Chapter 105 : "So, friends do things together, right?"

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The sun's rays snuck through the blinds in Samir's bedroom, creating playful stripes on his face as if an imaginative child had painted them. He blinked, still feeling the heaviness of sleep clinging to him like wispy spiderwebs. With a gentle tug, his t-shirt stretched as he stretched his body, releasing a yawn that seemed to fill the room. Finally, he managed to pull himself out of his king-sized bed, ready to face the day ahead. But before that he wanted to talk to Farah.

He took the his phone from the nightstand and made his way towards the balcony. His bedroom nestled on the upper floor of the grand Rahman Mansion, provided him with a sense of solitude and tranquility. Only he lived in the upper floor while his mother, Aliya, and Ibrahim - Ava lived in the ground floor. 

And the balcony had the breathtaking view. Below, the Rahman estate lay bathed in the soft gold of dawn. A sculpted fountain gurgled cheerfully. The driveway stretched like a silver ribbon, leading to the watchful eyes of the guards. 

But the scenery held little sway over Samir's thoughts. His mind was occupied by one thing – Farah. Yet the desperate hope that one message, one call, might breach the wall.

His thumb hovered over the screen, composing and deleting messages in a futile ballet. "Good morning, beautiful, what's up?" seemed too banal, "Thinking of you" too presumptuous. Finally, he settled on a simple, "Good Morning, What are you doing?"

The seconds stretched into a suffocating eternity. No reply. A pang of disappointment stabbed at him, but he refused to give up. He tried again, this time dialing her number.

Three rings. Then the miracle happened.

"Is it a good manner to disturb someone this early?" Farah's voice, though rough with sleep.

Samir glanced at the ornate wall clock, "It's 8, Farah. Not early."

A soft snort escaped her. "My morning starts at 10, and today…" Farah trailed off, leaving him hanging.

"Today?" Samir prompted. 

Silence. He waited, the silence stretching like taffy. "Hey! Why did you stop?" Had she fallen asleep again? "Farah?" he called out again.

"What?" came her muffled response, confirming his suspicion. She had indeed drifted back to sleep mid-conversation.

"Today? You were saying something," Samir prodded.

"Today….I have to go to university," she mumbled, her voice now tinged with irritation. "Bye. I need more sleep. Don't disturb me."

And before he could utter another word, the line went dead. Back to sleep, it seemed, was her chosen weapon against his persistent advances. Samir frowned at the phone. Why? Why did this girl hold such power over him? Why did her disdain feel like a punch to the gut?

He couldn't help himself. His fingers, driven by an unknown force, dialed her number again. 

On the other end, the phone buzzed, jolting Farah awake. With a sigh, she answered the call, her voice laced with weariness. "If you call one more time, I'm leaking your number on every adult website I can find."

Samir's chuckle was light and teasing, "Oh, I'm so scared."

"It's better to be scared," she grumbled, "and please, just… don't call me like that. I don't like talking to you."

His smile faded. "Why?" he asked, his voice a touch too pleading. "What did I do?"

"Samir," Farah sighed, exasperation creeping into her voice, "go find another girl. I'm taken, Elara and I…"

Samir cut her off, "I know, I know, I know. But is it too much to ask for a little friendship?"

A hesitant silence stretched between them, then Farah spoke, "It's not that I hate you, Samir. We can be friends if you behave like a friend. I won't tolerate any… interference with Elara and me."

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