Chapter 7 : I am not your sister .....

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Elara stood at the doorway of Ava's room, his brows furrowed in confusion as the masculine scent lingered in the air. He scanned the area, searching for the source of the mysterious scent. But the room appeared to be in its usual state, with Ava's belongings neatly arranged. 

Ava, nervously biting her lower lip, watched her brother's reaction. Finally, Elara turned his attention back to Ava. "Ava, do you have a visitor?" he asked, "This perfume—it's not yours." 

Her voice quivered slightly as she replied, "No, Elara, no one was here. Maybe it's just the neighbors or something." She prayed her brother would accept her words without delving deeper.

Elara studied her intently. He raised an eyebrow, but eventually decided to drop it for the time being. "Alright," he conceded, his tone indicating he wasn't entirely convinced. "It is strange, though. Be careful, okay? Lock your balcony doors if they're open. I'll go freshen up for dinner." 

Ava exhaled a breath she hadn't realized she was holding as Elara left her room, leaving her alone in her room.


The morning sun bathed Kuala Lumpur in its golden embrace. The city awoke to the hum of life, as people went about their daily routines.

The Rahman Mansion's architectural beauty was magnified by the morning light. The exterior of the mansion was adorned with pristine white marble. Around the mansion, there were big, well-kept gardens. The gardens had neatly trimmed green grass and colorful flowers that made the place look very beautiful. There was a nice stone path that went through the garden, perfect for taking relaxing walks. In the center of the garden, there was a lovely fountain. It had clear water that bubbled and danced while making a soothing sound. 

As you approached the entrance of the mansion, you'd see tall columns that gave it a classic and timeless look. The front doors were made of dark, rich wood with intricate designs that showed a lot of effort and skill went into making them.

The sunbeam streamed through the grand windows of Ibrahim's Study room. The study room was adorned with rich wooden bookshelves that reached for the ceiling, housing countless leather-bound books of various sizes and colors. In the center of the room stood a magnificent mahogany desk. Its polished surface hosted an array of documents, a laptop, and a steaming cup of tea.

Aliya Rahman, a lady in her 50s, entered her son's study room. She was dressed in a deep maroon traditional Malay kebaya, adorned with intricate golden embroidery. Her face bore the marks of her age. 

Wearing a simple white shirt and brown trousers, Ibrahim was seated on the chair near the large table. He was busy studying a file and sipping on a cup of tea. Ibrahim looked up from his files as his mother entered the room. He greeted her with a warm smile, "Mom! You're here?"

 "I didn't see you at dinner last night, so I came to ask about you." she mentioned while taking a seat in a cushioned chair opposite of Ibrahim.

Ibrahim briefly closed the file he was reading and placed it on the table. "We faced a loss yesterday, so I had to stay late working on it." 

Aliya nodded in understanding, her eyes filled with maternal pride. "I know you can handle everything this time too." 

Ibrahim leaned back in his chair, exhaling softly. "I'm trying my best, Mom."

Aliya tried to change the topic. She asked, "When will you marry? I'm eagerly waiting to see my daughter-in-law."

Ibrahim's smile broadened as he heard her question. He took a sip of his tea and looked into the distance for a moment, lost in thought. "You will meet her soon."

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