicating scent that caught Ibrahim's attention. He inhaled deeply, savoring the subtle aroma that carried the essence of her presence.

The rain, now gaining intensity, started to pour harder. Ava extended her hand toward the sky, inviting the raindrops to caress her skin. On the other hand Ibrahim, observing her with a tenderness and admiration. 

With a single hand, Ibrahim slid his hand through her dampened hair aside, revealing the nape of her neck. Moved by an impulse, he placed a soft, lingering kiss on her neck. The raindrops intermingled with the sensation, creating a symphony of textures and emotions.

Feeling the gentle touch and the tickling sensation of raindrops, Ava quickly turned towards Ibrahim. In a hushed murmur, she questioned, "What ...?" 

But Ibrahim, "Ssssshhhhh" , silenced her with a soft touch of his finger on her lips, "Don't stop me today." He bore the marks of the rain. His dark hair, usually meticulously styled, now glistened with raindrops. The droplets clung to his lashes and slid down his chiseled jawline. Wet and tousled, Ibrahim's appearance held a rugged charm. 

Before the kiss commenced, Ibrahim reached out and gently brushed a rain-soaked strand of hair away from Ava's face. The touch, a delicate prelude to what was to come, sent a shiver down Ava's spine.

The rain, falling in a steady rhythm, enveloped them in a curtain of moisture. Ava, already feeling the cool droplets on her skin, found herself caught in a moment where the elements conspired to amplify the intimacy about to unfold.

With a deliberate slowness, Ibrahim leaned in, the raindrops becoming gentle accomplices to the impending kiss. Their soft taps on Ava's face and hair seemed like nature's applause, setting the stage for a tender connection. 

The first touch of Ibrahim's lips on hers was a delicate meeting of warmth and coolness. The rain created an ethereal fusion of temperature and touch.

 Ava was taken aback by the sudden tenderness. She instinctively gripped the railing for support. The wetness on her skin, a mixture of rain and the warmth of Ibrahim's touch, sent shivers down her spine. It was a paradox of sensations—cold raindrops on her skin, warmth blooming within her as Ibrahim's lips pressed against hers. 

The contrast between the cold raindrops and the inviting warmth of the kiss left her breathless. Closing her eyes, Ava surrendered to the moment. The wet strands of hair clung to her face, a testament to the passionate collision of nature and emotion.

Though she chose not to respond but she found herself unable to resist Ibrahim's pull. She allowed herself to be consumed by the kiss. The moon above and the rain around them bore witness to their first uninterrupted kiss. 

Sensing her surrender, Ibrahim pulled Ava even closer by her waist. And the grip on the railing slipped from her reach. The wet fabric clung to their forms, and the sensation of dampness heightened the tactile experience of their closeness.

The kiss, initiated by Ibrahim's gentle approach, evolved into a more passionate exchange. His lips, warm and insistent, molded against Ava's, creating a rhythm.

With each passing moment, the intensity heightened, making breathing a conscious effort in the midst of the intoxicating kiss and the gentle rain.

Ibrahim's hands, fueled by desire, ventured beneath Ava's shirt, untucking it from the confines of her jeans. The touch was tender yet determined....

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