Chapter 73 : Pantai Klebang Beach.

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The moment Ibrahim parked the car, the scent of the ocean embraced Ava as she stepped out onto the road. The air was filled with a refreshing fragrance, a blend of wet sand and sea breeze.

Pantai Klebang lay in darkness. Though the moon remained hidden, a soft illumination from scattered streetlights painted the wet sand with a subtle shimmer, remnants of the earlier rain.

Ava glanced down at her feet, realizing she was wearing heels. Ibrahim, noticing her predicament, approached and inquired, "Is there any problem?"

She responded, "Should've listened to you. How can I walk in heels on the beach?"

Ibrahim chuckled and retorted, "Just this problem?" He removed his sneakers, offering them to her. "Wear these.

Ava questioned, "What about you?"

"I'll stroll on the sand barefoot. Now, put them on," Ibrahim insisted.

Ava complied. Adjusting to the sneakers, Ava was ready to walk on the beach. Though the Ibrahim's sneakers were looking like a oversized sneakers on her feet. But she could walk properly. Ibrahim held her heels in one hand and her arm with the other, guiding her from the road to the damp sand, their footsteps leaving imprints behind.

The beach, kissed by earlier rain, felt cool beneath their feet. As they approached the shoreline, the waves played a melodic tune, each crash a serenade that echoed along the coast. 

Eager to approach the ocean, Ava suggested, "Let's go to the ocean."

Ibrahim squeezed her hand and cautioned, "No, the water will be cold, and if you catch a fever here in Malacca. Elara will come here just to kill me."

Ava couldn't help but chuckle at the mention of Elara. "Are you scared of Elara?" 

"Elara is not just a police officer; he's my brother-in-law too. Who knows when Elara might push me on a case? He's a living bomb for me." Ibrahim replied. He loved to see Ava so happy.

Ava shook her head, stating, "Don't say something like this. After all, Elara is my brother."

"That's why I'm tolerating him," Ibrahim admitted with a small smile.

The ocean appeared dark yet peaceful, the rhythmic sounds of the waves growing louder as they walked along the wet beach. 

Ava looked at Ibrahim and asked, "Can I ask something?"

"Of course, you don't need any permission from me to ask." Ibrahim assured her. 

Ava gulped nervously and inquired, "Can you leave your illegal businesses, Ibrahim?"

Ibrahim, caught off guard, abruptly halted, his eyes reflecting surprise. "What did you just ask?" The unexpected nature of her question made him pause.

Ava grappled for the right words. She allowed her eyes to wander back to the dark ocean. "Have you ever thought about living like a normal person?" she queried, her voice a mere whisper carried away by the ocean breeze.

Ibrahim was taken aback, "Living like a normal person? Why would I ever think that?"

"Can't you leave all of that?" Ava inquired. She was still looking at the ocean. 

In response, Ibrahim released her hand, gently turning her to face him. Speaking softly, he shared the harsh reality, "It's not possible, baby girl. I was born into the Rahman family. It's our family business, and as the elder son, I have many duties. Since my father's death when I was just 16, I've been taking care of that empire. It's not possible."

Ava nodded, seemingly understanding, yet her eyes betrayed a hidden sorrow. She had hoped for a different response, perhaps an indication that he would try to change or leave his illegal activities. But her expectations had collided with the harsh reality. 

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