Chapter 57 : Taking care of his girlfriend.

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Elara, dressed in a comfortable grey t-shirt and comfortable sweatpants, moved around the kitchen. The aroma of chicken soup wafted through the air. He glanced at the clock; it was past noon, and he hoped the warm soup would help Farah feel better. The sound of sizzling onions and the clinking of utensils echoed in the kitchen. Farah had fever last night so Elara told her to stay in his apartment. Farah had slept in Ava's room last night. Even till now she was sleeping. 

As Elara stirred the pot, memories flooded back. He remembered the times when Ava used to appreciate his cooking. Now, the apartment felt emptier, but with Farah around, there was a newfound warmth.

Pouring the broth into a bowl, Elara thought about how his perception of Farah had shifted. What started as a sibling-like connection transformed into something deeper. Farah's infectious laughter and bubbly nature had broken down the walls he had unknowingly built around himself.

The chicken soup simmered and Elara reflected on the loneliness that settled in after Ava's marriage. Cooking had lost its appeal until Farah entered his life. Now, preparing a meal became a way to express his affection for her.

The realization hit Elara – he cared for Farah. He wanted to be more than just a protective figure; he wanted to be the one to make her smile, especially during times of illness. The newfound feelings were both comforting and unsettling, but Elara was willing to explore this uncharted territory. He was willing to be a good boyfriend for Farah. 

Taking a deep breath, Elara ladled the chicken soup into a bowl. He placed it on a tray with a side of crackers and a glass of water. Determined to be a good boyfriend, Elara made his way to Ava's room, where Farah rested.

Opening the door, he found Farah curled up under the blankets. Her forehead revealed the lingering effects of the fever. Elara couldn't help but smile at the sight of her, even in the midst of illness, she looked serene. His concern deepened, and he approached quietly, not wanting to disturb her. 

Placing the tray on the bedside table, Elara gently reached out and lightly brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his touch careful not to startle her.

"Farah," Elara called in a hushed tone, leaning closer to her ear. "It's time to wake up." He repeated her name a few times, hoping to rouse her from her slumber.

Farah stirred, her eyes fluttering as she gradually became aware of her surroundings. The room seemed a bit unfamiliar, and it took her a moment to register that she was in Ava's room. The events of the previous night slowly came back to her – the fever, Elara's concern, and the comforting presence that had lulled her to sleep. "Hmm? Elara?" she mumbled, her voice groggy.

Elara nodded, his concern evident. "Hey, it's time for some soup. I made chicken soup for you."

Farah sighed, still half-asleep. "Soup? What time is it?"

"It's afternoon. You've been asleep for quite a while," Elara replied. 

Farah tried to sit up, and Elara helped fluff the pillows behind her. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I wanted you to rest. But now it's time for some nourishment," he explained, offering a warm smile.

As Elara handed her the bowl of chicken soup, Farah took in the comforting aroma. "You made this for me?" she asked, a genuine smile forming on her face.

Elara nodded. "Of course. Now, have some. It'll make you feel better."

Farah took a spoonful of soup, savoring the flavors. "This is really good."

Elara grinned, "Glad you like it. But wait, there's more – you've got medicine to chase it down." He presented a small pillbox with a glass of water.

Farah pouted playfully, "Medicine too? Are you trying to play doctor, Elara?"

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